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scholarly journals About the number of τ-numbers relative to polynomials with integer coefficients

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-117
Mart Abel ◽  
Helena Lauer ◽  
Ellen Redi

We show that for all polynomials Q(x) with integer coefficients, that satisfy the extra condition |Q(0) · Q(1) | ≠ 1, there are infinitely many positive integers n such that n is a τ-number relative to the polynomial Q(x). We also find some examples of polynomials Q(x) for which 1 is the only τ-number relative to the polynomial Q(x) and some examples of polynomials Q(x) with |Q(0) · Q(1)|= 1, which have infinitely many positive integers n such that n is a τ-number relative to the polynomial Q(x). In addition, we prove one result about the generators of a τ-number.

2015 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 27th... (Proceedings) ◽  
Lenny Tevlin

International audience This paper contains two results. First, I propose a $q$-generalization of a certain sequence of positive integers, related to Catalan numbers, introduced by Zeilberger, see Lassalle (2010). These $q$-integers are palindromic polynomials in $q$ with positive integer coefficients. The positivity depends on the positivity of a certain difference of products of $q$-binomial coefficients.To this end, I introduce a new inversion/major statistics on lattice walks. The difference in $q$-binomial coefficients is then seen as a generating function of weighted walks that remain in the upper half-plan. Cet document contient deux résultats. Tout d’abord, je vous propose un $q$-generalization d’une certaine séquence de nombres entiers positifs, liés à nombres de Catalan, introduites par Zeilberger (Lassalle, 2010). Ces $q$-integers sont des polynômes palindromiques à $q$ à coefficients entiers positifs. La positivité dépend de la positivité d’une certaine différence de produits de $q$-coefficients binomial.Pour ce faire, je vous présente une nouvelle inversion/major index sur les chemins du réseau. La différence de $q$-binomial coefficients est alors considérée comme une fonction de génération de trajets pondérés qui restent dans le demi-plan supérieur.

2009 ◽  
Vol 05 (06) ◽  
pp. 999-1015 ◽  

In 1960, Sierpiński proved that there exist infinitely many odd positive integers k such that k · 2n + 1 is composite for all integers n ≥ 0. Variations of this problem, using polynomials with integer coefficients, and considering reducibility over the rationals, have been investigated by several authors. In particular, if S is the set of all positive integers d for which there exists a polynomial f(x) ∈ ℤ[x], with f(1) ≠ -d, such that f(x)xn + d is reducible over the rationals for all integers n ≥ 0, then what are the elements of S? Interest in this problem stems partially from the fact that if S contains an odd integer, then a question of Erdös and Selfridge concerning the existence of an odd covering of the integers would be resolved. Filaseta has shown that S contains all positive integers d ≡ 0 (mod 4), and until now, nothing else was known about the elements of S. In this paper, we show that S contains infinitely many positive integers d ≡ 6 (mod 12). We also consider the corresponding problem over 𝔽p, and in that situation, we show 1 ∈ S for all primes p.

O. D. Atkinson ◽  
J. Brüdern ◽  
R. J. Cook

AbstractLet k ≥ 3 and n > 6k be positive integers. The equations, with integer coefficients, have nontrivial p-adic solutions for all p > Ck8, where C is some positive constant. Further, for values k≥ K we can take C = 1 + O(K-½).

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 567-579
Artūras Dubickas

Let [Formula: see text] be an unbounded sequence of integers satisfying a linear recurrence relation with integer coefficients. We show that for any [Formula: see text] there exist infinitely many [Formula: see text] for which [Formula: see text] consecutive integers [Formula: see text] are all divisible by certain primes. Moreover, if the sequence of integers [Formula: see text] satisfying a linear recurrence relation is unbounded and non-degenerate then for some constant [Formula: see text] the intervals [Formula: see text] do not contain prime numbers for infinitely many [Formula: see text]. Applying this argument to sequences of integer parts of powers of Pisot and Salem numbers [Formula: see text] we derive a similar result for those sequences as well which implies, for instance, that the shifted integer parts [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] runs through some infinite arithmetic progression of positive integers, are all composite.

2002 ◽  
Vol Volume 25 ◽  
C Hooley

International audience Let $f$ be a binary form of degree $l\geq3$, that is, a product of linear forms with integer coefficients. The principal result of this paper is an asymptotic formula of the shape $n^{2/l}(C(f)+O(n^{-\eta_l+\varepsilon}))$ for the number of positive integers not exceeding $n$ that are representable by $f$; here $C(f)>0$ and $\eta_l>0$.

1982 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 549-571 ◽  
James P. Jones

In 1961 Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam and Julia Robinson [2] proved that every recursively enumerable set W is exponential diophantine, i.e. can be represented in the formHere P is a polynomial with integer coefficients and the variables range over positive integers.In 1970 Ju. V. Matijasevič used this result to establish the unsolvability of Hilbert's tenth problem. Matijasevič proved [11] that the exponential relation y = 2x is diophantine This together with [2] implies that every recursively enumerable set is diophantine, i.e. every r.e. set Wcan be represented in the formFrom this it follows that there does not exist an algorithm to decide solvability of diophantine equations. The nonexistence of such an algorithm follows immediately from the existence of r.e. nonrecursive sets.Now it is well known that the recursively enumerable sets W1, W2, W3, … can be enumerated in such a way that the binary relation x ∈ Wv is also recursively enumerable. Thus Matijasevič's theorem implies the existence of a diophantine equation U such that for all x and v,

2016 ◽  
David Barner

Perceptual representations – e.g., of objects or approximate magnitudes –are often invoked as building blocks that children combine with linguisticsymbols when they acquire the positive integers. Systems of numericalperception are either assumed to contain the logical foundations ofarithmetic innately, or to supply the basis for their induction. Here Ipropose an alternative to this general framework, and argue that theintegers are not learned from perceptual systems, but instead arise toexplain perception as part of language acquisition. Drawing oncross-linguistic data and developmental data, I show that small numbers(1-4) and large numbers (~5+) arise both historically and in individualchildren via entirely distinct mechanisms, constituting independentlearning problems, neither of which begins with perceptual building blocks.Specifically, I propose that children begin by learning small numbers(i.e., *one, two, three*) using the same logical resources that supportother linguistic markers of number (e.g., singular, plural). Several yearslater, children discover the logic of counting by inferring the logicalrelations between larger number words from their roles in blind countingprocedures, and only incidentally associate number words with perception ofapproximate magnitudes, in an *ad hoc* and highly malleable fashion.Counting provides a form of explanation for perception but is not causallyderived from perceptual systems.

10.37236/1729 ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Graham Denham

Let $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ be distinct, positive integers with $(a_1,\ldots,a_n)=1$, and let k be an arbitrary field. Let $H(a_1,\ldots,a_n;z)$ denote the Hilbert series of the graded algebra k$[t^{a_1},t^{a_2},\ldots,t^{a_n}]$. We show that, when $n=3$, this rational function has a simple expression in terms of $a_1,a_2,a_3$; in particular, the numerator has at most six terms. By way of contrast, it is known that no such expression exists for any $n\geq4$.

10.37236/1735 ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Dhruv Mubayi ◽  
Yi Zhao

Given positive integers $n,k,t$, with $2 \le k\le n$, and $t < 2^k$, let $m(n,k,t)$ be the minimum size of a family ${\cal F}$ of nonempty subsets of $[n]$ such that every $k$-set in $[n]$ contains at least $t$ sets from ${\cal F}$, and every $(k-1)$-set in $[n]$ contains at most $t-1$ sets from ${\cal F}$. Sloan et al. determined $m(n, 3, 2)$ and Füredi et al. studied $m(n, 4, t)$ for $t=2, 3$. We consider $m(n, 3, t)$ and $m(n, 4, t)$ for all the remaining values of $t$ and obtain their exact values except for $k=4$ and $t= 6, 7, 11, 12$. For example, we prove that $ m(n, 4, 5) = {n \choose 2}-17$ for $n\ge 160$. The values of $m(n, 4, t)$ for $t=7,11,12$ are determined in terms of well-known (and open) Turán problems for graphs and hypergraphs. We also obtain bounds of $m(n, 4, 6)$ that differ by absolute constants.

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