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The only release by Swedish deathsters Carnage, Dark Recollections has grown into a cult classic of sorts since its release in 1990. Following hot upon the heels of Entombed's landmark debut, Left Hand Path, the album combined new compositions with improved versions of songs from the demos recorded by the band over the previous two years. Except for ever-present guitarist Michael Amott (later of Carcass fame), Carnage's membership was so unstable that the group seemed more like a side project for all involved than a full-time gig. In fact, the band had effectively ceased to exist by the time Dark Recollections saw the light of day. Which makes it even more surprising that such an unstable situation could result in such a cohesive, consistent effort. Only slightly less accomplished than Entombed's first effort, tracks like "Infestation of Evil," "Deranged from Blood," and the title cut display intricate arrangements which add plenty of color and variety to the unbridled fury and ear-crushing heaviness herein. Other less distinctive offerings like "Gentle Exhuming" and "Self Dissection" evoke Carcass both lyrically and musically. Basically, if you're into primitive Entombed and grindcore in general, this is your bag, baby. [Finally reissued on CD by Earache Records in 2000 with eight bonus tracks taken from the band's two 1989 demos, Dark Recollections now delivers the final (and only) word on Carnage.]
© Eduardo Rivadavia /TiVo
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Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
Carnage, MainArtist - Amott, Composer - Blomkuist, Composer - Dordevic, Composer - Estby, Composer - Kaerki, Composer - RR, Lyricist
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
The only release by Swedish deathsters Carnage, Dark Recollections has grown into a cult classic of sorts since its release in 1990. Following hot upon the heels of Entombed's landmark debut, Left Hand Path, the album combined new compositions with improved versions of songs from the demos recorded by the band over the previous two years. Except for ever-present guitarist Michael Amott (later of Carcass fame), Carnage's membership was so unstable that the group seemed more like a side project for all involved than a full-time gig. In fact, the band had effectively ceased to exist by the time Dark Recollections saw the light of day. Which makes it even more surprising that such an unstable situation could result in such a cohesive, consistent effort. Only slightly less accomplished than Entombed's first effort, tracks like "Infestation of Evil," "Deranged from Blood," and the title cut display intricate arrangements which add plenty of color and variety to the unbridled fury and ear-crushing heaviness herein. Other less distinctive offerings like "Gentle Exhuming" and "Self Dissection" evoke Carcass both lyrically and musically. Basically, if you're into primitive Entombed and grindcore in general, this is your bag, baby. [Finally reissued on CD by Earache Records in 2000 with eight bonus tracks taken from the band's two 1989 demos, Dark Recollections now delivers the final (and only) word on Carnage.]
© Eduardo Rivadavia /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 10 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:38:05
- Künstler: Carnage
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Earache Records Ltd
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock
1990 2014 - Earache Records Ltd 1990 - Earache Records Ltd
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