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Die Jazzkantine

Jazzkantine, Main Artist - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Jan-Heie Erchinger, Composer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - B.Sauer/P.Sauer, Lyricist - C. Lowe, Lyricist - O.Schneider, Lyricist - Rase, Lyricist - Ole Sander, Producer

(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH


Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Ole Sander, Composer, Producer - M.B. Schmidt, Lyricist

(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Es ist Jazz

Jazzkantine, Main Artist - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Ole Sander, Composer, Producer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - B.Sauer/P.Sauer, Lyricist - M.B. Schmidt, Lyricist - Tahir Cevik, Lyricist

(P) 1994 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Nimm mich

Jazzkantine, Main Artist - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Jan-Heie Erchinger, Composer - Ole Sander, Composer, Producer - T. Bennecke, Composer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist

(P) 1995 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Du (LP-Version)

Jazzkantine, Main Artist - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Jan-Heie Erchinger, Composer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - K. Löwe, Lyricist - Ole Sander, Producer

(P) 1995 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Hey Mr. DJ (Radio Version)

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Jan-Heie Erchinger, Composer - Dirk Erchinger, Composer - Christian Eitner, Composer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - K. Löwe, Lyricist - Ole Sander, Producer - Oliver Belz, Producer

(P) 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Kein Bock

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Producer - Ole Sander, Composer, Producer - K. Löwe, Lyricist - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - Tahir Cevik, Lyricist - P. Sauer, Lyricist

(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH


Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Ole Sander, Producer - T. Bennecke, Composer - Tahir Cevik, Lyricist - R. Pennino, Lyricist

(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Kantinental (Album Mix)

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - Ole Sander, Producer - T. Bennecke, Composer - Nils Wogram, Composer - G. Bishop, Composer - Tahir Cevik, Lyricist - M.B. Schmidt, Lyricist - Carlos Leal, Lyricist - Gaku, Lyricist - I. Basa, Lyricist - R. Pennino, Lyricist - M. Mayer, Lyricist

(P) 1998 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Ich würd' die Welt gern verändern

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Composer, Producer - K. Löwe, Lyricist - Alexander Preik, Lyricist

(P) 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Pi Pa Po

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - Christian Eitner, Producer - K.Löwe, Lyricist - Tahir Cevik, Lyricist - Tom Bennecke, Composer

(P) 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

In Formation

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - K. Löwe, Lyricist - Ole Sander, Composer - Christian Eitner, Producer

(P) 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH


Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Producer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist - K.Löwe, Lyricist - Tahir Cevik, Lyricist - Roozbe, Composer

(P) 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Mein Tag mein Licht

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Bill Withers, Composer, Lyricist - Lukas Hilbert, Lyricist - Wolf Kerschek - Gim - hr-Bigband, Associated Performer - Jörg-Achim Keller, Conductor - Christian Eitner, Producer

(P) 2002 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Benutz mich doch (Use Me)

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Bill Withers, Composer, Lyricist - Umbo, Lyricist - Wolf Kerschek - Laith Al-Deen - Tom Bennecke, Guitar - hr-Bigband, Associated Performer - Christian Eitner, Producer - Jörg-Achim Keller, Conductor

(P) 2002 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Sie sieht gut aus

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - W. King, Composer, Lyricist - R. Lapread, Composer, Lyricist - T. McClary, Composer, Lyricist - W. Orange, Composer, Lyricist - Lionel Richie, Composer, Lyricist - M. Williams, Composer, Lyricist - A. James Sumpter, Composer, Lyricist - Rolf Stahlhofen, Lyricist - Wolf Kerschek - hr-Bigband, Associated Performer - Jörg-Achim Keller, Conductor - Christian Eitner, Producer - Tom Bennecke, Co-Producer

(P) 2002 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

55555 (Live)

Jazzkantine, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Associated Performer - Ole Sander, Composer - Christian Eitner, Composer - T. Bennecke, Composer - Alexander Preik, Lyricist

(P) 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management GmbH

Informationen zu dem Album

  • 1 Disc(s) - 17 Track(s)
  • Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:13:26

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Von Jazzkantine

Ohne Stecker (feat. NDR Big Band)




Jazzkantine Jazzkantine



Jazzkantine Jazzkantine



Ultrahocherhitzt Jazzkantine



Los Jazzkantine


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