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Perhaps the best studio album by a band that is really best represented by greatest-hit collections. This 1964 LP includes the classic hits "Needles and Pins" and "Don't Throw Your Love Away." It also features some of their best LP cuts, on which they applied their famed harmonies to American material that was both strong and obscure. The best of these covers are Bacharach/David's "This Empty Space" (originally by Dionne Warwick), the Jackie DeShannon-penned "Can't Help Forgiving You," the Drifters' "I Count the Tears," the folkish "Sea of Heartbreak," and "Where Have You Been" (which was also part of the Beatles' repertoire during their Hamburg days). The harder-rocking songs don't lend themselves as well to the group's talents, which always (with some notable exceptions) lay more in the folk-rock and Merseybeat direction than R&B/rockabilly.
© Richie Unterberger /TiVo
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Rudy Clark, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Roy Bennett, Composer - AARON SCHROEDER, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Sid Tepper, Composer - A Schroeder, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Paul Hampton, Composer - Hal David, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Barry Mann, Composer - Cynthia Weil, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
SONNY BONO, Composer - Jack Nitzsche, Composer - The Searchers, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Burt Bacharach, Writer - Hal David, Writer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Doc Pomus, Composer - Mort Shuman, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Robert Higginbotham, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Jackie DeShannon, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Buddy Mize, Composer - GARY PAXTON, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Jimmy Wisner, Composer - Billy Jackson, Composer - Jackson, Composer - The Searchers, Composer, Performance, MainArtist - Wisner, Composer - James J. Wisner, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG company
Tony Jackson, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Chris Curtis, Composer - Mike Pender, Composer - John McNally, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Sharon McMahan, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Jerry Leiber, Composer - Mike Stoller, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Carlo Donida, Composer - Giulio Rapetti, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1992 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1992 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Rudy Clark, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Roy Bennett, Composer - AARON SCHROEDER, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Sid Tepper, Composer - A Schroeder, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Paul Hampton, Composer - Hal David, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Barry Mann, Composer - Cynthia Weil, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
SONNY BONO, Composer - Jack Nitzsche, Composer - TONY HATCH, Producer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Burt Bacharach, Writer - Hal David, Writer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Doc Pomus, Composer - Mort Shuman, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist - Robert Higginbotham, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Jackie DeShannon, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Buddy Mize, Composer - GARY PAXTON, Composer - The Searchers, Performance, MainArtist
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Jimmy Wisner, Composer - Billy Jackson, Composer - Jackson, Composer - TONY HATCH, Producer - The Searchers, Composer, Performance, MainArtist - Wisner, Composer - James J. Wisner, Composer
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 1964 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
Perhaps the best studio album by a band that is really best represented by greatest-hit collections. This 1964 LP includes the classic hits "Needles and Pins" and "Don't Throw Your Love Away." It also features some of their best LP cuts, on which they applied their famed harmonies to American material that was both strong and obscure. The best of these covers are Bacharach/David's "This Empty Space" (originally by Dionne Warwick), the Jackie DeShannon-penned "Can't Help Forgiving You," the Drifters' "I Count the Tears," the folkish "Sea of Heartbreak," and "Where Have You Been" (which was also part of the Beatles' repertoire during their Hamburg days). The harder-rocking songs don't lend themselves as well to the group's talents, which always (with some notable exceptions) lay more in the folk-rock and Merseybeat direction than R&B/rockabilly.
© Richie Unterberger /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 35 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 01:19:02
- Künstler: The Searchers
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Castle Communications
- Genre: Pop/Rock Pop
© 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company ℗ 2001 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company
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