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The band's debut album, Os Mutantes, is far and away their best -- a wildly inventive trip that assimilates orchestral pop, whimsical psychedelia, musique concrète, found-sound environments -- and that's just the first song! Elsewhere there are nods to Carnaval, albeit with distinct hippie sensibilities, incorporating fuzztone guitars and go-go basslines. Two tracks, "O Relogio" and "Le Premier Bonheur du Jour," work through pastoral French pop, sounding closer to the Swingle Singers than Gilberto Gil. Though not all of the experimentation succeeds -- the languid Brazilian blues of "Baby" is rather cumbersome -- and pop/rock listeners may have a hard time finding the hooks, Os Mutantes' first album is an astonishing listen. It's far more experimental than any of the albums produced by the era's first-rate psychedelic bands of Britain or America.
© John Bush /TiVo
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Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Gilberto Gil, ComposerLyricist - CAetano Veloso, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Rogerio Duprat, Recording Arranger, AssociatedPerformer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music Ltda
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Jorge Ben, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Os Mutantes, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - SIVUCA, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Humberto Cavalcanti Teixeira, ComposerLyricist
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - CAetano Veloso, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Os Mutantes, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Gilberto Gil, ComposerLyricist - CAetano Veloso, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - JEAN RENARD, Composer - Franck Gerald, Author - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - CAetano Veloso, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
J. Philips, ComposerLyricist - Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer - Os Mutantes, Translator, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
Rita Lee, Vocalist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Arnaldo Baptista, Bass Guitar, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Sérgio Dias, ComposerLyricist - Os Mutantes, MainArtist - Manoel Barenbein, Producer - Sergio Dias Batista, Guitar, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1968 Universal Music International
The band's debut album, Os Mutantes, is far and away their best -- a wildly inventive trip that assimilates orchestral pop, whimsical psychedelia, musique concrète, found-sound environments -- and that's just the first song! Elsewhere there are nods to Carnaval, albeit with distinct hippie sensibilities, incorporating fuzztone guitars and go-go basslines. Two tracks, "O Relogio" and "Le Premier Bonheur du Jour," work through pastoral French pop, sounding closer to the Swingle Singers than Gilberto Gil. Though not all of the experimentation succeeds -- the languid Brazilian blues of "Baby" is rather cumbersome -- and pop/rock listeners may have a hard time finding the hooks, Os Mutantes' first album is an astonishing listen. It's far more experimental than any of the albums produced by the era's first-rate psychedelic bands of Britain or America.
© John Bush /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 11 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:36:16
- Künstler: Os Mutantes
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Polydor
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock
© 1968 Universal Music Ltda ℗ 1968 Universal Music Ltda
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