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December 2015

The R-Podcast Episode 15: Introduction to Shiny

December 31, 2015 | Eric

Just in time for the new year is a new episode of the R-Podcast! I give a brief introduction to the Shiny package for creating web applications using R code, provide some of my tips and tricks I have learned (sometimes the hard way) when creating appl... [Read more...]

The R Project: 2015 in Review

December 31, 2015 | David Smith

It's been a banner year for the R project in 2015, with frequent new releases, ever-growing popularity, a flourishing ecosystem, and accolades from both users and press. Here's a roundup of the big events for R from 2015. R continues to advance under the new leadership of the R Foundation. There were ... [Read more...]

Wind Resource Assessment

December 31, 2015 | Fabio Veronesi

This is an article we recently published on "Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews". It starts with a thorough review of the methods used for wind resource assessment: from algorithms based on physical laws to other based on statistics, plus mixed methods.In the second part of the manuscript we present ... [Read more...]

List exercises

December 31, 2015 | r-exercises

In the exercises below we cover the basics of lists. Before proceeding, first read section 6.1-6.2 of An Introduction to R, and the help pages for the sum, length, strsplit, and setdiff functions. Answers to the exercises are available here. Exercise 1... [Read more...]

RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2_0.2-3 now on CRAN

December 30, 2015 | triadsou

New version (v0.2-3) of 'RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2' (an Rcmdr plug-in; a GUI for 'ggplot2') released. RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 (CRAN) NEWS Changes in version 0.2-3 (2015-12-30) New geom_stepribbon(). Pointwise confidence intervals of Kaplan-Meier plots with band (Thanks to Dr. M. Felix Freshwater). Notched… [Read more...]

Using R to analyse MAN AHL Trend

December 30, 2015 | Thomas Huben

Let's use the great PerformanceAnalytics package to get some insights on the risk profile of the MAN AHL Trend Fund. It's a program with a long track record - I believe in the late 80'. The UCITS Fund NAV Data can be downloaded from the fund webpage as xls file- ... [Read more...]

Using R to analyse MAN AHL Trend

December 30, 2015 | Thomas Huben

Let's use the great PerformanceAnalytics package to get some insights on the risk profile of the MAN AHL Trend Fund. It's a program with a long track record - I believe in the late 80'. The UCITS Fund NAV Data can be downloaded from the fund webpage as... [Read more...]

Image Recognition and Face Detection

December 30, 2015 | Florian Teschner

Image recognition and face detection has been around for some years. However, usage and adoption was limited due to quality and ease of development. With the release of Microsoft’s Project Oxford, the accessibility to such tools has massively improved. Their simple to use REST API provides an excellent opportunity ... [Read more...]

Our R package roundup

December 30, 2015 | Christoph Safferling

A year in review It’s the time of the year again where one eats too much, and gets in a reflective mood! 2015 is nearly over, and us bloggers here at opiateforthemass.es thought it would be nice to argue endlessly which R package was the best/n... [Read more...]

Our R package roundup (2015)

December 30, 2015 | Christoph Safferling

A year in review It’s the time of the year again where one eats too much, and gets in a reflective mood! 2015 is nearly over, and us bloggers here at opiateforthemass.es thought it would be nice to argue endlessly which R package was the best/neatest/most fun/... [Read more...]

How to Pimp Your .Rprofile

December 30, 2015 | Kris Eberwein

After you’ve been using R for a little bit, you start to notice people talking about their .Rprofile as if it’s some mythical being. Nothing magical about it, but it can be a big time-saver if you find yourself typing things like, “summary()” or, the ever-hated, “stringasfactors=FALSE” ... [Read more...]

News of ggtree

December 30, 2015 | R on Guangchuang Yu

A new version of ggtree that works with ggplot2 (version __= 2.0.0) is now availabel. new layers Some functions, add_legend, hilight, annotation_clade and annotation_clade2 were removed. Instead we provide layer functions, geom_treescale, geom_hi...
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Fun with Heatmaps and Plotly

December 29, 2015 | Riddhiman

Just because we all like numbers doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun. Here’s to wishing to everyone a very Happy New Year ! # install.packages("jpeg") library(jpeg) library(plotly) # Download a jpeg file from imgur URL [Read more...]

Starting a career in data science

December 29, 2015 | R on Rob J Hyndman

I received this email from one of my undergraduate students: I’m writing to you asking for advice on how to start a career in Data Science. Other professions seem a bit more straight forward, in that accountants for example simply look for Internships and ways into companies from there. ... [Read more...]
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