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Abnormal labor as a medical and social issue

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Viktor A. Mudrov

Abnormal labor is a main cause of obstetric and perinatal complications. Impaired uterine contraction during childbirth is accompanied by an increase in the risk of fetal asphyxia, obstetric bleeding and postpartum inflammatory diseases. The frequency of diagnosed abnormal uterine contractile activity is 10-25%, which, along with the high need for operative delivery, allows for considering abnormal labor as one of the main medical and social issues of the present time. The aim of this study was to consider abnormal labor as a medical and social problem. This was achieved by using an analytical method including carrying out a detailed systematic analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature on abnormal labor. The study used databases such as eLIBRARY.RU, Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane Library from the creation until July 2021. Abnormal labor is an important medical and social issue that requires the active development of methods to predict and prevent not only violations of uterine contractility, but also their complications.

Shakiru A. Salami ◽  
Hussein M. Salahdeen ◽  
Abidemi E. Obafemi ◽  
Babatunde A. Murtala

Abstract Objectives Stress responses vary throughout pregnancy and impact of late gestational variable stress (LGVS) with vitamin C supplementation on uterine contractility is barely explored. This study investigates fetal weight outcome and in-vitro uterine contractile responses to pharmacological agents during LGVS exposure. Methods Twenty four nulliparous pregnant rats were divided into four groups of six. During gestation days 10–19, groups 1 & 2 received normal saline and vitamin C (10 mg/kg) respectively. Groups 3 and 4 were exposed to stress (sleep deprivation, predator exposure, immobility, rapid cage changes, noise, and foreign object) with group 4 concurrently supplemented with vitamin C (10 mg/kg). Serum cortisol, oxidative bio-markers, fetal weights and in-vitro contractile responses of excised uterine tissue to acetylcholine (Ach), oxytocin, calcium chloride (CaCl2), potassium chloride (KCl), diclofenac, and magnesium ions were determined. Results Malondialdehyde activity and cortisol were significantly increased in variable stress only exposed group when compared with control and vitamin C supplemented groups. Fetal body weights, superoxide dismutase and catalase activity were significantly reduced in variable stress only exposed group. Significantly impaired contractile responses to Ach, CaCl2 & KCl in variable stress only exposed group were modulated in vitamin C supplemented groups. Impaired contractile response to oxytocin was however not reversed. Relaxation responses to diclofenac and magnesium ions were statistically unaltered across groups. Conclusions Impaired fetal weights and uterine contractile activity to Ach, CaCl2 and KCl during LGVS was modulated by vitamin C supplementation. Impaired oxytocin contractile activity was however unreversed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Viktor A. Mudrov

Hypothesis/aims of study. Labor abnormalities can lead to dangerous complications for both the mother and the fetus. There are currently no effective ways to prevent abnormal uterine contractile activity. Therefore, the timeliness of diagnosis, which largely determines labor outcome, depends on the effectiveness of assessing the likelihood of the development of abnormal labor. The aim of this study was to examine the possibilities for predicting abnormal labor progression at the present stage of the development of science. Study design, materials and methods. A systematic analysis and synthesis of the literature data presented by domestic and foreign authors in the period from 1985 to 2020. Conclusion. A comprehensive approach to assessing the likelihood of the development of abnormal labor will optimize the tactics of labor management, which in the long-term will reduce the frequency of surgical delivery.

2015 ◽  
Vol 130 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-192 ◽  
Ronan Muir ◽  
Jean Ballan ◽  
Bethan Clifford ◽  
Sarah McMullen ◽  
Raheela Khan ◽  

Modelling maternal obesity in rats adversely affected steroid synthesis, uterine contractile associated protein expression and ex-vivo uterine contractility during labour. This maternal obesity model can be utilized further to unravel the mechanisms causing uterine dystocia in obese women.

Beata Modzelewska ◽  
Marcin Jóźwik ◽  
Tomasz Kleszczewski ◽  
Stanisław Sulkowski ◽  
Maciej Jóźwik

Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of beta-adrenoceptor (ADRB) antagonists on contractile activity of the nonpregnant human uterus in patients affected by gynecological malignancies. Design: This was a controlled and prospective ex vivo study. Setting: The work was conducted as a collaboration between 4 academic departments. Materials and Methods: Myometrial specimens were obtained from women undergoing hysterectomy for benign gynecological disorders (reference group; N = 15), and ovarian (N = 15), endometrial (N = 15), synchronous ovarian-endometrial (N = 3), and cervical cancer (N = 10). Contractions of myometrial strips in an organ bath before and after applications of ADRB antagonists (propranolol, bupranolol, SR 59230A, and butoxamine) were studied under isometric conditions. Results: Propranolol and bupranolol attenuated contractions in the endometrial and cervical cancer groups similar to that in the reference group (all p < 0.05), whereas opposite effects were observed in the ovarian and synchronous ovarian-endometrial cancer groups. SR 59230A and butoxamine significantly increased contractions in the ovarian cancer group (both p < 0.001). Limitations: These results require now to be placed into a firm clinical context. Conclusions: Our study indicates that ovarian cancer considerably alters contractile activity of the nonpregnant human uterus in response to ADRB antagonists. This suggests a pathogenetic role of beta-adrenergic pathways in this malignancy. Furthermore, propranolol and bupranolol substantially influence spontaneous uterine contractility.

2017 ◽  
pp. 69-72
N.V. Abbasova ◽  
E.M. Aliyeva ◽  
V.A. Akhmed-zade ◽  
A.Dj. Ismailova ◽  

The objective: to study the contractile activity of the uterus in pregnant with mild preeclampsia at labor. Patients and methods. Was studies contractile activity of the uterus during the labor in 93 pregnant with mild preeclampsia. The average age of women was 25.24±0.42 (17–37 years). The duration of the clinical manifestation of mild preeclampsia was 3.2±0.1 (1 week). The contractile activity of the uterus was evaluated by the method of external cardiotocography. Results.There was confirmed, that pregnant with mild preeclampsia had high indicators of uterine contractile activity at the latent phase, including intense of the cramps 43.78±2.32 mm Hg , duration of the cramps – 28.32±1.1 s, dutation of relaxation – 43.44±1.46 s, total duration of the cramps – 71.76±1.27 s, duration of the uterine cycle – 66.55±0.28 s. And this leads to significant decreasing of the duration of the latent phase 1.24±0.11 hour, and decreasing of the total labor time (9.18±0.22 hours) appropriately. Conclusion. In parturient women with mild preeclampsia, high rates of contractile activity of the uterus in the latent phase, what significantly reduce the duration of the latent phase, and the total duration of labor as well. Key words: mild preeclampsia, contractile activity of the uterus, latent phase of the labor, active phase of the labor, intranatal cardiotocography.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135-153
I.V. Demin

The article analyzes and compares two interpretations of the “social question” and the ways of solving it as they are offered in the works of N.A. Berdyaev and S.L. Frank. A particular attention is paid to the connection between the “social question” and the problem of “Christian socialism”. While acknowledging the general importance of the social issues for the Christian mindset, both philosophers traced the origin of social injustice to the human nature rather than to the social structure. In both interpretations, in fact, the value of social justice is inferior in its hierarchal status to the value of Christian love. However, while they both rejected the socialist utopia of a “paradise on Earth” and the idea of a “Christian socialism”, Berdyaev and Frank radically diverged in their interpretation and assessment of socialism as a social system. This article highlights the fact that Berdyaev combines a criticism of the ideological claims concerning atheistic and materialist socialism with an uncritical acceptance of a number of socialist ideologies (e.g. “class struggle” and “exploitation”) and assumptions. Unlike Berdyaev, in interpreting the “social issue” Frank tended to distance himself from both classical liberalism (with its notions of private property, freedom, and state) and from socialism, which he considered as another ideological extremity. Frank’s social philosophy treats the thesis that the socialist system is more consistent and successful than others in tackling the “social issue” as an empirically dubious assumption. On the contrary, Berdyaev took this thesis for granted and used it as the starting point of his reasoning. This divergence, along with the fact that the same key terms were often used by the two philosophers in different (ideological) meanings, partly accounts for their differences in the interpretation of the “social question” and in the assessment of socialism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 7-13
M. N. Mochalova ◽  
S. V. Novokshanovа ◽  
V. A. Mudrov

Currently, there are many points of view on management of physiological labor, in particular, it concerns the intrapartum position of a woman. Tactics of modern obstetrics should ensure the safety of motherhood, which in future ensures the prosperity of the state. One of the alternative methods of delivery is the vertical position of a woman in the intrapartum period. It is impossible to describe the whole range of possible positions of a woman in the intrapartum period, the common ones being: lying position (lateral, reclining, lithotomy, Trendelenburg’s, etc.) or upright position (sitting, using a chair for childbirth, standing, squatting, standing on the knees, etc.). Opinions about how the vertical position of a mother in the intrapartum period affects the outcome of childbirth are quite ambiguous. The conclusions of various authors on that matter often contradict each other.The aim of the research was to study the role of vertical delivery in reducing the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications.Materials: publications of foreign and domestic authors within the period from 1989 to 2017.Methods: systematic analysis and synthesis of literature data.Conclusion: Despite a significant number of studies, it is not possible to determine the universality of the vertical position in childbirth, therefore, the selection of patients for the management of vertical childbirth should be approached carefully. In the presence of pregnancy complications, preference should be given to the classic version of the position in childbirth. In women who have a low risk of perinatal complications, an upright position can be a worthy alternative. To prevent the development of bleeding in the III stage of labor and the early postpartum period, a woman should take a horizontal position after the birth of the fetus. This condition must also be observed when examining the birth canal. Thus, the rational tactics of conducting childbirth is to determine the optimal combination of vertical and horizontal positions at different periods of the childbirth process, taking into account the convenience for the woman in labor. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 869-878 ◽  
Haruhisa Konishi ◽  
Satoshi Urabe ◽  
Hiroshi Miyoshi ◽  
Yuko Teraoka ◽  
Tomoko Maki ◽  

Inflammation is associated with preterm birth. We previously described a mouse model of chronic inflammation-induced preterm birth after dental Porphyromonas gingivalis infection. The aim of this study was to employ this model system to investigate the mechanisms through which enhanced uterine contractility induces preterm birth. Messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding contraction-associated proteins, such as oxytocin receptors, was measured at various gestational time points by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Spontaneous and oxytocin-induced uterine contractile activity at gestational day 18 was assessed using a tissue organ bath. The expression levels of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), TLR4, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) p65, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) on gestational day 18 were also determined by real-time PCR or Western blotting. Messenger RNA encoding contraction-associated proteins was increased at gestational day 18, and the spontaneous contractile activity (1.6-fold greater area under the contraction curve) and sensitivity to oxytocin (EC50: 8.8 nM vs 2.2 nM) were enhanced in the P gingivalis group compared to those in the control group. In the P gingivalis group, COX-2 mRNA expression was not elevated in the placenta or myometrium but was upregulated 2.3-fold in the fetal membrane. The TLR2 mRNA levels in the fetal membrane were 2.7-fold higher in the P gingivalis group, whereas TLR4 levels were not elevated. Activation of the NF-κB p65 and p38 MAPK pathways was enhanced in the fetal membrane of the P gingivalis group. Thus, in mice with chronic dental P gingivalis infection, TLR2-induced inflammation in the fetal membrane leads to upregulation of uterine contractility, leading to preterm birth.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40 ◽  
Seungyoon Nam ◽  
Jun-Won Chung ◽  
Jun-Young Yang

Background/Aims: Gastric cancer (GC), the third-leading cause of cancer death in the world, is typically diagnosed only in its advanced stages. WNT signaling has been associated with clinicopathological characteristics in diverse cancer types. But the systematic analysis of WNT5A, a member in the signaling, has not been inspected. Thus, our study used a meta-analysis to statistically associate WNT5A expression with GC clinicopathological characteristics. Methods: For a systematic literature review of GC in combination with the WNT signaling molecule WNT5A, we searched for PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. It led to the five cohorts, in four eligible studies, consisting of 1,034 patients (617 WNT5A-positive and 417 WNT5A-negative patients). These patients were inspected by the library “meta” in R software for our meta-analysis. Results: Our meta-analysis, revealed a statistically significant associations of WNT5A-positivity with lymph node metastasis (p=0.0047), some types of Lauren diffuse subtype GCs (p<0.0001), advanced tumor depth (p<0.0001), and advanced UICC stages (p=0.0461) with no observation of bias or confounding factors. Conclusions: These results support the feasibility of targeting this embryonic signaling pathway, both for therapy, and as a biomarker to “guide” various individual interventions (i.e., “personalized medicine”).

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-25
Bruno De Oliveira

Purpose How can people with lived experience of homelessness actively participate in contesting their marginalisation? The purpose of this paper is to suggest that involving people who are homeless in participatory action research (PAR) is one such strategy. This paper shows that such an approach can have a significant impact on empowering people with direct of experience of homelessness to challenge prevailing social discourses, particularly in terms of the way in which the local media presents homelessness as a social issue. Design/methodology/approach A PAR approach informed the design, development and dissemination of the study on which this paper is based. Analytically, it is underpinned by Foucauldian discourse analysis (FDA). FDA, with its focus on power relations in society, is noted to be particularly useful for analysing local media representations of homeless people. Findings The research reported here found that academic practitioners and homeless people can work together to challenge media discourses, which serve to marginalise people affected by homelessness. Research limitations/implications The research reported here served to challenge some of the ways in homeless people are victimized and stigmatized. Practical implications The research reported here has the potential to inform future research concerned with understanding media presentations of homeless people. It can be seen as a model for how people affected by a particularly pernicious social issue can contribute to research in ways that go beyond researching for the sake of research. Originality/value The research reported here provides evidence of the emancipatory value of research that seeks to bring academic practitioners and homeless people together in a partnership to challenge vital social issues such as the power of the local media to frame understandings of homelessness.

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