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Le collectif texan BROCKHAMPTON a de la suite dans les idées. Et l’ébullition de ses cerveaux l’autorise à être ultra-productif depuis 2017. Voici le huitième album en cinq ans, et certainement l’un des plus intéressants. Il représente une évolution, un cheminement parti du rap proche des productions de Flatbush Zombies ou Earthgang pour aller progressivement vers un lâcher-prise mélodique que Kanye West n’aurait pas renié. A la fois nébuleux et festif, le titre ANIMAL est une belle illustration de cet état d’esprit artistique. Hanté par des esprits malicieux et gentiment malfaisants, le morceau LISTERINE achève de plonger l’album dans un son inédit pour BROCKHAMPTON. Ces derniers vont titiller la house sur MAN ON THE MOON, manier à merveille les pianos lents, les sons en reverse, les basses enrobées, se faisant par moments festifs et un poil barrés. L’équipe habituelle assure le beatmaking, Jabari Manwa et Kiko Merley en tête, prouvant que si l’audace et l’envie de changement caractérisent ce TM, celui-ci s’inscrit dans la continuité d’une œuvre unique dans le rap américain. © Brice Miclet/Qobuz

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FMG Explicit

Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Eddie Roberts, Recording Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Isaiah Merriweather, Composer, Lyricist - Alex Thompson, Recording Engineer - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Romil Hemnani, Recording Engineer - Dominique Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer, Programmer - Kiko Merley, Producer - Russell "JOBA" Boring, Producer - Garry Purohit, Recording Engineer - Grant LaPointe, Synthesizer

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

ANIMAL Explicit

Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Baird, Producer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Brad Lewis, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Ryan Beatty, Composer, Lyricist, Vocal - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Goldwash, Producer - Gabriel Acheson, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Synthesizer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Jabari Manwa, Producer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - williamvanzandt, Producer - William Van Zandt, Composer, Lyricist - Jabari Manwarring, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer - Baird Acheson, Composer, Lyricist - Garry Purohit, Recording Engineer

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Homer Steinweiss, Composer, Lyricist - Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Solomon, AdditionalStudioProducer - Leon Michels, Composer, Lyricist - Eddie Roberts, Recording Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Goose, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Isaiah Merriweather, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Shannon Wise, Composer, Lyricist - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Jabari Manwa, AdditionalStudioProducer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - Dominique Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Jabari Manwarring, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Executive Producer - Kiko Merley, Producer - Dom McLennon, Producer - Garry Purohit, Recording Engineer - Solomon Newman-Whyte, Composer, Lyricist

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

NEW SHOES Explicit

Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - William Wood, Composer, Lyricist - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Jabari Manwa, Producer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - Dominique Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Jabari Manwarring, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer - Garry Purohit, Recording Engineer - Dutra, Producer - John Carrion Dutra, Composer, Lyricist

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Eddie Roberts, Recording Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - William Wood, Composer, Lyricist - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Isaiah Merriweather, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - Matt Champion, Executive Producer - Kiko Merley, Producer - Grant LaPointe, Composer, Lyricist, Producer

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Eddie Roberts, Recording Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Ryan Beatty, Composer, Lyricist, Vocal - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - John DeBold, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Isaiah Merriweather, Composer, Lyricist - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer - Kiko Merley, Producer - Solomonophonic, Producer - Jared Solomon, Composer, Lyricist - Simon Newsome, Composer, Lyricist - August Royals, Background Vocal - Grant LaPointe, Composer, Lyricist, Keyboards

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Baird, Producer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Isaiah Merriweather, Composer, Lyricist - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - Rich Hinman, Slide Guitar - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Romil Hemnani, Recording Engineer - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Executive Producer - Kiko Merley, Producer - Baird Acheson, Composer, Lyricist

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Eddie Roberts, Recording Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Cooper McGill, Composer, Lyricist - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Jeremy Simoneaux, Recording Engineer - Isaiah Merriweather, Composer, Lyricist - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - Jordon Lumley, Composer, Lyricist, AdditionalStudioProducer - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer - Kiko Merley, Producer - Coop the Truth, Producer - Karim Hutton, Composer, Lyricist - Alexandra Tjernagel, Composer, Lyricist - Jay Rudolph, Drums - Grant LaPointe, Composer, Lyricist, Keyboards

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

DUCT TAPE Explicit

Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Baird, Producer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Rex Kudo, Composer, Lyricist - The Kount, Producer - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Synthesizer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Jabari Manwa, Producer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - Koal Harrison, Composer, Lyricist - Dylan Neustadter, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - Dominique Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Jabari Manwarring, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer - Dom McLennon, Producer - Baird Acheson, Composer, Lyricist - Garry Purohit, Recording Engineer - Wesley Allen, Composer, Lyricist, Producer

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - Ian Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Jabari Manwa, Producer - Romil Hemnani, Recording Engineer - Dominique Simpson, Composer, Lyricist - Jabari Manwarring, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Executive Producer - Sean Matsukawa, Composer, Lyricist, Guitar

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Joe LaPorta, Mastering Engineer - William Garvey, Composer, Lyricist - Andrew Kim, Assistant Engineer - Alex Tumay, Mixing Engineer - Nacor Zuluaga, Assistant Engineer - Russell Boring, Composer, Lyricist - Jonah Abraham, Composer, Lyricist, Producer - BROCKHAMPTON, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Jabari Manwa, Producer - Romil Hemnani, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Recording Engineer - Jabari Manwarring, Composer, Lyricist - Matt Champion, Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer - Garry Purohit, Recording Engineer

(P) 2022 Question Everything, Inc., under exclusive license to RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Le collectif texan BROCKHAMPTON a de la suite dans les idées. Et l’ébullition de ses cerveaux l’autorise à être ultra-productif depuis 2017. Voici le huitième album en cinq ans, et certainement l’un des plus intéressants. Il représente une évolution, un cheminement parti du rap proche des productions de Flatbush Zombies ou Earthgang pour aller progressivement vers un lâcher-prise mélodique que Kanye West n’aurait pas renié. A la fois nébuleux et festif, le titre ANIMAL est une belle illustration de cet état d’esprit artistique. Hanté par des esprits malicieux et gentiment malfaisants, le morceau LISTERINE achève de plonger l’album dans un son inédit pour BROCKHAMPTON. Ces derniers vont titiller la house sur MAN ON THE MOON, manier à merveille les pianos lents, les sons en reverse, les basses enrobées, se faisant par moments festifs et un poil barrés. L’équipe habituelle assure le beatmaking, Jabari Manwa et Kiko Merley en tête, prouvant que si l’audace et l’envie de changement caractérisent ce TM, celui-ci s’inscrit dans la continuité d’une œuvre unique dans le rap américain. © Brice Miclet/Qobuz

À propos

  • 1 disque(s) - 11 piste(s)
  • Durée totale : 00:37:30

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