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Chad Cromwell, Drums - Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Don Poythress, Composer - Don Poythress, Lyricist - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Fiddle - Glenn Worf, Bass - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Jimmy Ritchey, Composer - Jimmy Ritchey, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Leslie Satcher, Composer - Leslie Satcher, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Morgane Hayes, Background Vocal - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Chad Cromwell, Drums - Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Acoustic Baritone Guitar - Glenn Worf, Bass - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Kellie Pickler, Composer - Kellie Pickler, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Leslie Satcher, Composer - Leslie Satcher, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Luke Wooten, Guitar - Morgane Hayes, Background Vocal - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Chad Cromwell, Drums - Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Chris Stapleton, Composer - Chris Stapleton, Lyricist - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Fiddle - Glenn Worf, Bass - Gordon J. Mote, Piano - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Liz Rose, Composer - Liz Rose, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Morgane Hayes, Background Vocal - Morgane Hayes, Composer - Morgane Hayes, Lyricist - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Chad Cromwell, Drums - Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Dale Dodson, Composer - Dale Dodson, Lyricist - Dean Dillon, Composer - Dean Dillon, Lyricist - Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glenn Worf, Bass - Gordon J. Mote, Piano - Jay Joyce, Guitar - Kellie Pickler, Composer - Kellie Pickler, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Morgane Hayes, Background Vocal - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Fiddle - Glenn Worf, Bass - Greg Morrow, Drums - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Jimmy Stewart, Background Vocal - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Leslie Satcher, Composer - Leslie Satcher, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Luke Wooten, Guitar - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Fiddle - Glenn Worf, Bass - Greg Morrow, Drums - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Kellie Pickler, Composer - Kellie Pickler, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Leslie Satcher, Composer - Leslie Satcher, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar - Wes Hightower, Background Vocal
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Mandolin - Glenn Worf, Bass - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Kellie Pickler, Composer - Kellie Pickler, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Kyle Jacobs, Composer - Kyle Jacobs, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Morgane Hayes, Background Vocal - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Barry Dean, Composer - Barry Dean, Lyricist - Brent Cobb, Composer - Brent Cobb, Lyricist - Chad Cromwell, Drums - Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glen Duncan, Fiddle - Glenn Worf, Bass - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Jay Joyce, Keyboards - Jimmy Stewart, Background Vocal - Kellie Pickler, Composer - Kellie Pickler, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Chad Cromwell, Drums - Chris Stapleton, Background Vocal - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glenn Worf, Bass - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - Jimmy Stewart, Background Vocal - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Luke Wooten, Guitar - Natalie Hemby, Composer - Natalie Hemby, Lyricist - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar - Rodney Clawson, Composer - Rodney Clawson, Lyricist
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Eric Darken, Percussion - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Glenn Worf, Bass - Greg Morrow, Drums - Ilya Toshinsky, Guitar - James T. Slater, Composer - James T. Slater, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Leslie Satcher, Composer - Leslie Satcher, Lyricist - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Luke Wooten, Guitar - Paul Franklin, Steel Guitar - Randy Scruggs, Guitar - Richard Bennett, Guitar - Robert. E. McNelley II, Guitar - Wes Hightower, Background Vocal
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
Dale Dodson, Composer - Dale Dodson, Lyricist - Dean Dillon, Composer - Dean Dillon, Lyricist - Frank Liddell, Co-Producer - Kellie Pickler, Composer - Kellie Pickler, Lyricist - Kellie Pickler, Performer - Kellie Pickler, Vocal - Luke Wooten, Co-Producer - Randy Scruggs, Guitar
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 11 track(s)
- Total length: 00:34:38
- Main artists: Kellie Pickler
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: 19 Recordings - BNA Records
- Genre: Blues/Country/Folk Country
(P) 2011 19 Recordings Limited, under exclusive license to Sony Music Nashville
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