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Urban Anthropology

Urban Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Petra Kuppinger

Urban anthropologists study cities and spaces. They analyze urban lives, cultures, communities, place-making, and transformations and explore urban inequalities that are the result of uneven class, race, ethnic or gender dynamics, im/migration, labor conflicts, or political oppression. They investigate urban segregation, displacement, disenfranchisement, discrimination, poverty, exclusion, gentrification, environmental justice, neoliberal economies, labor relations, markets, street-vending, housing, civic organization and participation, minority/immigrant cultures, crime, or violence. Using anthropology’s central method of participant observation (mostly in combination with other methods), urban anthropologists are well placed to analyze and theorize the minutiae of diverse urban dwellers’ everyday lives, work, dwelling situations, struggles, cultural and social experiences, and creative culture-producing activities. At the dawn of the 21st century, urban anthropologists examine the devastating impact of neoliberal policies and economies that caused the influx of millions of displaced peasants, and environmental and war refugees into cities in the Global South and North where these newcomers, often in competition with other poor urbanites, struggle to find accommodations and make a living. Urban anthropologists investigate the lives and struggles of disenfranchised individuals, groups, and residential communities, which for example provide their own housing, maneuver aspects of exclusion or structural violence, try to make a better future for their children, and work hard to make a living often in vast “informal” markets that characterize many cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Urban ethnographies describe how the poor, migrants, or refugees to the city create meaningful lives for themselves, their families, and their communities in the face of discrimination or exclusion. In recent years, debates in the field have turned to questions of urban structural injustice, infrastructural issues, and manifestations of environmental injustice. Studies examine topics like the provision of water (or the absence thereof), other amenities and services, or the presence, absence, or quality of public transportation, the presence of toxic industries or waste, and the latter’s effects on poorer urban dwellers especially. To conduct their research, urban anthropologists often live in the communities they study in order to experience the daily struggles of their interlocutors. Some also work in the jobs their research participants hold. Being present in their field sites/communities at all times of the day and night, all days of the week, and throughout the seasons of the year, anthropologists produce nuanced description and informed analyses of urban citizens’ everyday lives, work, and struggles. Ethnographic accounts of the minutiae of urban dwellers’ lives provide analytical insights into how individual and communal lives articulate at the complex intersection of urban social, cultural, economic, and spatial dynamics. They theorize multilayered interactions between individual actors, communal frameworks, local social and municipal institutions, national and international politics, and urban, national, and global economies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Teuku Amnar Saputra

Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah di hampir seluruh Dunia tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Kondisi ini membuat sebagian orang cemas dan bahkan panik. Potensi panik ini dapat menyerang siapapun tidak terkecuali mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kepanikan dan resiliensi mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan dan wawancara dengan menggunakan Whatsapp. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Purposive sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi, penyajian dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa pasca sarjana tidak menunjukkan gejala kepanikan melainkan rasa kekhawatiran terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta juga memiliki resiliensi dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini terlihat dari kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi situasi dengan tenang dan menentukan langkah yang rasional dalam berbagai tindakan serta memiliki pandangan positif dalam menghadapi tantangan yang sedang dihadapi. Adapun bentuk-bentuk resiliensinya meliputi mengikuti instruksi dari pemerintah, meningkatkan daya tahan atau imun, mengurangi akses terhadap informasi Covid-19, mengambil hikmah dari Covid-19, menyerahkan segalanya kepada Allah SWT.__________________________________________________________Covid-19 pandemic has plague almost all of the World including Indonesia. This condition makes some people anxious and even panic. This potential panic can strike anyone, including students. This study aims to see the panic and resilience of Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a field research (Field Research) using a qualitative approach. The research method uses descriptive analytical method. Data collection is done by participant observation and interviews using Whatsapp. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling that is sampling based on criteria determined by the researcher. Data analysis was carried out by means of reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results showed that post graduate students did not show symptoms of panic but rather a sense of concern for the Covid-19 pandemic. Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students also have resilience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen from the ability of students to deal with situations calmly and determine rational steps in various actions and have a positive outlook in facing the challenges being faced. The forms of resilience include following instructions from the government, increasing endurance or immunity, reducing access to Covid-19 information, taking wisdom from Covid-19, giving everything to Allah SWT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Fransiska Sisilia Mukti ◽  
Lia Farokhah ◽  
Nur Lailatul Aqromi

Bus is one of public transportation and as the most preferable by Indonesian to support their mobility. The high number of bus traffics then demands the bus management to provide the maximum service for their passenger, in order to gain public trust. Unfortunately, in the reality passenger list’s fraud is often faced by the bus management, there is a mismatch list between the amount of deposits made by bus driver and the number of passengers carried by the bus, and as the result it caused big loss for the Bus management. Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) then as an artificial intelligence program that is considered to cope with the bus management problems. This research carried out an APC technology based on passenger face detection using the Viola-Jones method, which is integrated with an embedded system based on the Internet of Things in the processing and data transmission. To detect passenger images, a webcam is provided that is connected to the Raspberry pi which is then sent to the server via the Internet to be displayed on the website provided. The system database will be updated within a certain period of time, or according to the stop of the bus (the system can be adjusted according to management needs). The system will calculate the number of passengers automatically; the bus management can export passenger data whenever as they want. There are 3 main points in the architecture of modeling system, they are information system design, device architecture design, and face detection mechanism design to calculate the number of passengers. A system design test is carried out to assess the suitability of the system being built with company needs. Then, based on the questionnaire distributed to the respondent, averagely 85.12 % claim that the Face detection system is suitability. The score attained from 4 main aspects including interactivity, aesthetics, layout and personalization

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-129
Calla Hummel

Chapter 5 develops an ethnography of street vendors, their organizations, and the city officials who they interact with in the city of La Paz, Bolivia. The chapter is based on 14 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the city over four research trips in 2012, 2014 to 2015, 2018, and 2019 as well as administrative data on 31,906 street vending licenses in the city. Fieldwork included interviews, participant observation at dozens of meetings between bureaucrats and organized vendors, ride-alongs with the Municipal Guard, a street vendor survey, working as a street vendor in a clothing market, and selling wedding services with a street vendor cooperative. The theory’s observable implications are illustrated with ethnographic evidence, survey results, and license data from La Paz. I discuss how street vending has changed in the city and how officials have intervened in collective action decisions as the informal sector grew. The chapter demonstrates that officials increased benefits to organized vendors as the costs of regulating markets increased. Additionally, the leaders that take advantage of these offers tend to have more resources than their colleagues, and as the offers increased, so did the level of organization among the city’s street vendors. The chapter also discusses the many trade-offs that officials make in implementing different policies, and how officials manage the often combative organizations that they encourage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 486-509
Ayelet Harel-Shalev ◽  
Rebecca Kook ◽  
Feniar Elkrenawe

Abstract This article focuses on the creative and innovative modes of negotiation that women in severely patriarchal societies often exhibit in their attempts to actively pursue their own goals in the face of risk. Based on group interviews with Bedouin women in southern Israel about their everyday lives, the research explores both the risks and the ways in which the women deal with them. The research expands on discussions about the nature of women’s agency in the context of the power relations prevalent in specific communities, paying attention to the multiple modes of subordination experienced by the women of such communities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-48 ◽  
Greg de St. Maurice

In the face of globalization, chefs in Kyoto, Japan have worked to protect local food culture and revive the local food economy. Their actions do not constitute “resistance,” nor are they simply signs of the persistence of local difference in the context of large-scale changes. Drawing primarily on interviews I conducted with prominent chefs of “traditional” Kyoto cuisine and participant observation at events related to Kyoto cuisine, this article examines chefs’ approaches to outside influence and promotion efforts abroad. I pay specific attention to the incorporation of new foreign ingredients into Kyoto cuisine and new efforts to share culinary knowledge with foreign chefs, namely the establishment of a work visa system and the creation of a cookbook series targeted at professional chefs abroad. Kyoto's chefs, this article demonstrates, have been strategically engaging with globalization, actively refashioning the local to try to control it at a global scale.

Nathaniel Ming Curran

Abstract This article applies theories of cosmopolitanism-from-below A. Appadurai (2011), F. Kurasawa (2004) to an empirical case. Drawing on participant-observation and interviews conducted over the course of 20 months at a Korean-English Meetup group in the United States, this article explores the practices of an explicitly “cosmopolitan” group. Specifically, it focuses on U.S. Americans and Korean interns, and considers their experiences and motivations within the broader structures of neoliberalism. The group is identified as alternately exemplifying and challenging neoliberal logic and the article considers the relationship between neoliberalism and different forms of cosmopolitanism. The cosmopolitan ethos fostered by the group’s founder and reinforced through members’ practice offers preliminary but hopeful evidence of a cosmopolitanism that challenges neoliberalism and the uneven distribution of cultural/economic capital.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-206 ◽  
Suzanne Grant ◽  
Bruce Guthrie

BackgroundPrescribing is a high-volume primary care routine where both speed and attention to detail are required. One approach to examining how organisations approach quality and safety in the face of high workloads is Hollnagel’s Efficiency and Thoroughness Trade-Off (ETTO). Hollnagel argues that safety is aligned with thoroughness and that a choice is required between efficiency and thoroughness as it is not usually possible to maximise both. This study aimed to ethnographically examine the efficiency and thoroughness trade-offs made by different UK general practices in the achievement of prescribing safety.MethodsNon-participant observation was conducted of prescribing routines across eight purposively sampled UK general practices. Sixty-two semistructured interviews were also conducted with key practice staff alongside the analysis of relevant practice documents.ResultsThe eight practices in this study adopted different context-specific approaches to safely handling prescription requests by variably prioritising speed of processing by receptionists (efficiency) or general practitioner (GP) clinical judgement (thoroughness). While it was not possible to maximise both at the same time, practices situated themselves at various points on an efficiency-thoroughness spectrum where one approach was prioritised at particular stages of the routine. Both approaches carried strengths and risks, with thoroughness-focused approaches considered safer but more challenging to implement in practice due to GP workload issues. Most practices adopting efficiency-focused approaches did so out of necessity as a result of their high workload due to their patient population (eg, older, socioeconomically deprived).ConclusionsHollnagel’s ETTO presents a useful way for healthcare organisations to optimise their own high-volume processes through reflection on where they currently prioritise efficiency and thoroughness, the stages that are particularly risky and improved ways of balancing competing priorities.

Africa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-383 ◽  
Vinay Kamat

Oral accounts of the past play an important role in the construction of cultural memories as they are reconstructed in dynamic social contexts. Based primarily on participant observation in a peri-urban village in Dar es Salaam, and life-history interviews with twenty-five elderly residents, this article focuses on reminiscing and cultural understandings of neo-liberal policies in Tanzania's post-socialist context. The article examines how people use narratives to understand and to give meaning to their individual experiences in the context of broader socio-cultural, economic and political changes. Narrators' oral life-histories and illness narratives reveal the ways in which the transition from Tanzania's unique form of socialism (Ujamaa) to Western-style neo-liberalism has led to the erosion of social cohesion at the community level, disrupted existing social support networks and limited access to healthcare. Participant observation and analysis of discursive data draw attention to the fact that the expression ‘This is not our culture!’ and its attendant sentiment ‘Life is hard!’ have become formulaic pronouncements, especially among poor and socially excluded people. These expressions indicate a loss of community values, and a decrease in respect and deference towards the elderly in the post-socialist era that is inextricably bound up with the hardships engendered by neo-liberal economic policies.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 254-272 ◽  
Patrick Jackson

Abstract This study examines how people engage with the dynamic environment of the dog park in the face of unclear or ambiguous rules and emergent norms. Using participant observation, the analysis shows how, in the formal dog park, caretakers become “control managers” who must negotiate problems related to a variety of dog behaviors, especially mounting, aggression, and waste management. In this process, caretakers use various strategies to manage their own and others’ possible perceptions and understandings of appropriate behavior for dogs in public places.

Varghese Panthalookaran ◽  
Biru R.

To be successful in one’s profession, an engineer operating in the contemporary globalized world needs to be adequately equipped with suitable management skills. They include talent to plan, implement and manage engineering projects in diverse and pluralistic teams, ability to communicate at different levels, perseverance in the face of failures and crisis, creativeness to improvise innovative solutions, maintenance of physical and mental health, ability to invent and implement eco-friendly engineering solutions, and smartness to work within stipulated time-frames, etc. Large residential student communities prepare suitable context for engineering students to nurture their general management skills, if carefully planned. In the current paper, we present some innovative models and appropriate methods to convert large residential student communities into an arena where students can train themselves in general management skills. It also presents some results of two years of implementation of such methods in a men’s hostel, which accommodates youngsters between 17–19 years of age in their first year of undergraduate engineering study.

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