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Occupational health and safety in initial vocational training: Reflection on the issues of prescription and integration in teaching and learning activities

2022 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 105580
Céline Chatigny
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
Coenraad Jurgens ◽  
Marius Smit ◽  
Johannes L. van der Walt

South Africa has both a shortage and an urgent need for qualified people with technical and mechanical skills. In order to meet this need, the teaching of technical subjects at public schools should be promoted and improved. A key aspect of teaching technical subjects in schools is to ensure the safety of all learners in technical workshops. The theory of Geborgenheit (safety, wellness, wellbeing) in education entails the notion that effective teaching and learning is enhanced if the places of learning are safe and secure. School workshops should be secure and safe spaces for learners in order for effective teaching and learning to occur. Although the state may be held liable if harm is caused in a negligent or culpable manner to a person in a school workshop, such incidents have negative effects on learners and educators alikeas well. This study reports on the findings of mixed method research, which involved quantitative data collection among 220 technical schools as well as qualitative research about safety and the frequency and nature of injuries in Mechanical Technology school workshops. The findings indicate that educators (teachers, instructors) have insufficient knowledge of the law, including ignorance of the de minimis non curat lex-principle, state liability based on section 60 of the Schools Act and the applicability of the Occupational Health and Safety Act to school workshops. Some learners, especially black school girls, are afraid of machines and refuse to work with them. More importantly, the study confirms that some educators are unqualified to teach Mechanical Technology as a subject. Factors like the lack of security, non-compliance with statutory requirements and ignorance of the law contribute to reduce Geborgenheit in workshops. This, in turn, affects the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process in schools. Keywords: Geborgenheid, Mechanical Technology teacher, learner safety, school workshops, injuries, caring supervision, ignorance of the law, Occupational Health and Safety Act, effective teaching and learning. Abstrak In Suid-Afrika is daar ʼn dringende behoefte aan gekwalifiseerde mense met tegniese en meganiese vaardighede. Om aan hierdie behoefte te voldoen behoort die onderrig van tegniese vakke in openbare skole bevorder te word. ʼn Sleutelaspek by openbare skole is die veiligheid van leerders in tegniese werkswinkels. Die teorie van Geborgenheid in die onderwys behels dat effektiewe onderrig-leer plaasvind indien die plekke van leer veilig en geborge is. Alhoewel die staat aanspreeklik is indien persone weens nalatige of skuldige optrede by skoolwerkswinkels beseer word, kan sulke insidente ʼn negatiewe uitwerking op opvoeders (onderwysers, instrukteurs) en leerders hê. Werkswinkels moet ʼn geborgenheidsruimte vir leerders skep sodat effektiewe onderrig en leer bevorder kan word. ’n Gebrek aan geborgenheid mag die onderrig- en leerproses ernstig benadeel. Die studie rapporteer bevindings van gemengde metodes navorsing, wat kwantitatiewe data-insameling by 220 tegniese skole asook kwalitatiewe navorsing oor veiligheid, die frekwensie en aard van beserings by Meganiese tegnologie werkswinkels behels het. Die bevindings dui daarop dat opvoeders onvoldoende kennis het aangaande die reg het, insluitend onkunde oor die de minimis-beginsel, staatsaanspreeklikheid ingevolge artikel 60 van die Skolewet en die toepaslikheid van die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en -Veiligheid op skole. Sommige leerders, veral swart skooldogters in sekere skole, is bang vir werkswinkelmasjinerie en weier om daarmee te werk. Die studie bevestig ook dat sommige opvoerders nie behoorlik gekwalifiseer is om Meganiese Tegnologie aan te bied nie. Faktore soos die gebrek aan sekuriteit, nie-nakoming van wetlike vereistes en onkunde van die reg kniehalter geborgenheid in die werkswinkels.Dit benadeel die effektiwiteit van die onderrig-leerproses. Sleutelwoorde: geborgenheid, werkswinkel-onderwyser, leerder- en werkswinkelveiligheid, beserings, deliktuele aanspreeklikheid, versorgingsplig/sorgplig, sekuriteit.

2012 ◽  
Andrea Bizarro ◽  
Megan Dove-Steinkamp ◽  
Nicole Johnson ◽  
Scott Ryan ◽  
Michelle Robertson ◽  

2000 ◽  
H. Herman-Haase ◽  
M. Quinn ◽  
J. Tessler ◽  
L. Punnett ◽  
N. Haiama ◽  

Thandekile Phulu

In South Africa employees are protected by various pieces of legislation. Section 23 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 provides for a right to fair labour practice. In its preamble the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (hereafter referred to as the LRA) states that the purpose of the Act is to advance economic development, social justice, labour peace and democratisation of the workplace. The LRA also states that one of its objectives is to give effect to and regulate the fundamental rights conferred by section 27 of the Constitution. The Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended by the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act 181 of 1993 provides for the health and safety of persons at work and for the health and safety of persons in connection with the use of plant and machinery. The LRA provides for dismissal for incapacity and dismissals for misconduct. It also differentiates between the two. The LRA provides for both substantive and procedural fairness when dismissing an employee for incapacity and misconduct. This paper will examine the rationale behind differentiating between dismissal for drunkenness and dismissal for alcoholism.

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