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Il Volo|L'amore si muove

L'amore si muove

Il Volo
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L'amore si muove

Il Volo

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L'amore si muove

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Francesco Regna, Composer, Lyricist - Celso Valli, Keyboards, Other, Piano, Producer - Paolo Valli, Drums - Cesare Chiodo, Bass - L. Chiaravalli, Composer, Lyricist - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar - Stefano Bussoli, Timpani - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Nicola Venieri, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Quando l'amore diventa poesia

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Piero Soffici, Composer - Mogol, Lyricist - Paolo Valli, Drums - Cesare Chiodo, Bass - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master - Celso Valli, Conductor, Producer - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Io che non vivo (Senza te)

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Giuseppe Donaggio, Composer - Paolo Valli, Drums - Vito Pallavicini, Lyricist - Cesare Chiodo, Bass - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Stefano Bussoli, Timpani - Celso Valli, Conductor, Producer - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Il tuo sguardo manca

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Marco Marinangeli, Composer, Lyricist - Javier Concepción Jr., Other - Claudia Brant, Composer, Lyricist - Paul Votteler, Drums - Salvador Cuevas, Bass - Héctor Payán, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Edwin Bonilla, Percussion - Nicolas Tovar - Emilio Estefan, Mixing Engineer, Producer - Celso Valli - Izzy Maccio, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Danny Ponce, Recording Engineer - Joel Gonzalez, Assistant Engineer - Mitchell Fuentes, Assistant Engineer - José L. Maldonado - Bob Ludwig, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

The Best Day of My Life

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Cory Rooney, Composer, Lyricist - Paolo Valli, Drums, Other - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Celso Valli, Bass, Conductor, Keyboards, Other, Producer - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master, Viola - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

La vita

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Antonio Amurri , Lyricist - Bruno Canfora, Composer - Paolo Valli, Drums - Cesare Chiodo, Bass - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Celso Valli, Bass, Conductor, Keyboards, Piano, Producer - Stefano Bussoli, Timpani - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Nel blu, dipinto di blu (Volare)

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Franco Migliacci, Lyricist - Domenico Modugno, Composer, Lyricist - Paolo Valli, Percussion - Tommy Ruggero, Percussion - Stefano Bussoli, Percussion - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Celso Valli, Bass, Conductor, Keyboards, Producer - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master, Viola - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC


Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Charles Chaplin, Composer, Lyricist - Valentino Corvino, Conductor - Celso Valli, Producer - Geoffrey Parsons, Composer, Lyricist - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Bill Ross - John Phillips Turner, Composer, Lyricist - Marco Borsatti, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC


Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Armando Avila, Composer, Lyricist - Paolo Valli, Drums - Cesare Chiodo, Bass - Natalia Jimenez, Composer, Lyricist - Celso Valli, Conductor, Keyboards, Piano, Producer - Mattia Tedesco, Electric Guitar - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Per te ci sarò

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Harry Sommerdahl, Composer, Lyricist - Cheche Alara, Assistant Engineer, Keyboards, Piano, Producer, Programmer - Ki Fitzgerald, Composer, Lyricist - Tim Pierce, Guitar - Ramon Stagnaro, Guitar - Victoria Horn, Composer, Lyricist - Lee Sklar, Bass - Randy Cooke, Drums - Rafael Padilla, Percussion - Charlie Bisharat, Concert Master - Mark Cargill, Violin - Mario DeLeon, Violin - Lisa Dondlinger, Violin - Neel Hammond, Violin - Peter Kent, Violin - Marisa Kuney, Violin - Songa Lee, Violin - Natalie Leggett, Violin - Serena McKinney, Violin - Lucia Micarelli, Violin - Kathleen Robertson, Violin - Alma Fernandez, Viola - Caroline Buckman, Viola - Zach Dellinger, Viola - Karen Elaine, Viola - Jeannie Lim, Viola - Shawn Mann, Viola - Timothy Loo, Cello - Peggy Baldwin, Cello - Alisha Bauer, Cello - Jacob Braun, Cello - Giovanna Clayton, Cello - Charlie Tyler, Cello - Rafa Sardina, Recording Engineer - Nicola Venieri, Recording Engineer - Peter Mokran, Mixing Engineer - Bernie Grundman, Mastering Engineer - Joann Tominaga - Jeremy Miller, Assistant Engineer - Frank Rodriguez, Assistant Engineer - John Cranfield, Assistant Engineer - Marco Alara, Assistant Engineer - Keith Albright - Audito Media - Jennie Cote - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Tornera l'amore

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Gianclaudia Franchini, Composer, Lyricist - Cheche Alara, Assistant Engineer, Keyboards, Piano, Producer, Programmer - Rafa Sardina, Recording Engineer - Nicola Venieri, Recording Engineer - Peter Mokran, Mixing Engineer - Bernie Grundman, Mastering Engineer - Joann Tominaga - Jeremy Miller, Assistant Engineer - Frank Rodriguez, Assistant Engineer - John Cranfield, Assistant Engineer - Marco Alara, Assistant Engineer - Keith Albright - Audito Media - Jennie Cote - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer - Tim Pierce, Guitar - Ramon Stagnaro, Guitar - Lee Sklar, Bass - Randy Cooke, Drums - Rafael Padilla, Percussion - Charlie Bisharat, Concert Master - Mark Cargill, Violin - Mario DeLeon, Violin - Lisa Dondlinger, Violin - Neel Hammond, Violin - Peter Kent, Violin - Marisa Kuney, Violin - Songa Lee, Violin - Natalie Leggett, Violin - Serena McKinney, Violin - Lucia Micarelli, Violin - Kathleen Robertson, Violin - Alma Fernandez, Viola - Caroline Buckman, Viola - Zach Dellinger, Viola - Karen Elaine, Viola - Jeannie Lim, Viola - Shawn Mann, Viola - Timothy Loo, Cello - Peggy Baldwin, Cello - Alisha Bauer, Cello - Jacob Braun, Cello - Giovanna Clayton, Cello - Charlie Tyler, Cello

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC


Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Marco Marinangeli, Composer, Lyricist - Cheche Alara, Assistant Engineer, Keyboards, Piano, Producer, Programmer - Wayne Hector, Composer, Lyricist - Tim Pierce, Guitar - Lars Halvor Jensen, Composer, Lyricist - Ramon Stagnaro, Guitar - Lee Sklar, Bass - Martin Michael Larsson, Composer, Lyricist - Randy Cooke, Drums - Rafael Padilla, Percussion - Charlie Bisharat, Concert Master - Mark Cargill, Violin - Mario DeLeon, Violin - Lisa Dondlinger, Violin - Neel Hammond, Violin - Peter Kent, Violin - Marisa Kuney, Violin - Songa Lee, Violin - Natalie Leggett, Violin - Serena McKinney, Violin - Lucia Micarelli, Violin - Kathleen Robertson, Violin - Alma Fernandez, Viola - Caroline Buckman, Viola - Zach Dellinger, Viola - Karen Elaine, Viola - Jeannie Lim, Viola - Shawn Mann, Viola - Timothy Loo, Cello - Peggy Baldwin, Cello - Alisha Bauer, Cello - Jacob Braun, Cello - Giovanna Clayton, Cello - Charlie Tyler, Cello - Rafa Sardina, Recording Engineer - Nicola Venieri, Recording Engineer - Peter Mokran, Mixing Engineer - Bernie Grundman, Mastering Engineer - Joann Tominaga - Jeremy Miller, Assistant Engineer - Frank Rodriguez, Assistant Engineer - John Cranfield, Assistant Engineer - Marco Alara, Assistant Engineer - Keith Albright - Audito Media - Jennie Cote - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

Beautiful That Way (La vita è bella)

Il Volo, Associated Performer, Main Artist - Gil Dor, Composer, Lyricist - Paolo Valli, Drums, Other - Achinoam Nini, Composer, Lyricist - Mattia Tedesco, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar - Nicola Piovani, Composer, Lyricist - Celso Valli, Bass, Conductor, Keyboards, Producer - Valentino Corvino, Concert Master, Viola - CV Ensemble Orchestra, Other - Michele Torpedine, Producer - Marco Borsatti, Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer - Giordano Mazzi, Editor, Programmer - Enrico Capalbo, Recording Engineer - Roberto Bartilucci, Recording Engineer - Gabriele Rocchi, Recording Engineer - Simone Pirazzoli, Recording Engineer - Claudio Adamo, Assistant Engineer - MAURIZIO BIANCANI, Mastering Engineer - Valentina Policci, Assistant Producer - Isabel De Jesús - Fuko Chubachi, Art Director - Simone Cecchetti, Photographer

(P) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC

About the album

  • 1 disc(s) - 13 track(s)
  • Total length: 00:48:03

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