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Unlike the Northern Exposure and Global Underground albums, Sasha's Xpander exclusively features tracks produced by the artist. Each of the four epics here progresses slowly, with numerous movements, build-ups, peaks, and releases. For the most part, these tracks remain true to the concept of trance rather than progressive house, focusing more on subtle moments of divine emotion and sensual bliss rather than just sheer intensity. With only four full-length tracks, Xpander isn't nearly as satisfying as Sasha's DJ albums, yet it is an effective showcase for the artist's less-recognized talent as a composer. The first track, "Xpander," is by far the most puzzling and inaccessible of the four. Over the course of almost 12 minutes, it never really reaches the ecstatic summit it should, instead continually taking the listener farther and farther with little release. The next two songs, "Belfunk" and "Rabbitweed," will be familiar to those who have heard Sasha and John Digweed's Expeditions album and Dave Ralph's Tranceport, Vol. 2 album. The final song, "Baja," is undeniably sublime, functioning more as a hypnotic ambient track than dance music.
© Jason Birchmeier /TiVo
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Sasha, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Producer - Alexander Coe, Composer, Lyricist - Duncan Forbes, Composer, Lyricist - Charles May, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Meil McLallan, Producer
(P) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Sasha, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Producer - A. Coe, Composer - Charles May, Producer - D. Forbes, Composer - C. May, Composer - Neil McClellan, Mixing Engineer
(P) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Sasha, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Mixing Engineer, Producer, Associated Performer, Mixing Engineer, Producer - A. Coe, Composer - C. May, Composer - Charles May, Mixing Engineer, Producer
(P) 1999 Deconstruction Ltd
Sasha, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Producer - A. Coe, Composer - A. Page, Engineer, Producer - G. Schurrer, Engineer, Producer
(P) 1999 Deconstruction Ltd
Sasha, Associated Performer, Main Artist, Producer, Associated Performer, Producer - A. Coe, Composer - A. Page, Engineer, Producer - G. Schurrer, Engineer, Producer
(P) 1999 Deconstruction Ltd
Unlike the Northern Exposure and Global Underground albums, Sasha's Xpander exclusively features tracks produced by the artist. Each of the four epics here progresses slowly, with numerous movements, build-ups, peaks, and releases. For the most part, these tracks remain true to the concept of trance rather than progressive house, focusing more on subtle moments of divine emotion and sensual bliss rather than just sheer intensity. With only four full-length tracks, Xpander isn't nearly as satisfying as Sasha's DJ albums, yet it is an effective showcase for the artist's less-recognized talent as a composer. The first track, "Xpander," is by far the most puzzling and inaccessible of the four. Over the course of almost 12 minutes, it never really reaches the ecstatic summit it should, instead continually taking the listener farther and farther with little release. The next two songs, "Belfunk" and "Rabbitweed," will be familiar to those who have heard Sasha and John Digweed's Expeditions album and Dave Ralph's Tranceport, Vol. 2 album. The final song, "Baja," is undeniably sublime, functioning more as a hypnotic ambient track than dance music.
© Jason Birchmeier /TiVo
Informationen zu dem Album
- 1 Disc(s) - 5 Track(s)
- Gesamte Laufzeit: 00:48:56
- Künstler: Sasha
- Komponist: Various Composers
- Label: Deconstruction
- Genre: Pop/Rock Pop
(P) 1999 Deconstruction Ltd
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