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Tim Pierce, Electric Guitar - Steve Hunter, Electric Guitar, Dulcimer - Mike Finnigan, Organ - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass Guitar - Duane Baron, Mixer, Engineer - Curt Kroeger, AssistantEngineer - David Kershenbaum, Producer, Mixer - Denny Fongheiser, Drums - Roger Sommers, AssistantEngineer - JayDee Mannes, Pedal Steel Guitar
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2000, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Jack Holder, Organ, Electric Sitar - Tracy Chapman, Vocals, Writer, Rhythm Guitar, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass - Bob Marlette, Keyboards - David Kershenbaum, Producer - Denny Fongheiser, Drums, Percussion - Kevin W. Smith, Mixer, Engineer - David Laflamme, Electric Violin
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1988, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
MITCHELL FROOM, Harpsichord, Organ - Flea, Bass - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Tchad Blake, Producer, Mixer, Engineer - Joe Gore, Electric Guitar - Jared Miller, AssistantEngineer - Scott Wiley, AssistantEngineer - Quinn Smith, Drums, Percussion
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2005, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Kevin Scott, AssistantEngineer - Lili Haydn, Violin - Cameron Stone, Cello - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Doug Trantow, AssistantEngineer - John Ewing Jr., AssistantEngineer - Don Gehman, Producer, MixingEngineer - Andy Stoller, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1995, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Randy Jackson, Bass Guitar - Michael Fisher, Percussion - BOB CLEARMOUNTAIN, Mixer - BOBBY WOMACK, Acoustic Guitar - LARRY WILLIAMS, Keyboards - NELLEE HOOPER, Engineer, Percussion - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Thornton, Percussion - Alex Acuna, Percussion - Manu Katche, Drums - Charles Judge, Keyboards - MARK STENT, Engineer - ROY BITTAN, Keyboards - Mino Cinelu, Percussion - Jimmy Iovine, Producer - Chad Munsey, AssistantEngineer - Joe Pirrera, AssistantEngineer - Bradshaw Leigh, Engineer - Chad Blinman, AssistantEngineer - Ed Korengo, AssistantEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1992, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Charlie Bisharat, Viola, Electric Violin - Russ Kunkel, Drums - Bobbye Hall, Congas - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, 12 String Guitar, Harmonica, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass Guitar - David Kershenbaum, Producer - Denny Fongheiser, Additional Drums - Kevin W. Smith, Mixer, Engineer - William Smith, Organ - Marty Lester, Assistant Mixer, AssistantEngineer - John X. Volaitis, AdditionalEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1989, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Ed Black, Steel Guitar - Tracy Chapman, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass - David Kershenbaum, Producer - Denny Fongheiser, Drums - Kevin W. Smith, Mixer, Engineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1988, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Randy Jackson, Bass Guitar - David Bianco, Engineer - Waddy Wachtel, Electric Guitar - BOB CLEARMOUNTAIN, Mixer - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Steve Thornton, Percussion - Manu Katche, Drums - ROY BITTAN, Keyboards - THOM PANUNZIO, Engineer - Mino Cinelu, Percussion - Mike Campbell, Electric Guitar - Jimmy Iovine, Producer - Vernon Reid, Electric Guitar - Greg Goldman, AssistantEngineer - Chad Blinman, AssistantEngineer - Rick Plank, AssistantEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1992, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Charlie Bisharat, Violin - Bobbye Hall, Percussion - G.E. Smith, Acoustic Guitar - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass Guitar - Bob Marlette, Keyboards - David Kershenbaum, Producer - Frank Marocco, Accordion - Denny Fongheiser, Drums - Kevin W. Smith, Mixer, Engineer - Marty Lester, Assistant Mixer, AssistantEngineer - John X. Volaitis, AdditionalEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1989, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Tim Pierce, Electric Guitar - Steve Hunter, Lap Steel Guitar - Mike Finnigan, Organ - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass Guitar - Duane Baron, Mixer, Engineer - Curt Kroeger, AssistantEngineer - David Kershenbaum, Producer, Mixer - Denny Fongheiser, Drums - Roger Sommers, AssistantEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2000, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Kevin Scott, AssistantEngineer - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - John Thomas, Piano - Doug Trantow, AssistantEngineer - John Ewing Jr., AssistantEngineer - Don Gehman, Producer, MixingEngineer - Adam Levy, Electric Guitar, Backing Vocals - Andy Stoller, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Rock Deadrick, Drums, Percussion, Backing Vocals - Glenys Rogers, Percussion, Backing Vocals - John Shenale, Keyboards
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1995, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Joey Waronker, Drums, Percussion - DAVE WAY, Mixer - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Kevin Mills, AssistantEngineer - LARRY KLEIN, Producer, Organ, Bass - Rob Burger, Piano, Harmonium - Helik Hadar, Engineer - Joe Gore, Acoustic Guitar, Keyboards
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2008, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Steve Hunter, Electric Guitar - Joey Waronker, Tambourine, Cajon, Hand Clap - Patrick Warren, Organ - Greg Leisz, Electric Guitar - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, Hand Clap, MainArtist - John Parish, Producer - Andy Stoller, Bass - Rhonda Brice, Background Vocals - Jeanie Tracy, Background Vocals - Paul DuGre, MixingEngineer - Jared Miller, AssistantEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2002, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Dean Parks, Drums, Slide Guitar - DAVE WAY, Mixer - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Kevin Mills, AssistantEngineer - LARRY KLEIN, Producer, Acoustic Bass - Carla Kihlstedt, Hurdy-gurdy - Larry Goldings, Organ - Helik Hadar, Engineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2008, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Neil Young, Acoustic Guitar, Piano - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Additional Guitar, Vocals, Writer, Harmonica, MainArtist - David Kershenbaum, Producer - Kevin W. Smith, Mixer, Engineer - Marty Lester, Assistant Mixer, AssistantEngineer - Jim Lacefield, Cello - John X. Volaitis, AdditionalEngineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1989, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Jack Holder, Electric Guitar, Organ - Tracy Chapman, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - LARRY KLEIN, Bass - David Kershenbaum, Producer - Denny Fongheiser, Drums, Percussion - Kevin W. Smith, Mixer, Engineer
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1988, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Kevin Scott, AssistantEngineer - Tracy Chapman, Producer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Writer, MainArtist - Doug Trantow, AssistantEngineer - John Ewing Jr., Engineer - Don Gehman, Producer, Mixer, Engineer - Adam Levy, Electric Guitar, Backing Vocals - Andy Stoller, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals - Rock Deadrick, Drums, Backing Vocals - Glenys Rogers, Percussion, Backing Vocals
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 1995, 2015 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc.
Ben E. King, Writer - Jerry Leiber, Writer - Mike Stoller, Writer - Tracy Chapman, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, MainArtist
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2015 Worldwide Pants, Inc. Courtesy of The Late Show with David Letterman provided courtesy of Worldwide Pants Inc.
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 18 track(s)
- Total length: 01:17:27
- Main artists: Tracy Chapman
- Label: Rhino - Elektra
- Genre: Folk/Americana
© 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. ℗ 2015 Elektra Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company.
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