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Reference manual

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1.3-31 by Alessandra R. Brazzale, 2 months ago

Browse source code at https://github.com/cran/boot

Authors: Angelo Canty [aut] (author of original code for S) , Brian Ripley [aut, trl] (conversion to R , maintainer 1999--2022 , author of parallel support) , Alessandra R. Brazzale [ctb, cre] (minor bug fixes)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

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Depends on graphics, stats

Suggests MASS, survival

Imported by ARGOS, AgroReg, ArCo, AssetCorr, BSagri, BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend, CIfinder, CausalModels, CleaningValidation, CopulaCenR, CorrBin, Countr, Cronbach, CsChange, DSAIRM, DescTools, Durga, EQUALSTATS, EValue, EstimationTools, EvaluateCore, GeneralOaxaca, GofCens, HanStat, ICED, IOLS, InformativeCensoring, Infusion, JOPS, KMD, Kendall, L2DensityGoFtest, LCAextend, LEGIT, LSDinterface, LSDirf, LUCIDus, LorenzRegression, MBESS, MIIVsem, MKinfer, MVN, MarginalMediation, MixedPsy, ModStatR, ModTools, MplusAutomation, OLStrajr, OptimaRegion, PCRA, PointFore, PopED, QFASA, Qtools, R2OpenBUGS, RESI, RHRV, RPESE, RVAideMemoire, Rcurvep, SAME, SCBmeanfd, SEMgraph, Sequential, SiZer, SimplyAgree, SongEvo, SortedEffects, SpatialVx, StackImpute, SynDI, TRexSelector, ThresholdROCsurvival, TraMineR, adegenet, adjROC, adventr, aggTrees, aides, apaTables, argo, autoReg, bandit, bayesGAM, biotools, bispdep, bistablehistory, blrm, boot.pval, bootLR, bootPLS, brlrmr, btergm, calibmsm, cases, cassandRa, childsds, chngpt, ciTools, circular, circumplex, climextRemes, clustAnalytics, cocotest, complmrob, confintr, contingencytables, crs, dabestr, dagitty, deming, dendroTools, did2s, dineq, discharge, disprofas, dissever, distdichoR, doBy, dplR, dwp, eatRep, echo.find, ed50, ed50simulation, eggCounts, emdi, ems, energy, enmSdmX, episensr, estprod, evoper, extremeIndex, extremogram, facmodTS, finalfit, fishmethods, flexsurvcure, flocker, frair, frechet, ftsa, gamRR, glmnetSE, gmGeostats, graphPAF, h2otools, hdpca, iClick, iNZightPlots, ic.infer, interactionRCS, its.analysis, jocre, laeken, lancor, lme4, lulab.utils, manymome, mase, mcradds, mdpeer, medflex, mediateP, mediation, mem, metaplus, mgc, mhazard, mixcure, modifiedmk, moveHMM, mpower, mudfold, multiROC, multiwayvcov, netdiffuseR, nlraa, np, pairwiseCI, panelhetero, paramtest, pastecs, paths, pct, perspectev, pgirmess, phenesse, phylosignal, plsRbeta, plsRglm, plsgenomics, polyapost, poppr, povmap, psBayesborrow, psychmeta, pubmed.mineR, quest, r4lineups, randomLCA, raptr, rcompanion, reappraised, referenceIntervals, refund, repmod, restriktor, reverseR, riskCommunicator, risks, robmed, robmixglm, rtrend, safestats, sampcompR, seedreg, sem, semEff, semhelpinghands, sensitivity, sensobol, serosv, shotGroups, simmr, simpleboot, sisal, smiles, soilphysics, spaMM, spatialreg, spdep, spsurvey, stdmod, subscore, tRigon, tbea, tbrf, tectonicr, tsBSS, uotm, vimp, visualFields, welo, wrappedtools, yhat, yuima.

Depended on by BACprior, BCEE, CircStats, Comp2ROC, Compind, DCluster, EDOIF, MDSGUI, MisRepARMA, NegBinBetaBinreg, Oncotree, QuantPsyc, R2WinBUGS, addhaz, bcROCsurface, bda, bootES, briKmeans, cardidates, cramer, dawai, dhglm, equivalence, experiment, frailtypack, funmediation, gb, hsem, mdhglm, ordinalCont, phase1RMD, random.polychor.pa, reglogit, relaimpo, rtip, simboot, texteffect, tlm, truncSP, verification.

Suggested by AER, CaDENCE, DAAG, EnvStats, GEVcdn, Greg, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, ISEtools, LambertW, MSEtool, MatchIt, MaxMC, Mestim, PRSim, PoweREST, Qindex, R2HTML, RPPASPACE, Rcmdr, RcmdrMisc, Statsomat, Wats, abd, abn, aod, asbio, bayesboot, brainGraph, broom, car, cond, cv, dartR, dartR.base, datawizard, dominanceanalysis, effectsize, emplik, ezCutoffs, fwb, gMCP, glmmTMB, gsubfn, horseshoenlm, incubate, insight, investr, ipw, jaatha, jtools, kim, logmult, marg, marginaleffects, meboot, metafor, mev, mirt, multilevelmediation, multiverse, nlreg, npsm, optmatch, papaja, parameters, performance, proftools, psm3mkv, rTPC, regmedint, rempsyc, riskRegression, rms, robustbase, rstatix, scdhlm, simTool, simhelpers, superb, table1, tablet, tranSurv, wrMisc, wrTopDownFrag.

See at CRAN