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Helium's first full-length album expands on Timony's feminist lyrical bent and adds more colors to the band's musical palette. Full of what Timony calls "cartoon and monster movie music," The Dirt of Luck is a tight, focused album that is also diverse. The sludgy "Pat's Trick" mingles with the sweet-sounding and sweetly named "Honeycomb," which shares space with the nasty-sultry sounds of "Medusa" and the shimmery drone pop of "Baby's Going Underground." It's tied together by the album's spacious sound and Timony's singing, which is fuller and richer than on the group's debut.
© Heather Phares /TiVo
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Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Ash Bowie, AssociatedPerformer - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Mary Timony, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Loud Pink Bird Songs (ASCAP), MusicPublisher - House of Hassle, MusicPublisher - Hélium, MainArtist - Shawn King Devlin, AssociatedPerformer - CMRRA, MusicPublisher
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
Helium's first full-length album expands on Timony's feminist lyrical bent and adds more colors to the band's musical palette. Full of what Timony calls "cartoon and monster movie music," The Dirt of Luck is a tight, focused album that is also diverse. The sludgy "Pat's Trick" mingles with the sweet-sounding and sweetly named "Honeycomb," which shares space with the nasty-sultry sounds of "Medusa" and the shimmery drone pop of "Baby's Going Underground." It's tied together by the album's spacious sound and Timony's singing, which is fuller and richer than on the group's debut.
© Heather Phares /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 12 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:44:17
- Künstler: Helium
- Komponist: Mary Timony
- Label: Matador
- Genre: Pop/Rock Rock Alternativ und Indie
1995 Matador Records 1995 Matador Records
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