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Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues - Volume 62

All published Volumes
Supplementary Issue 3
Supplementary Issue 2
Supplementary Issue 1

Supplementary Issue 3

Preserving World Subterranean Heritage

Natural, Cultural and Mixed Subterranean Heritage

Ed.: Elena Trofimova; Jean-Noel Salomon

2021. 348 pages, 146 figures, 12 tables, 17x24cm, 930 g
Language: English

ArtNo. ES023106203, paperback, price: 152.00 €

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Trofimova, Elena

p. 1-1, published: Mar 12, 2021

DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0687

Original paper

World Subterranean Heritage diversity and problems of its preservation

Trofimova, Elena V.; Trofimov, Alexei A.

p. 3-18, published: Mar 12, 2021
3 figures, 2 tables

ArtNo. ESP023106203001 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0688

Original paper

Caves of Aggtelek and Slovak karsts, Northern Hungary and Southern Slovakia

Bella, Pavel; Gruber, Péter; Gaál, Ľudovít; Papáč, Vladimír; Bárány Kevei, Ilona

p. 19-47, published: Mar 12, 2021
9 figures, 2 tables

ArtNo. ESP023106203002 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0689

Original paper

The Škocjan Caves – UNESCO World Heritage Site

Prelovšek, Mitja; Gabrovšek, Franci; Kozel, Peter; Mulec, Janez; Pipan, Tanja; Šebela, Stanka

p. 49-64, published: Mar 12, 2021
7 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203003 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0690

Original paper

Natuturingan Cave (Puerto Princesa Underground River, Palawan, Philippines): an astonishing ecosystem to be preserved while improving tourism

DeVivo, Antonio; Forti, Paolo

p. 65-84, published: Mar 12, 2021
8 figures, 2 tables

ArtNo. ESP023106203004 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0691

Original paper

Cave and karst management at Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Burger, Paul A.

p. 85-124, published: Mar 12, 2021
14 figures, 1 tables

ArtNo. ESP023106203005 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0692

Original paper

Cave and karst of the Grand Canyon World Heritage Site

Tobin, Benjamin W.; Springer, Abraham E.; Ballensky, Jason; Armstrong, Andy

p. 125-144, published: Mar 12, 2021
14 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203006 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0693

Original paper

The Mammoth Cave National Park World Heritage Site

Bledsoe, Lee Anne; Groves, Chris; Toomey, Rick

p. 145-193, published: Mar 12, 2021
21 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203007 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0694

Original paper

Geoheritage assessment of lava tube caves in Jeju Island, Korea

Woo, Kyung Sik; Kim, Lyoun; Lee, Jonghee

p. 195-212, published: Mar 12, 2021
14 figures, 4 tables

ArtNo. ESP023106203010 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0695

Original paper

World Heritage values and conservation status of the Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh / Naracoorte)

Reed, Elizabeth

p. 213-233, published: Mar 12, 2021
5 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203012 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0703

Original paper

Crystal Caves in the ‘Wieliczka’ Salt Mine – unique cave site

Alexandrowicz, Zofia; Urban, Jan; Andreychouk, Viacheslav

p. 235-254, published: Mar 12, 2021
8 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203015 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0696

Original paper

Rock-hewn churches near the village of Ivanovo, NE Bulgaria: cultural value and geoconservation problems

Kostov, Konstantin

p. 255-263, published: Mar 12, 2021
5 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203016 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0697

Original paper

The underground world heritage site in the Harz Mining Region

Armenat, Manuela; Malek, Katharina

p. 265-281, published: Mar 12, 2021
7 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203017 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0698

Original paper

Nahal Me‘arot caves: archive of human evolution against the background of prolonged karstic processes

Frumkin, Amos; Weinstein-Evron, Mina

p. 283-300, published: Mar 12, 2021
7 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203018 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0699

Original paper

Acceleration and mitigation of sandstone weathering in the Yungang Grottoes for more than one millennia

Jiang, Guanghui; Guo, Fang; Huang, Jizhong

p. 301-314, published: Mar 12, 2021
6 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203019 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0700

Original paper

Latin American World Heritage sites: selected examples from Mexico, Brazil and Argentina

Panisset Travassos, Eduardo Luiz; Gonçalves Bastos, Regina; de Souza Andrade e Silva, Glaycon

p. 315-332, published: Mar 12, 2021
9 figures, 1 tables

ArtNo. ESP023106203020 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0701

Original paper

The Geoheritage of Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia, Turkey

Ertek, T. Ahmet

p. 333-348, published: Mar 12, 2021
9 figures

ArtNo. ESP023106203021 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0702

Supplementary Issue 2

Signatures of extreme events recorded in geological archives of the Mediterranean

Ed.: Klaus Reicherter; Andreas Vött; Margret Mathes-Schmidt; Ioannis Papanikolaou

2019. 322 pages, 86 figures, 32 tables, 17x24cm, 750 g
Language: English

ArtNo. ES023106202, paperback, price: 144.00 €

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Original paper

Editorial: Signatures of extreme events recorded in geological archives of the Mediterranean

Reicherter, Klaus; Vött, Andreas; Mathes-Schmidt, Margret; Papanikolaou, Ioannis; Schneiderwind, Sascha

p. 1-6, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202000 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0646

Original paper

Publicity waves based on manipulated geoscientific data suggesting climatic trigger for majority of tsunami findings in the Mediterranean – Response to 'Tsunamis in the geological record: Making waves with a cautionary tale from the Mediterranean' by Marriner et al. (2017)

Vött, Andreas; Bruins, Hendrik J.; Gawehn, Matthijs; Goodman-Tchernov, Beverly N.; De Martini, Paolo Marco; Kelletat, Dieter; Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe; Reicherter, Klaus; Röbke, Björn R.; Scheffers, Anja; Willershäuser, Timo; Avramidis, Pavlos; Bellanova, Piero; Costa, Pedro J.M.; Finkler, Claudia; Hadler, Hanna; Koster, Benjamin; Lario, Javier; Reinhardt, Eduard; Mathes-Schmidt, Margret; Ntageretzis, Konstantin; Pantosti, Daniela; Papanikolaou, Ioannis; Sansò, Paolo; Scicchitano, Giovanni; Smedile, Alessandra; Szczuciski, Witek

p. 7-45, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202001 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2018/0547

Original paper

The earthquake and tsunami of 426 BC in Greece: observations by Thucydides and contextual interpretations

Freitag, Klaus; Reicherter, Klaus

p. 47-62, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202002 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0625

Original paper

Extreme wave events recorded in sedimentary archives of the Geropotamos River (north-central Crete, Greece)

Werner, Vera; Baika, Kalliopi; Tzigounaki, Anastasia; Reicherter, Klaus; Papanikolaou, Ioannis; Emde, Kurt; Fischer, Peter; Vött, Andreas

p. 63-100, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202003 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0602

Original paper

Event deposits in the Eastern Thermaikos Gulf and Kassandra Peninsula (Northern Greece): evidence of the 479 BC "Herodotus tsunami"

Mathes-Schmidt, Margret; Papanikolaou, Ioannis; Reicherter, Klaus; Pallikarakis, Aggelos

p. 101-125, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202004 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0612

Original paper

Constraining the regional uplift rate of the Corinth Isthmus area (Greece), through biostratigraphic and tectonic data

Pallikarakis, Aggelos; Papanikolaou, Ioannis; Reicherter, Klaus; Triantaphyllou, Maria; Dimiza, Margarita; Koukousioura, Olga

p. 127-142, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202005 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0609

Original paper

Major flood events recorded in the Holocene sedimentary sequence of the uplifted Ladiko and Makrisia basins near ancient Olympia (western Peloponnese, Greece)

Vött, Andreas; Willershäuser, Timo; Röbke, Björn R.; Obrocki, Lea; Fischer, Peter; Hadler, Hanna; Emde, Kurt; Eder, Birgitta; Gehrke, Hans-Joachim; Lang, Franziska

p. 143-195, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202006 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2018/0499

Original paper

The sedimentary record of the Alkinoos Harbour of ancient Corcyra (Corfu Island, Greece) – geoarchaeological evidence for rapid coastal changes induced by co-seismic uplift, tsunami inundation and human interventions

Finkler, Claudia; Baika, Kalliopi; Rigakou, Diamanto; Metallinou, Garyfalia; Fischer, Peter; Hadler, Hanna; Emde, Kurt; Vött, Andreas

p. 197-246, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202007 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2018/0514

Original paper

Historical earthquakes in the Lower Segura basin (SE Spain): geological and archaeological evidence from pre-roman to modern times

Silva, P.G.; Giner-Robles, J.L.; Elez, J.; Roquero, E.; Rodríguez-Pascua, M.A.; Pérez-López, R.; Martínez-Graña, A.; Bardají, T.; Perucha, M.A.

p. 247-269, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202008 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2018/0492

Original paper

Lichenometric dating of coseismic rockfall related to the Great Lisbon Earthquake in 1755 affecting the archaeological site of "Tolmo de Minateda" (Spain)

Pérez-López, R.; Giner-Robles, J.L.; Rodríguez-Pascua, M.A.; Silva, P.G.; Roquero, E.; Bardají, T.; Elez, J.; Huerta, P.

p. 271-293, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202009 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0504

Original paper

The Holocene sedimentary record of the flood plain of the Saint-Ciers-Sur-Gironde marsh (Gironde estuary, France)

Mathes-Schmidt, Margret; Moiriat, Denis; Jomard, Hervé; Reicherter, Klaus; Baize, Stéphane

p. 295-322, published: Oct 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106202010 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0605

Supplementary Issue 1

Advances in Desert Research

New and Traditional Approaches

Ed.: Olaf Bubenzer; Veit Nottebaum

2019. 205 pages, 70 figures, 20 tables, 17x24cm, 520 g
Language: English

ArtNo. ES023106201, paperback, price: 117.00 €

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In this special issue of Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie the authors present state-of-the-art examples of dryland research with geomorphological focus conducted in Germany during the last years. The articles are ordered spatially, following an East-West transect from Iran and Syria across Africa from North to South and ending in the dry, high altitudes of the Andes.
The first paper presents remotely sensed surface dynamics in Iran recorded in radar data. It is followed by a study on wind regime and sand transport in the Sistan and Registan regions of Iran and Afghanistan. A paper on stable isotope signatures of radiocarbon dated pedogenic carbonate from NE Syria reveals fluctuating paleoenvironmental patterns in the Pleistocene Levant.
From Africa, a study reports on late Pleistocene palaeosol development in Niger. Furthermore, advanced Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) measurements in combination with geomorphological and sedimentological investigations in a dune-interdune system of a hyper-arid environment (Erg Chebbi, Morocco) are presented. Land use in the Souss Region of Morocco and its influence on wadi dynamics is investigated using scour chain measurements over four years within wadi channels in order to detect sedimentary dynamics. In southern Namibia, a remote sensing-based approach investigates how extreme rainfall events in 2006 impacted the evolution of vegetation covers.
The volume closes with a paper presenting results on geomorphodynamics recorded in a high-Andean cushion peatland of the Chilean Central Andes during the last 1800 cal. yr BP.
This supplement issue is not only of interest for all readers and scientists working in the fields of dryland research, but also for readers from the entire disciplines of geomorphology, sedimentology and remote.


Original paper

Advances in Desert Research: New and Traditional Approaches

Bubenzer, Olaf; Nottebaum, Veit

p. 1-7, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0616

Original paper

Data Processing, Feature Extraction, and Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery: Examples from Damghan and Bajestan Playa (Iran)

Ullmann, Tobias; Serfas, Konstantin; Büdel, Christian; Padashi, Majid; Baumhauer, Roland

p. 9-39, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201001 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0524

Original paper

Wind regime and sand transport in the Sistan and Registan regions (Iran/Afghanistan)

Abbasi, Hamidreza; Opp, Christian; Groll, Micheal; Gohardoust, Azadeh

p. 41-57, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201002 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0543

Original paper

Stable isotope signatures of radiocarbon dated pedogenic carbonate from Tell Chuera (NE Syria) reveal fluctuating paleoenvironmental patterns in the Pleistocene Levant

Ernst, Mathias; Thiemeyer, Heinrich; Lüdecke, Tina

p. 59-84, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201003 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0553

Original paper

OSL-ages and paleo-climatic evidence of ancient dunes with paleosols along a SW–NE transect from the southern Sahel to the central Sahara in Niger

Felix-Henningsen, Peter

p. 85-118, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201004 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0533

Original paper

Electrical resistivity tomography and forward modelling in hyper-arid environments – A case study from Erg Chebbi, Southeast Morocco

Herzog, Manuel; Kanig, Maximilian; Bubenzer, Olaf

p. 119-135, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201005 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0529

Original paper

Land use in the Souss region, South Morocco and its influence on wadi dynamics

Kirchhoff, Mario; Peter, Klaus Daniel; Hssaine, Ali Ait; Ries, Johannes Bernhard

p. 137-160, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201006 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0525

Original paper

Impact of extreme rainfalls in the year 2006 to the vegetation cover on different geomorphological units of the central Kaukausib catchment, southern Namib Desert (Namibia)

Henselowsky, Felix; Pflüger, Ole; Bubenzer, Olaf

p. 161-181, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201007 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0552

Original paper

Geomorphodynamics as recorded in a high-Andean cushion peatland of the western Chilean Central Andes (27° S) during the last 1800 cal. yr BP

Kock, Sebastian T.; Schittek, Karsten; Lücke, Andreas; Maldonado, Antonio; Mächtle, Bertil

p. 183-205, published: Jun 1, 2019, published online: Jun 1, 2019

ArtNo. ESP023106201008 Price: 29.00 € DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2019/0537

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