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scholarly journals Training, development, and evaluation of on-farm culturing as a technical resource to reduce the use of antimicrobials in dairy herds in the Midwest Region of Santa Catarina State, Brazil

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
Caroline Auer ◽  
Ana Flavia Begnini ◽  
Leonardo Leite Cardozo ◽  
Eliete Griebeler ◽  
Diogenes Dezen ◽  

ABSTRACT: On-farm culturing is a technology booming in Brazil. It is based on the microbiological diagnosis of milk samples collected from clinical cases of bovine mastitis, on the farm where the animals are handled, quickly, simply, and at an affordable cost. With this resource, after 24 h of incubation, the isolated microorganisms are classified as gram positive or gram negative, helping to make decisions regarding the therapy of the animals. Considering the relevance of the Midwestern region of Santa Catarina State in the national dairy production scenario, the objectives of the study were: 1) to promote the technical training of the farmers in three dairy farms located in Treze Tílias-SC, 2) to assist in the implementation and evaluation of on-farm culturing as technological resource viewing the reduced use of antimicrobials in herds. In addition to the rapid acceptance by the farmers and their efficient training, with the use of the technology, there was a 45-50% reduction in the use of antimicrobials in dairy herds. This result demonstrated a significant effect on animal health, and determines an important cost reduction for farmers, as presented in detail in this manuscript.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 219-225
Mylena Karoline Valmorbida ◽  
Danielle Correia dos Santos Carneiro ◽  
Keila Catarina Prior ◽  
Eliete Griebeler ◽  
Marcella Zampoli Troncarelli ◽  

Ceiba ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-92
Leo L. Timms

Optimizing animal health and performance is critical for quality, safe dairy products and the economic vitality of dairy operations. Producing both high quality and quantities of milk is the main income side of dairies and crucial for economic success, so attention to optimizing animal nutrition and care and practicing proper milk harvesting practices is essential. Bovine mastitis is one of the most economically expensive diseases of dairy cattle. Proper and rapid identification of mastitis problems and cows (clinical and subclinical) is critical and programs for both prevention and appropriate therapy including culling of problem cows are important for maximizing udder health. Lameness is dairy cattle is another of the top 3 dairy health expenses that leads to decreased production and performance, and often premature culling from dairy herds. Like mastitis, proper and rapid lameness identification coupled with appropriate prevention programs and therapy strategies are critical for dairy economic success.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (5Supl2) ◽  
pp. 3659 ◽  
Flávio Pereira Veloso ◽  
Karina Diniz Baumgarten ◽  
Ana Lourdes Arrais de Alencar Mota ◽  
Fernando Ferreira ◽  
José Soares Ferreira Neto ◽  

With the aim of supporting the strategic planning of the National Program for Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis, different Brazilian states have been conducting cross-sectional studies, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply and with scientific support from the University of São Paulo and the University of Brasilia. In Santa Catarina, the State Animal Health Agency (CIDASC) conducted a study on bovine tuberculosis (TB) prevalence and assessment of risk factors in 2012. The state was divided into five regions and, in each region, independent sampling was performed in two steps: (i) cattle herds with reproductive activity were randomly selected; and (ii) in each herd, a sample of females aged 24 months or older underwent the intradermal comparative tuberculin test. A questionnaire was used to collect data on production characteristics and management practices that could be associated with the tuberculosis infection. Herd prevalence of bovine TB was 0.50% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.074–0.93%) while the prevalence of TB in adult females was 0.06% (95% CI: 0–0.12%). No significant difference in the prevalence of infected herds and of positive females was observed among the five regions. The logistic regression model revealed that herds with 19 or more females showed an odds ratio (OR) of 7.68 (95% CI: 1.22–48.39) compared to smaller herds, while dairy herds presented an OR of 10.43 (95% CI: 2.00–54.25) relative to beef or dual-purpose herds. The results suggest that dairy herds, in which animals are kept in partial or total confinement, and larger herds, which tend to acquire animals more often, are at a higher risk of bovine TB. Given the low prevalence and the type of higher-risk properties, a bovine TB surveillance system should be targeted at the state’s dairy basins, particularly the western region that accounts for the major industries and more intensive dairy farms.

1987 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Dermot P. Mackie ◽  
David A. Pollock ◽  
Sean P. Rodgers ◽  
Ernest F. Logan

SummarySix hundred and seventeen isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from sub-clinical mastitis cases in 63 dairy herds in Northern Ireland were typed using a set of 25 phages. Ninety-four per cent of the isolates were typable, with nine phages, predominantly from groups I and III, being responsible for almost all of the lysis. Although 68 phage patterns were found, six of them typed 47·2 % of the isolates. One strain accounted for 14·7% of the isolates, but the largest number of strains (44) was restricted to individual farms. The epidemiological significance of these findings for on-farm mastitis control is discussed.

This study presents the results of effect of a combination of bismuth subnitrate teat canal sealant (Boviseal® -Bimeda® Animal Health, Ireland) and the antibiotic Ampicillin & Cloxacillin (Bovaclox® DC-Norbrook Laboratories Ltd-UK) when used during the dry period on occurrence of mastitis 100 days post-calving. The objectives of this study were: to determine the effect of Boviseal® teat canal sealant in combination with Bovaclox® DC in control of dairy cow mastitis 100 days after calving; to determine bacterial pathogens causing mastitis in the selected farms and to determine risk factors for occurrence of dairy mastitis in the selected farms. This controlled field trial was carried out in two Kenyan dairy farms: Chemusian Farm in Nakuru County and Gicheha Farm in Kiambu County. 156 dairy cows were used in the study. Healthy cows with no history of mastitis in their current lactation were recruited. They were randomly placed into either of the two study groups: the control and the test group. The Control group received Bovaclox® DC while the Test group received the Bovaclox® DC followed by Boviseal®. The cows were followed during the entire dry period and 100 days post-calving monitoring for mastitis occurrence. Cows in the control group were more susceptible to mastitis 100 days post-calving compared to cows in the treatment group (P<0.001, RR=4.4, OR=17.7). Of the bacterial pathogens, coagulase negative Staphylococci (CNS) were the most common pathogens isolated from mastitic milk at 34.6 % followed by Micrococcus spp. (9.0%). Other bacteria isolated were Streptococcus agalactiae (3.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (1.9%); Escherichia coli (0.6%) and various bacterial mixtures. Results of logistic regressions at P≤0.05 showed that farm, position of the quarter, type of barn floor and type of treatment were significantly associated with occurrence of mastitis. Cows in Gicheha farm whose barn floor was earthen, those cows in the control group and hindquarters were risk factors for mastitis (RR=1.5, 4.4 and 1.18 respectively). The results of this study showed that Bovaclox® DC + Boviseal® teat canal sealant combination applied during the dry period is more effective in controlling bovine mastitis 100 days post-calving compared to the use of Bovaclox® DC alone. The study thus recommends the use of Bovaclox® DC + Boviseal® dry cow combination for control of bovine mastitis.

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 413 ◽  
André Becker Nunes ◽  
Gilson Carlos Da Silva

ABSTRACT. The eastern region of Santa Catarina State (Brazil) has an important history of natural disasters due to extreme rainfall events. Floods and landslides are enhancedby local features such as orography and urbanization: the replacement of natural surface coverage causing more surface runoff and, hence, flooding. Thus, studies of this type of events – which directly influence life in the towns – take on increasing importance. This work makes a quantitative analysis of occurrences of extreme rainfall events in the eastern and northern regions of Santa Catarina State in the last 60 years, through individual analysis, considering the history of floods ineach selected town, as well as an estimate through to the end of century following regional climate modeling. A positive linear trend, in most of the towns studied, was observed in the results, indicating greater frequency of these events in recent decades, and the HadRM3P climate model shows a heterogeneous increase of events for all towns in the period from 2071 to 2100.Keywords: floods, climate modeling, linear trend. RESUMO. A região leste do Estado de Santa Catarina tem um importante histórico de desastres naturais ocasionados por eventos extremos de precipitação. Inundações e deslizamentos de terra são potencializados pelo relevo acidentado e pela urbanização das cidades da região: a vegetação nativa vem sendo removida acarretando um maior escoamento superficial e, consequentemente, em inundações. Desta forma, torna-se de suma importância os estudos acerca deste tipo de evento que influencia diretamente a sociedade em geral. Neste trabalho é realizada uma análise quantitativa do número de eventos severos de precipitação ocorridos nas regiões leste e norte de Santa Catarina dos últimos 60 anos, por meio de uma análise pontual, considerandoo histórico de inundações de cada cidade selecionada, além de uma projeção para o fim do século de acordo com modelagem climática regional. Na análise dos resultados observou-se uma tendência linear positiva na maioria das cidades, indicando uma maior frequência deste tipo de evento nas últimas décadas, e o modelo climático HadRM3P mostra um aumento heterogêneo no número de eventos para todas as cidades no período de 2071 a 2100.Palavras-chave: inundações, modelagem climática, tendência linear.

Antibiotics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 829
Wim Gorssen ◽  
Dominiek Maes ◽  
Roel Meyermans ◽  
Jürgen Depuydt ◽  
Steven Janssens ◽  

The use of antimicrobials in animal production is under public debate, mainly due to the risk of transfer of resistance to pathogenic bacteria in humans. Therefore, measures have been taken during the last few decades to reduce antibiotic usage in animals, for instance, by national monitoring programmes and by improving animal health management. Although some initiatives exist in molecular genetic selection, quantitative genetic selection of animals towards decreased antibiotic usage is an underexplored area to reduce antibiotic usage. However, this strategy could yield cumulative effects. In this study, we derived new phenotypes from on-farm parenteral antibiotic records from commercially grown crossbred finishing pigs used in the progeny test of Piétrain terminal sires to investigate the heritability of antibiotics usage. Parenteral antibiotic records, production parameters and pedigree records of 2238 full-sib pens from two experimental farms in Belgium between 2014 and 2020 were analysed. Heritability estimates were moderate (18–44%) for phenotypes derived from all antibiotic treatments, and low (1–15%) for phenotypes derived from treatments against respiratory diseases only. Moreover, genetic correlations between these new phenotypes and mortality were low to moderate (0.08–0.60) and no strong adverse genetic correlations with production traits were found. The high heritabilities and favourable genetic correlations suggest these new phenotypes, derived from on-farm antibiotics records, to be promising for inclusion in future pig breeding programs to breed for a decrease in antibiotics usage.


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