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scholarly journals Routine of the unpredictable: workloads and health of urgent and emergency nursing workers

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Suéllen Fortes de Lima Santos Mass ◽  
Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho Centenaro ◽  
Arlíni Fátima dos Santos ◽  
Andressa de Andrade ◽  
Gianfábio Pimentel Franco ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To know the perceptions of nursing professionals in urgent and emergency services regarding workloads and the relationship with their health. Method: Descriptive qualitative study carried out in two urgent and emergency sectors in southern Brazil. 16 nursing professionals were interviewed. The data were subjected to thematic content analysis. Results: The first thematic category highlighted the workloads in the daily lives of professionals, highlighting Covid-19 as an element recently incorporated into the perception of biological load. The psychic load is enhanced by stress and suffering in the face of deaths, in addition to adverse working conditions. The second category showed the interface between the loads, the overload and the workers’ health, highlighting the importance of the psychic load in mental health. Conclusion: Workloads are enhanced by working conditions and the relationship with the profession’s work object, generating overload and risk of mental illness.

Vanessa Augusto Bardaquim ◽  
Sérgio Valverde Marques dos Santos ◽  
Ernandes Gonçalves Dias ◽  
Luiz Almeida da Silva ◽  
Rita de Cássia De Marchi Barcellos Dalri ◽  

Introducão: A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) foi notificada da presença de um novo vírus, altamente contagioso, pela China em 2019. Em 2020 a OMS declarou emergência de Saúde Pública e uma nova pandemia. A cepa desse novo vírus tornou-se conhecida como coronavírus 2, Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave Coronavírus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) e também como COVID-19. Delineamento: Este artigo é uma análise teórico-reflexiva, descritiva, narrativa elaborada a partir de duas categorias norteadoras da reflexão sobre as condições de trabalho e saúde dos profissionais de enfermagem no enfrentamento da COVID-19 no Brasil. Resultados: duas categorias foram formadas “o novo coronavírus e a COVID-19: cenário e desafios postos” e “as condições de trabalho e a saúde dos profissionais de enfermagem no enfrentamento da COVID-19”.  Implicacões: Compreendeu-se que a pandemia da COVID-19 é capaz de gerar muitas incertezas no ambiente profissional, em especial quanto à transmissibilidade das partículas virais infectantes e a proteção do profissional, dessa maneira faz-se necessária atenção especial aos trabalhadores da enfermagem que estão expostos no cuidado de pacientes infectados, às vezes submetidos a condições de trabalho insalubres. Recomenda-se aos gestores intensificar esforços para garantir que esses trabalhadores tenham garantidas as condições necessárias para exercer suas atividades de forma segura.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (suppl 6) ◽  
Edilaine Maran ◽  
Laura Misue Matsuda ◽  
Dandara Novakowski Spigolon ◽  
Elen Ferraz Teston ◽  
Edna dos Santos Almeida ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the spirituality and the practice of euphemism experienced by nursing professionals in the hospital scenario. Methods: a descriptive, exploratory research with a qualitative approach, carried out with 18 nursing professionals from a hospital in southern Brazil. Data collection took place from September to October 2018, through recorded audio interviews. The reports were submitted to thematic content analysis and the discussion was based on the theory of transpersonal care. Results: four categories emerged from the speeches: Motivational reflection of spirituality in the work environment; Adherence to the practice of euphemism by nursing professionals; Satisfaction and frustration in the practice of euphemism by nursing professionals and; Spirituality as an increase in human faith. Final Considerations: professionals understand spirituality and the practice of euphemism as a tool that helps in motivating the team to face difficulties at work and increase the faith of hospitalized patients.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-14
Patrícia Costa dos Santos Da Silva ◽  
Cibelle Barcelos Filipini ◽  
Bárbara de Oliveira Prado ◽  
Evelise Aline Soares ◽  
Gema Galgani de Mesquita Duarte

Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de estresse da equipe de enfermagem que atua em Terapia Intensiva, em um Hospital Universitário do Sul de Minas Gerais. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética sob o Parecer nº 48/2011, desenvolvido em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.A amostra constituiu-se de 20 profissionais de enfermagem. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se um questionário com questões semi-estruturadas e o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para adultos de Lipp. Resultados: Verificou-se que a maioria dos sujeitos encontra-se na faixa etária de 20 a 30 anos (50%). Diante das situações de estresse, notou-se que 55% dos profissionais encontram-se na fase de resistência. A equipe considerou muito desgastante o relacionamento com outras unidades e supervisores (15%), a previsão e reposição de materiais (25%), assistência de enfermagem (10%) e as condições de trabalho (10%). Conclusão: O estudo demonstra que a maioria dos profissionais de enfermagem atuante em terapia intensiva, apresenta sinais e sintomas de estresse, principalmente, na fase de resistência.   Palavras chave: Estresse Ocupacional, Enfermagem, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva  ABSTRACTObjective: To evaluate the stress level of the nursing team that works in the Intensive Care Unit in a School Hospital in southern Minas Gerais. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive transversal study with a quantitative approach, approved by the Ethics Committee under the Opinion n. 48/2011, developed in an intensive care unit. The sample was consisted of 20 nurses. For data collection a questionnaire with semi-structured questions andthe Symptoms of Stress Inventory for adults Lipp was used . Results: It has beenfound that most subjects are aged 20 to 30 years (50%). In the face of stressful situations, it was noted that 55% of professionals are at the stage of resistance. The team considered to be very stressful the relationship with other units and supervisors (15%), forecasting and replenishment of materials (25%), nursing care (10%) and working conditions (10%). Conclusion: This study has shown that the majority of nursing professionals who work in intensive care have signs and symptoms of stress, particularly at the stage of resistance. Key words: Occupational Stress, Nursing, Intensive Care Unit

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Sheila Cristina da Silva Ferraz ◽  
Patrícia Kuerten Rocha ◽  
Andreia Tomazoni ◽  
Roberta Waterkemper ◽  
Soraia Dornelles Schoeller ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the nursing team’s perception about the use of technology for safe perioperative pediatric care, through photographs. Method: A qualitative study using the theoretical framework of Nietsche Specific Nursing Technology, with a total of 18 perioperative nursing professionals from a general hospital in southern Brazil. Data collection occurred from June to August 2018, from a semi-structured interview and photograph production. They were analyzed through the Thematic Content Analysis. Approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Results: The Nursing Technologies category used for the safety of the pediatric patient in the perioperative period, with 250 photographs illustrating facts, situations and artifacts considered nursing technologies used in safe care. Conclusions: In the team’s perception, patient safety involves the use of technologies integrated to perioperative care and structural, physical and input aspects.

Alberto Granero ◽  
Josep M Blanch ◽  
Paola Ochoa

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the relationship between the quantitative assessment of working conditions and the qualitative perception of one’s own work experience. Method: a sample of 1,760 nursing professionals from Barcelona answered a questionnaire assessing their working conditions and summarized their own current work experience in five key words. Results: the textual corpus of the meanings of nursing work included 8043 lexical forms, which were categorized and codified. Respondents who rated their work conditions the highest expressed a vision of their work in terms of autonomy, achievement and well-being, while those who rated their work conditions the lowest talked mostly of exhaustion, depersonalization and negative climate. A correspondence analysis showed a close relationship between the quantitative assessments of working conditions and the verbal codes of the meaning of work. Conclusions: the meanings given to work were not only consistent with the numerical evaluations of the working conditions but also made them more understandable. The information obtained poses challenges for reflection and indicates ways to promote the positive aspects and prevent the negative conditions of nursing work.

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 1032-1037 ◽  
Elizabeth Bernardino ◽  
Vanda Elisa Andres Felli

This study was carried out at a teaching hospital in Southern Brazil, which adopted a management model that provoked the dismantling of the nursing service and the disbandment of nursing professionals. Its general goal was to promote changes that would be implemented in the re-organization of nursing work. It is a case study with a historical-dialectic approach, whose data were collected in March and April 2005 through the focal group technique. The study subjects were eight nurses, two technicians and two nursing auxiliaries. Data were analyzed through thematic content analysis. Results evidenced that the greatest challenges nursing faced at this hospital were: to construct a new identity, carry out teamwork while maintaining its professional identity, acquire visibility in the institution, change care and expand management.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-332
Kate Zebiri

This article aims to explore the Shaykh-mur?d (disciple) or teacher-pupil relationship as portrayed in Western Sufi life writing in recent decades, observing elements of continuity and discontinuity with classical Sufism. Additionally, it traces the influence on the texts of certain developments in religiosity in contemporary Western societies, especially New Age understandings of religious authority. Studying these works will provide an insight into the diversity of expressions of contemporary Sufism, while shedding light on a phenomenon which seems to fly in the face of contemporary social and religious trends which deemphasize external authority and promote the authority of the self or individual autonomy.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Timothy Beal

This article reads between two recent explorations of the relationship between religion, chaos, and the monstrous: Catherine Keller’s Face of the Deep and Author's Religion and Its Monsters. Both are oriented toward the edge of chaos and order; both see the primordial and chaotic as generative; both pursue monstrous mythological figures as divine personifications of primordial chaos; both find a deep theological ambivalences in Christian and Jewish tradition with regard to the monstrous, chaotic divine; both are critical of theological and cultural tendencies to demonize chaos and the monstrous; and finally, both read the divine speech from the whirlwind in the book of Job as a revelation of divine chaos. But whereas one sees it as a call for laughter, a chaotic life-affirming laughter with Leviathan in the face of the deep, the other sees it as an incarnation of theological horror, leaving Job and the reader overwhelmed and out-monstered by God. Must it be one way or the other? Can laughter and horror coincide in the face of the deep?

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-272
Venelin Terziev ◽  
Preslava Dimitrova

The social policy of a country is a set of specific activities aimed at regulating the social relations between different in their social status subjects. This approach to clarifying social policy is also called functional and essentially addresses social policy as an activity to regulate the relationship of equality or inequality in society. It provides an opportunity to look for inequalities in the economic positions of individuals in relation to ownership, labor and working conditions, distribution of income and consumption, social security and health, to look for the sources of these inequalities and their social justification or undue application.The modern state takes on social functions that seek to regulate imbalances, to protect weak social positions and prevent the disintegration of the social system. It regulates the processes in society by harmonizing interests and opposing marginalization. Every modern country develops social activities that reflect the specifics of a particular society, correspond to its economic, political and cultural status. They are the result of political decisions aimed at directing and regulating the process of adaptation of the national society to the transformations of the market environment. Social policy is at the heart of the development and governance of each country. Despite the fact that too many factors and problems affect it, it largely determines the physical and mental state of the population as well as the relationships and interrelationships between people. On the other hand, social policy allows for a more global study and solving of vital social problems of civil society. On the basis of the programs and actions of political parties and state bodies, the guidelines for the development of society are outlined. Social policy should be seen as an activity to regulate the relationship of equality or inequality between different individuals and social groups in society. Its importance is determined by the possibility of establishing on the basis of the complex approach: the economic positions of the different social groups and individuals, by determining the differences between them in terms of income, consumption, working conditions, health, etc .; to explain the causes of inequality; to look for concrete and specific measures to overcome the emerging social disparities.

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