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scholarly journals The effect of gravity drainage mechanism on oil recovery by reservoir simulation; a case study in an Iranian highly fractured reservoir

K. Zobeidi ◽  
M. Mohammad-Shafie ◽  
M. Ganjeh-Ghazvini

AbstractA comprehensive reservoir simulation study was performed on an oil field that had a wide fracture network and could be considered a typical example of highly fractured reservoirs in Iran. This field is located in southwest of Iran in Zagros sedimentary basin among several neighborhood fields with relatively considerable fractured networks. In this reservoir, the pressure drops below the saturation pressure and causes the formation of a secondary gas cap. This can help to better assess the gravity drainage phenomenon. We decided to investigate and track the effect of gravity drainage mechanism on the recovery factor of oil production in this field. In this study, after/before the implementation of gas injection scenarios with different discharges, the contribution of gravity drainage mechanism to the recovery factor was found more than 50%. Considering that a relatively large number of studies have been conducted on this field simultaneously with the growth of information from different aspects and this study is the last and most comprehensive study and also the results are extracted from real field data using existing reservoir simulators, it is of special importance and can be used by researchers.

2009 ◽  
Vol 12 (03) ◽  
pp. 380-389 ◽  
Juan Ernesto Ladron de Guevara-Torres ◽  
Fernando Rodriguez-de la Garza ◽  
Agustin Galindo-Nava

Summary The gravity-drainage and oil-reinfiltration processes that occur in the gas-cap zone of naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs) are studied through single porosity refined grid simulations. A stack of initially oil-saturated matrix blocks in the presence of connate water surrounded by gas-saturated fractures is considered; gas is provided at the top of the stack at a constant pressure under gravity-capillary dominated flow conditions. An in-house reservoir simulator, SIMPUMA-FRAC, and two other commercial simulators were used to run the numerical experiments; the three simulators gave basically the same results. Gravity-drainage and oil-reinfiltration rates, along with average fluid saturations, were computed in the stack of matrix blocks through time. Pseudofunctions for oil reinfiltration and gravity drainage were developed and considered in a revised formulation of the dual-porosity flow equations used in the fractured reservoir simulation. The modified dual-porosity equations were implemented in SIMPUMA-FRAC (Galindo-Nava 1998; Galindo-Nava et al. 1998), and solutions were verified with good results against those obtained from the equivalent single porosity refined grid simulations. The same simulations--considering gravity drainage and oil reinfiltration processes--were attempted to run in the two other commercial simulators, in their dual-porosity mode and using available options. Results obtained were different among them and significantly different from those obtained from SIMPUMA-FRAC. Introduction One of the most important aspects in the numerical simulation of fractured reservoirs is the description of the processes that occur during the rock-matrix/fracture fluid exchange and the connection with the fractured network. This description was initially done in a simplified manner and therefore incomplete (Gilman and Kazemi 1988; Saidi and Sakthikumar 1993). Experiments and theoretical and numerical studies (Saidi and Sakthikumar 1993; Horie et al. 1998; Tan and Firoozabadi 1990; Coats 1989) have allowed to understand that there are mechanisms and processes, such as oil reinfiltritation or oil imbibition and capillary continuity between matrix blocks, that were not taken into account with sufficient detail in the original dual-porosity formulations to model them properly and that modify significantly the oil-production forecast and the ultimate recovery in an NFR. The main idea of this paper is to study in further detail the oil reinfiltration process that occurs in the gas invaded zone (gas cap zone) in an NFR and to evaluate its modeling to implement it in a dual-porosity numerical simulator.

Energies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (19) ◽  
pp. 3699 ◽  
Faisal Awad Aljuboori ◽  
Jang Hyun Lee ◽  
Khaled A. Elraies ◽  
Karl D. Stephen

Gravity drainage is one of the essential recovery mechanisms in naturally fractured reservoirs. Several mathematical formulas have been proposed to simulate the drainage process using the dual-porosity model. Nevertheless, they were varied in their abilities to capture the real saturation profiles and recovery speed in the reservoir. Therefore, understanding each mathematical model can help in deciding the best gravity model that suits each reservoir case. Real field data from a naturally fractured carbonate reservoir from the Middle East have used to examine the performance of various gravity equations. The reservoir represents a gas–oil system and has four decades of production history, which provided the required mean to evaluate the performance of each gravity model. The simulation outcomes demonstrated remarkable differences in the oil and gas saturation profile and in the oil recovery speed from the matrix blocks, which attributed to a different definition of the flow potential in the vertical direction. Moreover, a sensitivity study showed that some matrix parameters such as block height and vertical permeability exhibited a different behavior and effectiveness in each gravity model, which highlighted the associated uncertainty to the possible range that often used in the simulation. These parameters should be modelled accurately to avoid overestimation of the oil recovery from the matrix blocks, recovery speed, and to capture the advanced gas front in the oil zone.

SPE Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (03) ◽  
pp. 973-987 ◽  
Neha Anand ◽  
Brandon Tang ◽  
Bradley (Duong) Nguyen ◽  
Chao-yu Sie ◽  
Marco Verlaan ◽  

Summary Application of thermal and solvent enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) technologies for viscous heavy-oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs is generally challenging because of low permeability, unfavorable wettability and mobility, and considerable heat losses. Vapor/oil gravity drainage (VOGD) is a modified solvent-only injection technology, targeted at improving viscous oil recovery in fractured reservoirs. It uses high fluid conductivity in vertical fractures to rapidly establish a large solvent/oil contact area and eliminates the need for massive energy and water inputs, compared with thermal processes, by operating at significantly lower temperatures with no water requirement. An investigation of the effects of solvent-injection rate, temperature, and solvent type [n-butane and dichloromethane (DCM)] on the recovery profile was performed on a single-fracture core model. This work combines the knowledge obtained from experimental investigation and analytical modeling using the Butler correlation (Das and Butler 1999) with validated fluid-property models to understand the relative importance of various recovery mechanisms behind VOGD—namely, molecular diffusion, asphaltene precipitation and deposition, capillarity, and viscosity reduction. Experimental and analytical model studies indicated that molecular diffusion, convective dispersion, viscosity reduction by means of solvent dissolution, and gravity drainage are dominant phenomena in the recovery process. Material-balance analysis indicated limited asphaltene precipitation. High fluid transmissibility in the fracture along with gravity drainage led to early solvent breakthroughs and oil recoveries as high as 75% of original oil in place (OOIP). Injecting butane at a higher rate and operating temperature enhanced the solvent-vapor rate inside the core, leading to the highest ultimate recovery. Increasing the operating temperature alone did not improve ultimate recovery because of decreased solvent solubility in the oil. Although with DCM, lower asphaltene precipitation should maximize the oil-recovery rate, its higher solvent (vapor)/oil interfacial tension (IFT) resulted in lower ultimate recovery than butane. Ideal density and nonideal double-log viscosity-mixing rules along with molecular diffusivity as a power function of oil viscosity were used to obtain an accurate physical description of the fluids for modeling solvent/oil behavior. With critical phenomena such as capillarity and asphaltene precipitation missing, the Butler analytical model underpredicts recovery rates by as much as 70%.

Hamidreza Erfani ◽  
Abtin Karimi Malekabadi ◽  
Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari ◽  
Behzad Rostami

AbstractGravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs. The efficiency of this mechanism is controlled by block-to-block interactions through capillary continuity and/or reinfiltration processes. In this study, at first, several free-fall gravity drainage experiments were conducted on a well-designed three-block apparatus and the role of tilt angle, spacers’ permeability, wettability and effective contact area (representing a different status of the block-to-block interactions between matrix blocks) on the recovery efficiency were investigated. Then, an experimental-based numerical model of free-fall gravity drainage process was developed, validated and used for monitoring the saturation profiles along with the matrix blocks. Results showed that gas wetting condition of horizontal fracture weakens the capillary continuity and in consequence decreases the recovery factor in comparison with the original liquid wetting condition. Moreover, higher spacers’ permeability increases oil recovery at early times, while it decreases the ultimate recovery factor. Tilt angle from the vertical axis decreases recovery factor, due to greater connectivity of matrix blocks to vertical fracture and consequent channelling. Decreasing horizontal fracture aperture decreases recovery at early times but increases the ultimate recovery due to a greater extent of capillary continuity between the adjacent blocks. Well match observed between the numerical model results and the experimental data of oil recovery makes the COMSOL multiphysics model attractive for application in multi-blocks fractured systems considering block-to-block interactions. The findings of this research improve our understanding of the role of different fracture properties on the block-to-block interactions and how they change the ultimate recovery of a multi-block system.

1976 ◽  
Vol 16 (05) ◽  
pp. 281-301 ◽  
D.W. Peaceman

Abstract A fractured reservoir undergoing pressure depletion, evolution of gas at the top of the oil zone leads to an unstable density inversion in the fissures. The resulting convection brings heavy oil into contact with matrix blocks containing light oil, and results in the transfer of dissolved gas between matrix and fissure in the undersaturated region of the oil zone. To provide a better understanding of this process, numerical solutions were obtained to the differential equations that describe convection in a vertical fissure and include the matrix-fissure transfer. The numerical procedure is an extension of the method of characteristics for miscible displacement problems in two dimensions. The effect of gas evolution in the upper portion of the oil zone is also included in the numerical model. Calculations for a vertical fissure of rectangular shape, with an initial sinusoidal perturbation of an in verse density gradient, show an initial exponential growth of the perturbation that agrees well with that predicted from mathematical theory. Calculations predicted from mathematical theory. Calculations for a vertical fissure having a similar, but slightly tilted, rectangular shape and with an initial, correspondingly tilted, inverse density gradient, show that the effect of the matrix-fissure transfer parameters on the time for overturning can be parameters on the time for overturning can be correlated quite well by curves obtained from mathematical perturbation theory. The most realistic calculations were carried out for the same vertical fissure having a slightly tilted rectangular shape, with declining pressure at the apex and gas evolution included in the gassing zone. The relative saturation-pressure depression in the fissure below the gassing zone can be characterized as increasing as the square of the time, following an incubation period. For practical ranges of the matrix-fissure period. For practical ranges of the matrix-fissure transfer parameters investigated, it is concluded that saturation-pressure depression will be significant. A preliminary correlation for this Pb depression was obtained. The fissure thickness was found to affect the Pb depression significantly. Introduction Most fractured reservoirs of commercial interest are characterized by the existence of a system of high-conductivity fissures together with a large number of matrix blocks containing most of the oil. It has been recognized for some time that analysis of the behavior of a fractured reservoir must involve an understanding of the performance of single matrix blocks under the various environmental conditions that can exist in the fissures. However, it has only recently been recognized that a similar need exists for a better understanding of convective mixing taking place within the oil-filled portion of the fissure system. In a fractured reservoir undergoing pressure depletion, gas will be evolved at all points of the reservoir where the oil pressure has declined below the original saturation pressure. This depth interval is referred to as the gassing zone. Because of the high conductivity of the fracture, the gas in the fissures will segregate rapidly from the oil before reaching the producing wells and most, if not all, of it will join the expanding gas cap. At a sufficient depth, however, the oil pressure will still be higher than the saturation pressure, and the oil there remains in an undersaturated condition. In the gassing zone, gas evolves from the oil in both the fissures and the matrix. The oil left behind in the fissures within the gassing zone contains less dissolved gas and is heavier than the oil below it in the undersaturated zone. This density inversion can result in considerable convection within the highly conductive fissures. As a result of this convection, heavy oil containing less gas is transported downward through the fissures, placing it in contact with matrix blocks containing lighter oil with more dissolved gas. Transfer of dissolved gas from matrix to fissure takes place owing to molecular diffusion through the porous matrix rock; and even more transfer takes place owing to local convection within the matrix block induced by the density contrast between fissure and matrix oil. SPEJ p. 281

SPE Journal ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 77-88 ◽  
Ginevra Di Donato ◽  
Huiyun Lu ◽  
Zohreh Tavassoli ◽  
Martin Julian Blunt

Summary We develop a physically motivated approach to modeling displacement processes in fractured reservoirs. To find matrix/fracture transfer functions in a dual-porosity model, we use analytical expressions for the average recovery as a function of time for gas gravity drainage and countercurrent imbibition. For capillary-controlled displacement, the recovery tends to its ultimate value with an approximately exponential decay (Barenblatt et al. 1990). When gravity dominates, the approach to ultimate recovery is slower and varies as a power law with time (Hagoort 1980). We apply transfer functions based on these expressions for core-scale recovery in field-scale simulation. To account for heterogeneity in wettability, matrix permeability, and fracture geometry within a single gridblock, we propose a multirate model (Ponting 2004). We allow the matrix to be composed of a series of separate domains in communication with different fracture sets with different rate constants in the transfer function. We use this methodology to simulate recovery in a Chinese oil field to assess the efficiency of different injection processes. We use a streamline-based formulation that elegantly allows the transfer between fracture and matrix to be accommodated as source terms in the 1D transport equations along streamlines that capture the flow in the fractures (Di Donato et al. 2003; Di Donato and Blunt 2004; Huang et al. 2004). This approach contrasts with the current Darcy-like formulation for fracture/matrix transfer based on a shape factor (Gilman and Kazemi 1983) that may not give the correct average behavior (Di Donato et al. 2003; Di Donato and Blunt 2004; Huang et al. 2004). Furthermore, we show that recovery is exceptionally sensitive to parameters that describe the physics of the displacement process, highlighting the need to make careful core-scale measurements of recovery. Introduction Di Donato et al.(2003) and Di Donato and Blunt (2004) proposed a dual-porosity streamline-based model for simulating flow in fractured reservoirs. Conceptually, the reservoir is composed of two domains: a flowing region with high permeability that represents the fracture network and a stagnant region with low permeability that represents the matrix (Barenblatt et al. 1960; Warren and Root 1963). The streamlines capture flow in the flowing regions, while transfer from fracture to matrix is accommodated as source/sink terms in the transport equations along streamlines. Di Donato et al. (2003) applied this methodology to study capillary-controlled transfer between fracture and matrix and demonstrated that using streamlines allowed multimillion-cell models to be run using standard computing resources. They showed that the run time could be orders of magnitude smaller than equivalent conventional grid-based simulation (Huang et al. 2004). This streamline approach has been applied by other authors (Al-Huthali and Datta-Gupta 2004) who have extended the method to include gravitational effects, gas displacement, and dual-permeability simulation, where there is also flow in the matrix. Thiele et al. (2004) have described a commercial implementation of a streamline dual-porosity model based on the work of Di Donato et al. that efficiently solves the 1D transport equations along streamlines.

2013 ◽  
Vol 868 ◽  
pp. 535-541
Hong Liu ◽  
Lin Wang ◽  
Yu Wu Zhou ◽  
Xi Nan Yu

The fractured low permeability reservoirs develop complex fracture network. As the of waterflooding recovery heightens, excessive high injection pressures and excessive water injection rate will result in open, initiation, propagation and coalescence of micro-fracture, connecting injection with production form the high permeability zone, which results in a one-way onrush of waterflooding, water cut in oil well water rise quickly, causing a severe oil well flooding and channeling, thereby reducing the ultimate oil recovery efficiency. The effect of the waterflooding seepage within natural fracture on fracture initiation is studied and analyzed here, applying the theory of rock fracture mechanics to analyze the interaction of fracture system for naturally fractured reservoirs in waterflooding developing process, studying the mechanical mechanism of opening, initiation, propagation and coalescence of natural fracture under injection pressure, which is important theoretical significance for studying the distribution law of fracture and defining appreciate water injection mode and injection pressure in the process of injection development of the naturally fractured reservoir and for delaying the directivity water break-through and water flooding rate of oil well in the process of injection development.

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