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Reference manual

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8.23.0 by Rob Hyndman, 8 months ago

https://pkg.robjhyndman.com/forecast/, https://github.com/robjhyndman/forecast

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Authors: Rob Hyndman [aut, cre, cph] , George Athanasopoulos [aut] , Christoph Bergmeir [aut] , Gabriel Caceres [aut] , Leanne Chhay [aut] , Kirill Kuroptev [aut] , Mitchell O'Hara-Wild [aut] , Fotios Petropoulos [aut] , Slava Razbash [aut] , Earo Wang [aut] , Farah Yasmeen [aut] , Federico Garza [ctb] , Daniele Girolimetto [ctb] , Ross Ihaka [ctb, cph] , R Core Team [ctb, cph] , Daniel Reid [ctb] , David Shaub [ctb] , Yuan Tang [ctb] , Xiaoqian Wang [ctb] , Zhenyu Zhou [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports colorspace, fracdiff, generics, ggplot2, graphics, lmtest, magrittr, nnet, parallel, Rcpp, stats, timeDate, tseries, urca, withr, zoo

Suggests forecTheta, knitr, methods, rmarkdown, rticles, scales, seasonal, testthat, uroot

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

Imported by ACV, AEDForecasting, AFR, ATAforecasting, AriGaMyANNSVR, AutoAds, BETS, CEEMDANML, CausalMBSTS, ConsReg, CvmortalityMult, EEMDelm, EQUALrepeat, EWSmethods, EXPAR, EXPARMA, EcoMetrics, EventDetectR, ForecastComb, ForecastTB, GeomComb, HDTSA, InterNL, KarsTS, MSGARCHelm, MortalityGaps, OBL, OOS, PH1XBAR, PortalHacienda, RcmdrPlugin.RiskDemo, ReSurv, SBAGM, SLBDD, ScottKnottESD, TCIU, TSANN, TSF, TSPred, TSclust, TSstudio, Tcomp, TextForecast, TrendSLR, Tushare, VMDML, WRTDStidal, WaveletANN, WaveletArima, WaveletETS, WaveletGARCH, WaveletML, WaveletRF, WaveletSVR, autoTS, autostsm, bayesforecast, beyondWhittle, bfast, bmgarch, boiwsa, bridgr, caretForecast, clmplus, coconots, cricketr, daltoolbox, decompML, decomposedPSF, dendRoAnalyst, dsa, echos, eemdARIMA, eemdTDNN, epicasting, estadistica, fDMA, fastcpd, forecastLSW, forecasteR, fpp2, fracARMA, globaltrends, gratis, grattan, harbinger, hpiR, hybridts, iClick, imputeTS, imputeTestbench, its.analysis, knnp, kssa, lfl, lineartestr, matman, memochange, midasr, mlmts, modeltime, mrf, msltrend, netseer, ngboostForecast, nnfor, nortsTest, outliers.ts.oga, paramsim, popstudy, portalr, portes, predtoolsTS, rcrimeanalysis, seastests, seer, shinyTempSignal, spduration, stR, stlARIMA, stlELM, stlTDNN, sweep, timetk, tsBSS, tsDyn, tsSelect, tsfeatures, tsoutliers, tspredit, tssim, tsutils, tsviz, tswge, ubair, uotm, utsf, vmdTDNN.

Depended on by ARIMAANN, BayesARIMAX, DIMORA, Dowd, ECTTDNN, EMDANNhybrid, ForeComp, MAPA, Mcomp, Rlgt, Rssa, StMoMo, TSSVM, ZRA, demography, dendrometeR, expsmooth, fma, forecTheta, forecastHybrid, fpp, ftsa, garma, hts, thief.

Suggested by AER, ICompELM, MARSS, PSF, bayesRecon, corset, dlookr, dplR, epimdr, epimdr2, equatiomatic, fable, fableCount, flap, fracdiff, ggfortify, healthyR.ts, highcharter, htsDegenerateR, iForecast, ivx, lazybar, lifecontingencies, mFilter, mlr, nullabor, origami, pander, performance, pmml, rainbow, riem, sarima, setartree, shapr, tactile, trajectories, tsbox, vctsfr.

Enhanced by texreg.

See at CRAN