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B-Legit's The Hemp Museum works the standard West Coast gangsta territory without much distinction for most of its overlong running time, but when the thick-tongued rapper cuts "Check It Out" with E-40 and tha Dogg Pound's Kurupt, he demonstrates his true skills. Unfortunately, those very skills are buried by predictable beats and rhymes for much of The Hemp Museum.
© Leo Stanley /TiVo
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Marvin Whitemon, Composer - Marvin Whitemon, Lyricist - Studio Ton, Producer - B-Legit, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Marvin Whitemon, Composer - Marvin Whitemon, Lyricist - Studio Ton, Producer - Studio Ton, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Performer - Louis King, Composer - Louis King, Lyricist - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Femi Ojetunde, Producer - Mike Mosley, Composer - Mike Mosley, Lyricist - Mike Mosley, Producer - Ken Franklin, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Performer - B-Legit, Mixing Engineer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Marvin Whitemon, Composer - Marvin Whitemon, Lyricist - Kurupt, Composer - Kurupt, Lyricist - Earl Stevens, Composer - Earl Stevens, Lyricist - B-Legit featuring E-40 and Kurupt, Performer - Studio Ton, Producer - Studio Ton, Mixing Engineer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
B-Legit featuring Little Bruce and C-Bo, Performer - John Deacon, Composer - John Deacon, Lyricist - Shawn Thomas, Composer - Shawn Thomas, Lyricist - Bruce Thurman, Composer - Bruce Thurman, Lyricist - Kevin Gardner, Producer - Kevin Gardner, Composer - Kevin Gardner, Lyricist - Redwine, Producer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Femi Ojetunde, Producer - Femi Ojetunde, Composer - Femi Ojetunde, Lyricist - Emgee, Producer - Emgee, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Performer - Stan, Mixing Engineer - Marcus Gore, Composer - Marcus Gore, Lyricist - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Marvin Whitemon, Composer - Marvin Whitemon, Lyricist - Studio Ton, Producer - Studio Ton, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Peter Moshay, Mixing Engineer - Kevin Gardner, Producer - Kevin Gardner, Composer - Kevin Gardner, Lyricist - B-Legit feat. Daryl Hall, Performer - Redwine, Producer - B-Legit, Co-Producer - John Oates, Composer - John Oates, Lyricist - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist - Daryl Hall, Composer - Daryl Hall, Lyricist
(P) 1996 Zomba Recording LLC
G-Note, Performer - B-Legit, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Marvin Whitemon, Composer - Marvin Whitemon, Lyricist - Studio Ton, Producer - Studio Ton, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Marcellus McCarver, Composer - Marcellus McCarver, Lyricist - Shawn Thomas, Composer - Shawn Thomas, Lyricist - Mike Mosley, Producer - Mike Mosley, Composer - Mike Mosley, Lyricist - Ken Franklin, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit featuring Celly Cel and C-Bo, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
B-Legit featuring Harm, Performer - Tonecapone, Producer - Tonecapone, Mixing Engineer - Anthony Gilmour, Composer - Anthony Gilmour, Lyricist - R. Waller, Composer - R. Waller, Lyricist - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
K-Lou, Co-Producer - K-Lou, Mixing Engineer - Tyrone Langford, Composer - Tyrone Langford, Lyricist - Dantre Jones, Composer - Dantre Jones, Lyricist - B-Legit, Performer - B-Legit, Producer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Marvin Whitemon, Composer - Marvin Whitemon, Lyricist - Isaac Hayes, Composer - Isaac Hayes, Lyricist - Studio Ton, Producer - Studio Ton, Mixing Engineer - B-Legit, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Funk Daddy, Producer - DeShawn Dawson, Composer - DeShawn Dawson, Lyricist - K-Lou, Mixing Engineer - Clifton Dickson, Composer - Clifton Dickson, Lyricist - Gregory Buren, Composer - Gregory Buren, Lyricist - K .Morris, Composer - K .Morris, Lyricist - B-Legit, Performer - Brandt Jones, Composer - Brandt Jones, Lyricist
(P) 1995 Zomba Recording LLC
Album review
B-Legit's The Hemp Museum works the standard West Coast gangsta territory without much distinction for most of its overlong running time, but when the thick-tongued rapper cuts "Check It Out" with E-40 and tha Dogg Pound's Kurupt, he demonstrates his true skills. Unfortunately, those very skills are buried by predictable beats and rhymes for much of The Hemp Museum.
© Leo Stanley /TiVo
About the album
- 1 disc(s) - 15 track(s)
- Total length: 00:57:49
- Main artists: B-Legit
- Composer: Brandt Jones
- Label: Jive
- Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
(P) 1995, 1996 Zomba Recording LLC
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