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Although it features the beautiful recorder of Leslie Penny and the Chieftains' Paddy Maloney playing the uilean pipe, Ommadawn didn't gain Mike Oldfield the success he was looking for. The album was released in the same year as the David Bedford-arranged Orchestral Tubular Bells and nine months after Oldfield picked up a Grammy award for the original Tubular Bells album. The most pleasing attribute of Ommadawn is its incorporation of both African and Irish music in its symphonic rock & roll mainframe. Boosted by a hearty amount of different horns, piano, cello, trumpet, and synthesizer, the album has its moments of rising action, but the whole of Ommadawn fails to keep its lovely segments around long enough, and there are some rather lengthy instances that include bland runs of unvaried music. Another plus is Oldfield's use of a choir, giving the album a soft, humanistic feel when contrasted against the keyboards or synthesizer. While it does include flashes of Mike Oldfield's brilliance, the entire album may seem a little anticlimactic when compared to some of his other releases.
© Mike DeGagne /TiVo
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Mike Oldfield, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 2010 Oldfield Music Limited
Mike Oldfield, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - William Murray, ComposerLyricist - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 2010 Oldfield Music Limited
Paddy Moloney, Bagpipes, AssociatedPerformer - Sally Oldfield, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Mike Oldfield, Arranger, Acoustic Guitar, Work Arranger, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Robert Lucas Pearsall, ComposerLyricist - Julian Bahula, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Herbie, Bagpipes, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Newell, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Pierre Moerlen, Timpani, AssociatedPerformer - Ernest Mothle, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Bridget St. John, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Terry Oldfield, Panpipes, AssociatedPerformer - The Hereford City Band, Brass Band, AssociatedPerformer - David Strange, Cello, AssociatedPerformer - Lucky Ranku, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Eddie Tatane, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Don Blakeson, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Penrhos Kids, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1975 Oldfield Music Limited
Paddy Moloney, Bagpipes, AssociatedPerformer - Sally Oldfield, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Mike Oldfield, Acoustic Guitar, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - David Bedford, ComposerLyricist - Julian Bahula, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Herbie, Bagpipes, AssociatedPerformer - Phil Newell, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Pierre Moerlen, Timpani, AssociatedPerformer - Ernest Mothle, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Bridget St. John, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Terry Oldfield, Panpipes, AssociatedPerformer - The Hereford City Band, Brass Band, AssociatedPerformer - David Strange, Cello, AssociatedPerformer - Lucky Ranku, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Eddie Tatane, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Don Blakeson, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Penrhos Kids, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1975 Oldfield Music Limited
Paddy Moloney, Bagpipes, AssociatedPerformer - Sally Oldfield, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Traditional, ComposerLyricist - Mike Oldfield, Acoustic Guitar, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer, ComposerLyricist - Julian Bahula, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Herbie, Bagpipes, AssociatedPerformer - Paul Lindsay, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Pierre Moerlen, Timpani, AssociatedPerformer - Ernest Mothle, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Bridget St. John, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer - Terry Oldfield, Panpipes, AssociatedPerformer - The Hereford City Band, Brass Band, AssociatedPerformer - David Strange, Cello, AssociatedPerformer - Lucky Ranku, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Eddie Tatane, African Percussion, AssociatedPerformer - Don Blakeson, Trumpet, AssociatedPerformer - Penrhos Kids, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1975 Oldfield Music Limited
Mike Oldfield, Producer, Unknown, Other, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Paul Lindsay, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Leslie Penning, Recorder, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 2009 Oldfield Music Limited
Mike Oldfield, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1974 Oldfield Music Limited
Mike Oldfield, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - William Murray, ComposerLyricist - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 1974 Oldfield Music Limited
Mike Oldfield, Producer, MainArtist, ComposerLyricist - Clodagh Simonds, Vocals, AssociatedPerformer
℗ 2010 Oldfield Music Limited, under exclusive license to Mercury Records Limited
Although it features the beautiful recorder of Leslie Penny and the Chieftains' Paddy Maloney playing the uilean pipe, Ommadawn didn't gain Mike Oldfield the success he was looking for. The album was released in the same year as the David Bedford-arranged Orchestral Tubular Bells and nine months after Oldfield picked up a Grammy award for the original Tubular Bells album. The most pleasing attribute of Ommadawn is its incorporation of both African and Irish music in its symphonic rock & roll mainframe. Boosted by a hearty amount of different horns, piano, cello, trumpet, and synthesizer, the album has its moments of rising action, but the whole of Ommadawn fails to keep its lovely segments around long enough, and there are some rather lengthy instances that include bland runs of unvaried music. Another plus is Oldfield's use of a choir, giving the album a soft, humanistic feel when contrasted against the keyboards or synthesizer. While it does include flashes of Mike Oldfield's brilliance, the entire album may seem a little anticlimactic when compared to some of his other releases.
© Mike DeGagne /TiVo
À propos
- 2 disque(s) - 9 piste(s)
- Durée totale : 01:44:32
- Artistes principaux : Mike Oldfield
- Compositeur : Various Composers
- Label : UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)
- Genre : Pop/Rock Pop
© 2010 Oldfield Music Limited This Compilation ℗ 2010 Oldfield Music Limited
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