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1.4.0 by Will Beasley, a month ago,,,
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Authors: Will Beasley [aut, cre] , David Bard [ctb] , Thomas Wilson [ctb] , John J Aponte [ctb] , Rollie Parrish [ctb] , Benjamin Nutter [ctb] , Andrew Peters [ctb] , Hao Zhu [ctb] , Janosch Linkersdörfer [ctb] , Jonathan Mang [ctb] , Felix Torres [ctb] , Philip Chase [ctb] , Victor Castro [ctb] , Greg Botwin [ctb] , Stephan Kadauke [ctb] , Ezra Porter [ctb] , Matthew Schuelke [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports checkmate, dplyr, httr, jsonlite, magrittr, methods, readr, rlang, tibble, tidyr
Suggests spelling, covr, DBI, kableExtra, knitr, odbc, purrr, rmarkdown, sessioninfo, testthat, tidyselect, yaml
Imported by REDCapCAST, REDCapDM, REDCapTidieR, ReviewR, tidyREDCap.
Suggested by codified.
See at CRAN