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Reference manual

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0.4.0 by Bob Rudis, 8 years ago


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Authors: Bob Rudis [aut, cre] , Ben Bolker [aut, ctb] (Encircling & additional splines) , Ben Marwick [ctb] (General codebase cleanup) , Jan Schulz [aut, ctb] (Annotations) , Rosen Matev [ctb] (Original annotate_textp implementation on stackoverflow) , ProPublica [dtc] (StateFace font)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

AGPL + file LICENSE license

Imports utils, graphics, grDevices, dplyr, RColorBrewer, KernSmooth, proj4, scales, grid, gtable, ash, maps, MASS, extrafont, tibble, plotly

Depends on ggplot2

Suggests testthat, gridExtra, knitr, rmarkdown, ggthemes, reshape2

Imported by DDPNA, colorrepel, vivid.

Suggested by causalCmprsk, tbrf, textplot, tntpr, topicmodels.etm.

See at CRAN