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It's only appropriate that Xzibit's highly anticipated, and often-delayed, Restless concluded hip-hop's millennial melting pot. After all, Xzibit's association with Dr. Dre and his Aftermath regime attached very lofty expectations to Restless; X was publicly anointed as the next MC expected to blow up. Surely, with Dre as executive producer and guest shots from Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Dre himself, Xzibit was virtually assured of acquiring the mainstream success that eluded him on previous efforts (At the Speed of Life and 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz). Thanks largely to Dre's knob-twisting input, Restless became aural kin to Dre's own 2001 comeback vehicle, as the head-nod factor is immediately established on "Front to Back," the heavenly synth stabs "X," and "Get Your Walk On." The main flaw in Restless' formula lies primarily with Xzibit's extensive list of guest collaborators. While contributions from Dre ("U Know"), Snoop ("D.N.A."), and Eminem ("Don't Approach Me") are all welcomed, appearances from DJ Quik and KRS-One, among many others, take the focus off Xzibit's formidable lyrical boasting, which precludes Restless from forming a desired level of cohesiveness. On "X," Xzibit pledges to "Rearrange the game with my rugged sound," and he periodically delivers on that promise. However, it would have taken nothing short of a masterpiece for Xzibit to appease hip-hop's finicky masses. And while Restless isn't the crowning achievement many predicted, it is X to the Z's most consistent effort to date.
© Matt Conaway /TiVo
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Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - Sir Jinx, Producer - Not Applicable, Composer - Not Applicable, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Spoken Word, Composer - Spoken Word, Lyricist - Thayod, Producer - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Jim McCrone, 2nd Engineer - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Greg Burns, 2nd Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - Danny Romero, Mixing Engineer - Dana Stinson, Composer - Dana Stinson, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - Rockwilder, Producer - Rockwilder, Mixing Engineer - Lance Pierre, Recording Engineer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Kevin Gilliam, Composer - Kevin Gilliam, Lyricist - Battlecat, Producer - Battlecat, Mixing Engineer - Jason Schweitzer, 2nd Engineer - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Dr. Dre, Producer - Greg Burns, 2nd Engineer - Dominick 'Nottz' Lamb, Producer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Dominick Lamb, Composer - Dominick Lamb, Lyricist - Andre Young, Composer - Andre Young, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - Lance Pierre, Recording Engineer - Scott Storch, Keyboards
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Dr. Dre, Producer - Dr. Dre, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - Andre Young, Composer - Andre Young, Lyricist - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Melvin Bradford, Composer - Melvin Bradford, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - Mel-Man, Producer - Scott Storch, Keyboards - Scott Storch, Producer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Michelle Forbes, Mixing Engineer - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Greg Burns, Recording Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Rico Smith, Composer - Rico Smith, Lyricist - Thomas Rounds, 2nd Engineer - Erick Sermon, Producer - Erick Sermon, Composer - Erick Sermon, Lyricist - James Robinson, Composer - James Robinson, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
K. Parker, Composer - K. Parker, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - DJ Pen One, Scratches - Dr. Dre, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - A. Joiner, Composer - A. Joiner, Lyricist - T. Ausar, Composer - T. Ausar, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - Xzibit, Producer - Thayod, Producer - Christian Knight, Recording Engineer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Lance Pierre, Recording Engineer - Rick Roc, Producer - Ricardo Thomas, Composer - Ricardo Thomas, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Calvin Broadus, Composer - Calvin Broadus, Lyricist - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Lance Pierre, Recording Engineer - E. Sermon, Composer - E. Sermon, Lyricist - Erick Sermon, Producer - A. Joiner, Composer - A. Joiner, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Ian Blanch, 2nd Engineer - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Camara Kambon, Keyboards - C. Kambon, Composer - C. Kambon, Lyricist - Eminem, Producer - M. Mathers, Composer - M. Mathers, Lyricist - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - A. Joiner, Composer - A. Joiner, Lyricist - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Peter Novak, 2nd Engineer - M. Elizondo, Composer - M. Elizondo, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - DJ Head, Drum Programmer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
J. Long, Composer - J. Long, Lyricist - P. Brooks, Composer - P. Brooks, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Jim McCrone, 2nd Engineer - Greg Burns, Recording Engineer - D. Johnson, Composer - D. Johnson, Lyricist - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - A. Joiner, Composer - A. Joiner, Lyricist - Soopafly, Producer - KOKANE, Vocal - Xzibit, Performer - K. Spillman, Composer - K. Spillman, Lyricist
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - P. Brooks, Composer - P. Brooks, Lyricist - Greg Burns, Recording Engineer - A. Joiner, Composer - A. Joiner, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Mauricio Iragorri, 2nd Engineer - Soopafly, Producer - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Camara Kambon, Keyboards - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Dr. Dre, Producer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - Mike Elizondo, Bass - Andre Young, Composer - Andre Young, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - Christian Knight, 2nd Engineer - Michael Elizondo, Composer - Michael Elizondo, Lyricist
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Kevin Gilliam, Composer - Kevin Gilliam, Lyricist - Mel Man, Producer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - Battlecat, Producer - Mike Elizondo, Keyboards - Melvin Bradford, Composer - Melvin Bradford, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer - Battle Cat, Producer - Mel-Man, Producer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
DJ Quik, Producer - DJ Quik, Composer - DJ Quik, Mixing Engineer - DJ Quik, Recording Engineer - DJ Quik, Lyricist - Regula Merz, 2nd Engineer - A. Joiner, Composer - A. Joiner, Lyricist - Sugafree, Composer - Sugafree, Lyricist - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Roger McBride, Composer - Roger McBride, Lyricist - Michelle Forbes, 2nd Engineer - Danny Means, Composer - Danny Means, Lyricist - Alvin Joiner, Composer - Alvin Joiner, Lyricist - Kevin Gilliam, Composer - Kevin Gilliam, Lyricist - Butch Cassidy, Vocal - D. Johnson, Composer - D. Johnson, Lyricist - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Mixing Engineer - Richard "Segal" Huredia, Recording Engineer - Battlecat, Producer - Battlecat, Mixing Engineer - Xzibit, Performer
(P) 2000 Loud Records LLC
Album review
It's only appropriate that Xzibit's highly anticipated, and often-delayed, Restless concluded hip-hop's millennial melting pot. After all, Xzibit's association with Dr. Dre and his Aftermath regime attached very lofty expectations to Restless; X was publicly anointed as the next MC expected to blow up. Surely, with Dre as executive producer and guest shots from Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Dre himself, Xzibit was virtually assured of acquiring the mainstream success that eluded him on previous efforts (At the Speed of Life and 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz). Thanks largely to Dre's knob-twisting input, Restless became aural kin to Dre's own 2001 comeback vehicle, as the head-nod factor is immediately established on "Front to Back," the heavenly synth stabs "X," and "Get Your Walk On." The main flaw in Restless' formula lies primarily with Xzibit's extensive list of guest collaborators. While contributions from Dre ("U Know"), Snoop ("D.N.A."), and Eminem ("Don't Approach Me") are all welcomed, appearances from DJ Quik and KRS-One, among many others, take the focus off Xzibit's formidable lyrical boasting, which precludes Restless from forming a desired level of cohesiveness. On "X," Xzibit pledges to "Rearrange the game with my rugged sound," and he periodically delivers on that promise. However, it would have taken nothing short of a masterpiece for Xzibit to appease hip-hop's finicky masses. And while Restless isn't the crowning achievement many predicted, it is X to the Z's most consistent effort to date.
© Matt Conaway /TiVo
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 16 track(s)
- Total length: 00:59:27
- Main artists: Xzibit
- Composer: Various Composers
- Label: LOUD - Columbia
- Genre: Soul/Funk/R&B
2000 Loud Records, LLC
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