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A new perfusion mode of culture mode for WJ‐MSCs expansion in a stirred and on‐line monitored bioreactor

C. Sion ◽  
D. Ghannoum ◽  
B. Ebel ◽  
F. Gallo ◽  
N. Isla ◽  
On Line ◽  
William Krakow

In the past few years on-line digital television frame store devices coupled to computers have been employed to attempt to measure the microscope parameters of defocus and astigmatism. The ultimate goal of such tasks is to fully adjust the operating parameters of the microscope and obtain an optimum image for viewing in terms of its information content. The initial approach to this problem, for high resolution TEM imaging, was to obtain the power spectrum from the Fourier transform of an image, find the contrast transfer function oscillation maxima, and subsequently correct the image. This technique requires a fast computer, a direct memory access device and even an array processor to accomplish these tasks on limited size arrays in a few seconds per image. It is not clear that the power spectrum could be used for more than defocus correction since the correction of astigmatism is a formidable problem of pattern recognition.

A.M.H. Schepman ◽  
J.A.P. van der Voort ◽  
J.E. Mellema

A Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) was coupled to a small computer. The system (see Fig. 1) has been built using a Philips EM400, equipped with a scanning attachment and a DEC PDP11/34 computer with 34K memory. The gun (Fig. 2) consists of a continuously renewed tip of radius 0.2 to 0.4 μm of a tungsten wire heated just below its melting point by a focussed laser beam (1). On-line operation procedures were developped aiming at the reduction of the amount of radiation of the specimen area of interest, while selecting the various imaging parameters and upon registration of the information content. Whereas the theoretical limiting spot size is 0.75 nm (2), routine resolution checks showed minimum distances in the order 1.2 to 1.5 nm between corresponding intensity maxima in successive scans. This value is sufficient for structural studies of regular biological material to test the performance of STEM over high resolution CTEM.

Neil Rowlands ◽  
Jeff Price ◽  
Michael Kersker ◽  
Seichi Suzuki ◽  
Steve Young ◽  

Three-dimensional (3D) microstructure visualization on the electron microscope requires that the sample be tilted to different positions to collect a series of projections. This tilting should be performed rapidly for on-line stereo viewing and precisely for off-line tomographic reconstruction. Usually a projection series is collected using mechanical stage tilt alone. The stereo pairs must be viewed off-line and the 60 to 120 tomographic projections must be aligned with fiduciary markers or digital correlation methods. The delay in viewing stereo pairs and the alignment problems in tomographic reconstruction could be eliminated or improved by tilting the beam if such tilt could be accomplished without image translation.A microscope capable of beam tilt with simultaneous image shift to eliminate tilt-induced translation has been investigated for 3D imaging of thick (1 μm) biologic specimens. By tilting the beam above and through the specimen and bringing it back below the specimen, a brightfield image with a projection angle corresponding to the beam tilt angle can be recorded (Fig. 1a).

G.Y. Fan ◽  
J.M. Cowley

In recent developments, the ASU HB5 has been modified so that the timing, positioning, and scanning of the finely focused electron probe can be entirely controlled by a host computer. This made the asynchronized handshake possible between the HB5 STEM and the image processing system which consists of host computer (PDP 11/34), DeAnza image processor (IP 5000) which is interfaced with a low-light level TV camera, array processor (AP 400) and various peripheral devices. This greatly facilitates the pattern recognition technique initiated by Monosmith and Cowley. Software called NANHB5 is under development which, instead of employing a set of photo-diodes to detect strong spots on a TV screen, uses various software techniques including on-line fast Fourier transform (FFT) to recognize patterns of greater complexity, taking advantage of the sophistication of our image processing system and the flexibility of computer software.

John F. Mansfield ◽  
Douglas C. Crawford

A method has been developed that allows on-line measurement of the thickness of crystalline materials in the analytical electron microscope. Two-beam convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) patterns are digitized from a JEOL 2000FX electron microscope into an Apple Macintosh II microcomputer via a Gatan #673 CCD Video Camera and an Imaging Systems Technology Video 1000 frame-capture board. It is necessary to know the lattice parameters of the sample since measurements are made of the spacing of the diffraction discs in order to calibrate the pattern. The sample thickness is calculated from measurements of the spacings of the fringes that are seen in the diffraction discs. This technique was pioneered by Kelly et al, who used the two-beam dynamic theory of MacGillavry relate the deviation parameter (Si) of the ith fringe from the exact Bragg condition to the specimen thickness (t) with the equation:Where ξg, is the extinction distance for that reflection and ni is an integer.

W.J. de Ruijter ◽  
P. Rez ◽  
David J. Smith

There is growing interest in the on-line use of computers in high-resolution electron n which should reduce the demands on highly skilled operators and thereby extend the r of the technique. An on-line computer could obviously perform routine procedures hand, or else facilitate automation of various restoration, reconstruction and enhan These techniques are slow and cumbersome at present because of the need for cai micrographs and off-line processing. In low resolution microscopy (most biologic; primary incentive for automation and computer image analysis is to create a instrument, with standard programmed procedures. In HREM (materials researc computer image analysis should lead to better utilization of the microscope. Instru (improved lens design and higher accelerating voltages) have improved the interpretab the level of atomic dimensions (approximately 1.6 Å) and instrumental resolutior should become feasible in the near future.

M.A. O’Keefe ◽  
J. Taylor ◽  
D. Owen ◽  
B. Crowley ◽  
K.H. Westmacott ◽  

Remote on-line electron microscopy is rapidly becoming more available as improvements continue to be developed in the software and hardware of interfaces and networks. Scanning electron microscopes have been driven remotely across both wide and local area networks. Initial implementations with transmission electron microscopes have targeted unique facilities like an advanced analytical electron microscope, a biological 3-D IVEM and a HVEM capable of in situ materials science applications. As implementations of on-line transmission electron microscopy become more widespread, it is essential that suitable standards be developed and followed. Two such standards have been proposed for a high-level protocol language for on-line access, and we have proposed a rational graphical user interface. The user interface we present here is based on experience gained with a full-function materials science application providing users of the National Center for Electron Microscopy with remote on-line access to a 1.5MeV Kratos EM-1500 in situ high-voltage transmission electron microscope via existing wide area networks. We have developed and implemented, and are continuing to refine, a set of tools, protocols, and interfaces to run the Kratos EM-1500 on-line for collaborative research. Computer tools for capturing and manipulating real-time video signals are integrated into a standardized user interface that may be used for remote access to any transmission electron microscope equipped with a suitable control computer.

M.A. Gribelyuk ◽  
M. Rühle

A new method is suggested for the accurate determination of the incident beam direction K, crystal thickness t and the coordinates of the basic reciprocal lattice vectors V1 and V2 (Fig. 1) of the ZOLZ plans in pixels of the digitized 2-D CBED pattern. For a given structure model and some estimated values Vest and Kest of some point O in the CBED pattern a set of line scans AkBk is chosen so that all the scans are located within CBED disks.The points on line scans AkBk are conjugate to those on A0B0 since they are shifted by the reciprocal vector gk with respect to each other. As many conjugate scans are considered as CBED disks fall into the energy filtered region of the experimental pattern. Electron intensities of the transmitted beam I0 and diffracted beams Igk for all points on conjugate scans are found as a function of crystal thickness t on the basis of the full dynamical calculation.

K.-H. Herrmann ◽  
W. D. Rau ◽  
R. Sikeler

Quantitative recording of electron patterns and their rapid conversion into digital information is an outstanding goal which the photoplate fails to solve satisfactorily. For a long time, LLL-TV cameras have been used for EM adjustment but due to their inferior pixel number they were never a real alternative to the photoplate. This situation has changed with the availability of scientific grade slow-scan charged coupled devices (CCD) with pixel numbers exceeding 106, photometric accuracy and, by Peltier cooling, both excellent storage and noise figures previously inaccessible in image detection technology. Again the electron image is converted into a photon image fed to the CCD by some light optical transfer link. Subsequently, some technical solutions are discussed using the detection quantum efficiency (DQE), resolution, pixel number and exposure range as figures of merit.A key quantity is the number of electron-hole pairs released in the CCD sensor by a single primary electron (PE) which can be estimated from the energy deposit ΔE in the scintillator,

Nestor J. Zaluzec

The Information SuperHighway, Email, The Internet, FTP, BBS, Modems, : all buzz words which are becoming more and more routine in our daily life. Confusing terminology? Hopefully it won't be in a few minutes, all you need is to have a handle on a few basic concepts and terms and you will be on-line with the rest of the "telecommunication experts". These terms all refer to some type or aspect of tools associated with a range of computer-based communication software and hardware. They are in fact far less complex than the instruments we use on a day to day basis as microscopist's and microanalyst's. The key is for each of us to know what each is and how to make use of the wealth of information which they can make available to us for the asking. Basically all of these items relate to mechanisms and protocols by which we as scientists can easily exchange information rapidly and efficiently to colleagues in the office down the hall, or half-way around the world using computers and various communications media. The purpose of this tutorial/paper is to outline and demonstrate the basic ideas of some of the major information systems available to all of us today. For the sake of simplicity we will break this presentation down into two distinct (but as we shall see later connected) areas: telecommunications over conventional phone lines, and telecommunications by computer networks. Live tutorial/demonstrations of both procedures will be presented in the Computer Workshop/Software Exchange during the course of the meeting.

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