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It's hard to think of a collaboration that could be a more perfect fit for Beak> than Kosmik Musik, the soundtrack to Joe Currie and Ben Wheatley's graphic novel of the same name. Currie and Wheatley's interstellar tale takes inspiration from 1970s and '80s sci-fi ranging from Star Wars and Star Trek to Douglas Adams and Metal Hurlant, an aesthetic and era that the members of Beak> are more than familiar with based on their work together and separately (Geoff Barrow's project Drokk was based on the long-running Judge Dredd stories that appeared in the comic anthology magazine 2000 A.D. in the late '70s). This 21-minute, instrumental EP is both pure Beak> and innovative in its own way. A soundtrack to a reading experience isn't quite the same as the score to a film or a television series, but Barrow and company create a mood that is indeed cosmically ear-catching without drawing too much attention to itself. Kosmik Musik's dense riffs, low-slung bass lines, and spiraling synth arpeggios thread the needle between crafting a mood and making music that's interesting in its own right so skillfully that calling this background music of the highest order is far from an insult.
© Heather Phares /TiVo
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Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Will Young, Composer - Beak>, Producer, MainArtist - Willam Fuller, Composer - Goeff Barrow, Composer
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
Resenha do Álbum
It's hard to think of a collaboration that could be a more perfect fit for Beak> than Kosmik Musik, the soundtrack to Joe Currie and Ben Wheatley's graphic novel of the same name. Currie and Wheatley's interstellar tale takes inspiration from 1970s and '80s sci-fi ranging from Star Wars and Star Trek to Douglas Adams and Metal Hurlant, an aesthetic and era that the members of Beak> are more than familiar with based on their work together and separately (Geoff Barrow's project Drokk was based on the long-running Judge Dredd stories that appeared in the comic anthology magazine 2000 A.D. in the late '70s). This 21-minute, instrumental EP is both pure Beak> and innovative in its own way. A soundtrack to a reading experience isn't quite the same as the score to a film or a television series, but Barrow and company create a mood that is indeed cosmically ear-catching without drawing too much attention to itself. Kosmik Musik's dense riffs, low-slung bass lines, and spiraling synth arpeggios thread the needle between crafting a mood and making music that's interesting in its own right so skillfully that calling this background music of the highest order is far from an insult.
© Heather Phares /TiVo
Sobre o álbum
- 1 disco(s) - 7 faixa(s)
- Duração total: 00:21:29
- Artistas principais: Beak>
- Compositor: Various Composers
- Gravadora: Invada Records UK
- Género: Rock Alternativo & Indie
2022 Invada Records UK 2022 Invada Records UK
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