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Challenging the dipolar paradigm for Proterozoic Earth

2022 ◽  
James W. Sears

ABSTRACT A robust, geology-based Proterozoic continental assembly places the northern and eastern margins of the Siberian craton against the southwestern margins of Laurentia in a tight, spoon-in-spoon conjugate fit. The proposed assembly began to break apart in late Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic time. Siberia then drifted clockwise along the Laurussian margin on coast-parallel transforms until suturing with Europe in late Permian time. The proposed drift path is permitted by a geocentric axial dipole (GAD) magnetic field from Silurian to Permian time. However, the Proterozoic reconstruction itself is not permitted by GAD. Rather, site-mean paleomagnetic data plot ted on the reconstruction suggest a multipolar Proterozoic dynamo dominated by a quadrupole. The field may have resembled that of present-day Neptune, where, in the absence of a large solid inner core, a quadrupolar magnetic field may be generated within a thin spherical shell near the core-mantle boundary. The quadrupole may have dominated Earth’s geomagnetic field until early Paleozoic time, when the field became erratic and transitioned to a dipole, which overwhelmed the weaker quadrupole. The dipole then established a strong magnetosphere, effectively shielding Earth from ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation and making the planet habitable for Cambrian fauna.

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
Sabrina Sanchez ◽  
Johannes Wicht ◽  
Julien Bärenzung

Abstract The IGRF offers an important incentive for testing algorithms predicting the Earth’s magnetic field changes, known as secular variation (SV), in a 5-year range. Here, we present a SV candidate model for the 13th IGRF that stems from a sequential ensemble data assimilation approach (EnKF). The ensemble consists of a number of parallel-running 3D-dynamo simulations. The assimilated data are geomagnetic field snapshots covering the years 1840 to 2000 from the COV-OBS.x1 model and for 2001 to 2020 from the Kalmag model. A spectral covariance localization method, considering the couplings between spherical harmonics of the same equatorial symmetry and same azimuthal wave number, allows decreasing the ensemble size to about a 100 while maintaining the stability of the assimilation. The quality of 5-year predictions is tested for the past two decades. These tests show that the assimilation scheme is able to reconstruct the overall SV evolution. They also suggest that a better 5-year forecast is obtained keeping the SV constant compared to the dynamically evolving SV. However, the quality of the dynamical forecast steadily improves over the full assimilation window (180 years). We therefore propose the instantaneous SV estimate for 2020 from our assimilation as a candidate model for the IGRF-13. The ensemble approach provides uncertainty estimates, which closely match the residual differences with respect to the IGRF-13. Longer term predictions for the evolution of the main magnetic field features over a 50-year range are also presented. We observe the further decrease of the axial dipole at a mean rate of 8 nT/year as well as a deepening and broadening of the South Atlantic Anomaly. The magnetic dip poles are seen to approach an eccentric dipole configuration.

2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 293-312 ◽  
Tomáš Šoltis ◽  
Ján Šimkanin

Abstract We present an investigation of dynamo in a simultaneous dependence on the non-uniform stratification, electrical conductivity of the inner core and the Prandtl number. Computations are performed using the MAG dynamo code. In all the investigated cases, the generated magnetic fields are dipolar. Our results show that the dynamos, especially magnetic field structures, are independent in our investigated cases on the electrical conductivity of the inner core. This is in agreement with results obtained in previous analyses. The influence of non-uniform stratification is for our parameters weak, which is understandable because most of the shell is unstably stratified, and the stably stratified region is only a thin layer near the CMB. The teleconvection is not observed in our study. However, the influence of the Prandtl number is strong. The generated magnetic fields do not become weak in the polar regions because the magnetic field inside the tangent cylinder is always regenerated due to the weak magnetic diffusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 456-478
J. Marvin Herndon

Earth’s magnetic field acts as a shield, protecting life and our electrically-based infrastructure from the rampaging, charged-particle solar wind. In the geologic past, the geomagnetic field has collapsed, with or without polarity reversal, and inevitably it will again. The potential consequences of geomagnetic collapse have not only been greatly underestimated, but governments, scientists, and the public have been deceived as to the underlying science. Instead of trying to refute or advance a paradigm shift that occurred in 1979, global geoscientists, individuals and institutions, chose to function as a cartel and continued to promote their very-flawed concepts that had their origin in the 1930s and 1940s, consequently wasting vast amounts of taxpayer-provided research money, and making no meaningful advances or understanding. Here, from a first person perspective, I describe the logical progression of understanding from that paradigm shift, review the advances made and their concomitant implications, and touch upon a few of the many efforts that were made to deceive government officials, scientists, and the public. It is worrisome that geoscientists almost universally have engaged in suppressing or ignoring sound scientific advances, including those with potentially adverse implications for humanity. All of this suggests that the entire institutional structure of the geophysical sciences, funding, institutions, and bureaucracies should be radically reformed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 216 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-129 ◽  
R J Teed ◽  
C A Jones ◽  
S M Tobias

SUMMARY Turbulence and waves in Earth’s iron-rich liquid outer core are believed to be responsible for the generation of the geomagnetic field via dynamo action. When waves break upon the mantle they cause a shift in the rotation rate of Earth’s solid exterior and contribute to variations in the length-of-day on a ∼6-yr timescale. Though the outer core cannot be probed by direct observation, such torsional waves are believed to propagate along Earth’s radial magnetic field, but as yet no self-consistent mechanism for their generation has been determined. Here we provide evidence of a realistic physical excitation mechanism for torsional waves observed in numerical simulations. We find that inefficient convection above and below the solid inner core traps buoyant fluid forming a density gradient between pole and equator, similar to that observed in Earth’s atmosphere. Consequently, a shearing jet stream—a ‘thermal wind’—is formed near the inner core; evidence of such a jet has recently been found. Owing to the sharp density gradient and influence of magnetic field, convection at this location is able to operate with the turnover frequency required to generate waves. Amplified by the jet it then triggers a train of oscillations. Our results demonstrate a plausible mechanism for generating torsional waves under Earth-like conditions and thus further cement their importance for Earth’s core dynamics.

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-65 ◽  
A. D. M. Walker ◽  
G. J. Sofko

Abstract. When studying magnetospheric convection, it is often necessary to map the steady-state electric field, measured at some point on a magnetic field line, to a magnetically conjugate point in the other hemisphere, or the equatorial plane, or at the position of a satellite. Such mapping is relatively easy in a dipole field although the appropriate formulae are not easily accessible. They are derived and reviewed here with some examples. It is not possible to derive such formulae in more realistic geomagnetic field models. A new method is described in this paper for accurate mapping of electric fields along field lines, which can be used for any field model in which the magnetic field and its spatial derivatives can be computed. From the spatial derivatives of the magnetic field three first order differential equations are derived for the components of the normalized element of separation of two closely spaced field lines. These can be integrated along with the magnetic field tracing equations and Faraday's law used to obtain the electric field as a function of distance measured along the magnetic field line. The method is tested in a simple model consisting of a dipole field plus a magnetotail model. The method is shown to be accurate, convenient, and suitable for use with more realistic geomagnetic field models.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-101 ◽  
E. Kozlovskaya ◽  
A. Kozlovsky

Abstract. Seismic broadband sensors with electromagnetic feedback are sensitive to variations of surrounding magnetic field, including variations of geomagnetic field. Usually, the influence of the geomagnetic field on recordings of such seismometers is ignored. It might be justified for seismic observations at middle and low latitudes. The problem is of high importance, however, for observations in Polar Regions (above 60° geomagnetic latitude), where magnitudes of natural magnetic disturbances may be two or even three orders larger. In our study we investigate the effect of ultra-low frequency (ULF) magnetic disturbances, known as geomagnetic pulsations, on the STS-2 seismic broadband sensors. The pulsations have their sources and, respectively, maximal amplitudes in the region of the auroral ovals, which surround the magnetic poles in both hemispheres at geomagnetic latitude (GMLAT) between 60° and 80°. To investigate sensitivity of the STS-2 seismometer to geomagnetic pulsations, we compared the recordings of permanent seismic stations in northern Finland to the data of the magnetometers of the IMAGE network located in the same area. Our results show that temporary variations of magnetic field with periods of 40–150 s corresponding to regular Pc4 and irregular Pi2 pulsations are seen very well in recordings of the STS-2 seismometers. Therefore, these pulsations may create a serious problem for interpretation of seismic observations in the vicinity of the auroral oval. Moreover, the shape of Pi2 magnetic disturbances and their periods resemble the waveforms of glacial seismic events reported originally by Ekström (2003). The problem may be treated, however, if combined analysis of recordings of co-located seismic and magnetic instruments is used.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-369 ◽  
L. K. Feschenko ◽  
G. M. Vodinchar

Abstract. Inversion of the magnetic field in a model of large-scale αΩ-dynamo with α-effect with stochastic memory is under investigation. The model allows us to reproduce the main features of the geomagnetic field reversals. It was established that the polarity intervals in the model are distributed according to the power law. Model magnetic polarity timescale is fractal. Its dimension is consistent with the dimension of the real geomagnetic polarity timescale.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (01n02) ◽  
pp. 1450008
Isaac Macwan ◽  
Zihe Zhao ◽  
Omar Sobh ◽  
Jinnque Rho ◽  
Ausif Mahmood ◽  

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), discovered in early 1970s contain single-domain crystals of magnetite ( Fe 3 O 4) called magnetosomes that tend to form a chain like structure from the proximal to the distal pole along the long axis of the cell. The ability of these bacteria to sense the magnetic field for displacement, also called magnetotaxis, arises from the magnetic dipole moment of this chain of magnetosomes. In aquatic habitats, these organisms sense the geomagnetic field and traverse the oxic-anoxic interface for optimal oxygen concentration along the field lines. Here we report an elegant use of MTB where magnetotaxis of Magnetospirillum magneticum (classified as AMB-1) could be utilized for controlled navigation over a semiconductor substrate for selective deposition. We examined 50mm long coils made out of 18AWG and 20AWG copper conductors having diameters of 5mm, 10mm and 20mm for magnetic field intensity and heat generation. Based on the COMSOL simulations and experimental data, it is recognized that a compound semiconductor manufacturing technology involving bacterial carriers and carbon-based materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes would be a desirable choice in the future.

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