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James completely revamped their lineup for Gold Mother, adding a violinist, a keyboardist, and a trumpeter to the band and attempting to write grand, ambitious arena-rock that recalled U2 and the Waterboys. Although a few of the tracks captured the sprawling, epic splendor that James wished to achieve, they have difficulty writing convincing material, and they aren't nearly as interesting as they were when they concentrated on jangling folk-pop. [Gold Mother was reissued in 1991 after a re-recorded version of "Sit Down" became a hit. "Sit Down" and "Lose Control" replaced "Crescendo" and "Hang On," but the baggy beats of the new songs sat uncomfortably with the sprawling, anthemic rock of Gold Mother.]
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
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James, MainArtist - Flood, Remixer, StudioPersonnel - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - John Slater, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Flood, Producer - Mark McGuire, Producer, Mixer, Additional Producer, StudioPersonnel - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - John Slater, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
Tim Palmer, Mixer, StudioPersonnel - James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Dave Bascombe, Mixer, StudioPersonnel - Gil Norton, Producer - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Gavan Michael Whelan, ComposerLyricist - Martine McDonagh, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1991 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Inspiral Carpets, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Vinny Corrigan, Saxophone, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Gavan Michael Whelan, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Martine McDonagh, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Mark Hunter, Accordion, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Drums, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Bells, Guitar, Violin, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, Mixer, Bass Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, Mixer, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, Mixer, Guitar, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, StudioPersonnel, ComposerLyricist - Nick Garside, Producer, Mixer, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Martine McDonagh, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - Jim Glennie, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Mark Hunter, Keyboards, AssociatedPerformer - David Baynton-Power, Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Saul Davies, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Tim Booth, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - James Patrick Glennie, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, Producer, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, Producer, ComposerLyricist - Larry Gott, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Andrew Weatherall, Producer, Additional Producer, Remixer, StudioPersonnel - Nick Garside, Producer - Paul Solomons, Mastering Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Andy (Diagram) Perkins, Trumpet, Background Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited
James, MainArtist - James Patrick Glennie, ComposerLyricist - Timothy Booth, ComposerLyricist - James Lawrence Gott, ComposerLyricist - Gavan Michael Whelan, ComposerLyricist - Paula Jones, Mixer, StudioPersonnel
℗ 1991 Mercury Records Limited
James completely revamped their lineup for Gold Mother, adding a violinist, a keyboardist, and a trumpeter to the band and attempting to write grand, ambitious arena-rock that recalled U2 and the Waterboys. Although a few of the tracks captured the sprawling, epic splendor that James wished to achieve, they have difficulty writing convincing material, and they aren't nearly as interesting as they were when they concentrated on jangling folk-pop. [Gold Mother was reissued in 1991 after a re-recorded version of "Sit Down" became a hit. "Sit Down" and "Lose Control" replaced "Crescendo" and "Hang On," but the baggy beats of the new songs sat uncomfortably with the sprawling, anthemic rock of Gold Mother.]
© Stephen Thomas Erlewine /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 15 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:18:55
- Künstler: James
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: EMI
- Genre: Pop/Rock Pop
© 2001 Mercury Records Limited This Compilation ℗ 2001 Mercury Records Limited
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