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scholarly journals A Contemporary View on the Anatomy of Parotid Gland

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 76-84
V. I. Chernyavskii ◽  
V. P. Truten ◽  
Kh. A. Abduvosidov ◽  
M. P. Tolstykh

One of the up-to-date issues of contemporary medicine is the study of the features of individual anatomical structure variability of various organs. In recent years, the incidence of parotid gland diseases has been rising. This phenomenon can be associated with an absolute increase in this organ pathologies incidence as well as with the development of additional methods of examination and visualization of the gland. Most pathologies of major salivary glands, in particular the parotid gland, require surgical treatment. Knowledge of topographical relationship of the parotid gland with the adjacent vessels and nerve trunks is utterly necessary for planning and performing surgical interventions and reconstructive operations in the parotid region. According to the statistics, surgical interventions on the parotid gland take the leading place among the causes of damage to the facial nerve branches. This fact may also prove a large variation in the syntopy of the facial nerve and the parotid gland. The paper reviews the data of native and foreign literature on the anatomy of parotid gland and the place of radiation research methods in the study of its topographical and anatomical features. The analysis revealed a wide range of anatomical norm of parotid gland in many parameters, including shape, linear size, blood supply, and topographical features. The practice of using anthropometric studies aimed at structuring the existing knowledge and narrowing the borders of anatomical norm for various organs proved to be successful. However, in the pool of scientific papers, we have not found similar studies concerning parotid gland. The facts mentioned above make the background and justify further studies of parotid gland in the context of normal individual variability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 331-339
Yury A. Kozlov ◽  
A. A. Rasputin ◽  
K. A. Kovalkov ◽  
P. Zh. Baradieva ◽  
Ch. B. Ochirov ◽  

Introduction. The obstruction of pyeloureteral junction is the most common cause of hydronephrosis in neonates and infants. Indications for surgical treatment include: decrease in differentiated renal function less than 40%, continued decrease in differentiated renal function for more than 10% in subsequent examinations, poor excretory function at diuretic renography (T ½ more than 20 min), increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvis over 20 mm or dilatation of degrees III and IV by the classification of the Society of Fetal Urology (SFU). Material and methods. Treatment options for this condition include a wide range of approaches - from active observation to minimally invasive methods, including laparoscopic or robotic pyeloplasty. The main goal of treatment is to alleviate symptoms as well as to improve and / or to maintain renal function. The most common technique for removing obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction is dismembered pyeloplasty which is also called Anderson-Hynes operation. The Anderson-Hynes laparoscopic pyeloplasty is not widely spread what reflects the complex nature of this surgery in newborns and infants. A surgical access aiming to provide a minimally invasive correction of the obstruction in the pelvic-ureteric junction can be achieved equally by laparoscopic pyeloplasty, retroperitoneoscopicpyeloplasty and robot-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Results. Currently, there is a limited number of reports on the application of laparoscopic techniques for treating pyeloureteral segment obstructions in newborns and infants. The reasonability of such an approach in children under one year of age remains a matter of debate. It has been found out that postoperative results after laparoscopy are similar to those after a conventional open intervention. Conclusion. This literature review demonstrates that a surgeon - before performing reconstructive operations on infant’s kidneys must have a good experience in many other advanced laparoscopic procedures with endosurgical suturing . Laparoscopy offers many more benefits than simply reducing the patient’s hospital stay or less drug use. The magnification inherent to high-definition (HD) or ultra-high-resolution television (UHD or 4K) technology makes these surgical interventions more accurate due to better visualization of such microobjects and their layers at the baby’s ureter, which has a diameter slightly exceeding 2 mm. Another advantage of laparoscopy lies in more adequate assessment of the situation in case of hydronephrosis than that in the open surgery.

Priya Kanagamuthu ◽  
Swetha Thirumurthi ◽  
S Rajasekaran ◽  
S Prabakaran ◽  
RB Namasivaya Navin

Pleomorphic adenoma or benign salivary gland tumours predominantly affects the superficial lobe of parotid gland. It is a slow growing swelling with or without facial nerve involvement with female predilection in third and fifth decade of life. The origin of the tumour is both epithelial and connective tissue and hence it is of pleomorphic nature. After surgery, its recurrence rate varies considerably and seems to depend more on the surgical technique used. A 49-year-old male patient, presented with complaints of swelling in front of right ear and right parotid region for past eight years. He gave previous history of similar swelling in the right parotid region and history of previous surgery done elsewhere in 2009. Right superficial parotidectomy was done following which he was asymptomatic for two years. On examination of right parotid- a multilobulated irregular swelling was present in right parotid region and the swelling extended till the right ear lobule. The swelling hid previous surgical scar. Facial nerve was clinically intact. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) was suggestive of Pleomorphic Adenoma. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with contrast revealed that the lesions were arising from superficial lobe of the parotid gland. Right superficial parotidectomy was planned. Mass was excised and sent for histopathological examination and was reported to be Pleomorphic Adenoma. Patient is still on follow-up and no recurrence has been noted. The rate of recurrence depends on tumour spillage, intra-surgical rupture, or any histopathological feature. There is significant risk for local recurrence if the microscopic finger like formation (pseudopodia) of tumour tissue extends beyond the main mass.

1986 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-292 ◽  
S. M. Rhind ◽  
B. A. Morris ◽  
Jill Clayton ◽  
J. M. Doney ◽  
R. G. Gunn ◽  

ABSTRACTBorder Leicester × Scottish Blackface (Greyface) ewes of three groups, each comprising 118 animals in a wide range of body condition scores, were mated at a synchronized oestrus in mid October. The ewes were passively immunized against testosterone (group P), actively immunized against androstenedione (group F), or not treated (group C). All ewes were slaughtered at return to service or at 35 to 45 days of pregnancy and ovulation rates and numbers of embryos present were determined. Mean ovulation rates of ewes in group P were higher than in those in group C (P < 0·05) and this difference was evident at most levels of body condition. The absolute increase in ovulation rate, compared with the control group, was similar at all condition scores. Mean ovulation rates of ewes in group F were higher than those in group C (P < 0·001) and the magnitude of the increase was greater in ewes in higher condition scores. The incidence of ova wastage was variable but differences between treatments in mean ovulation rate were generally reflected in mean litter size. The conception rates of immunized ewes were depressed compared with those of control animals, particularly in ewes with a body condition score less than 3·0 at mating. Consequently, there was no improvement in the potential lambing rate of immunized ewes following only one cycle of mating. Circulating antibody titres were not related to conception rate or body condition at mating and were related to ovulation rate only in group F ewes. It is concluded that immunization against steroids, using either passive or active techniques, can improve the reproductive performance of individual ewes but improvement in the performance of the flock as a whole may only be achieved under optimal conditions of nutrition and season.

1972 ◽  
Vol 124 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-476 ◽  
Oliver H. Beahrs ◽  
Guan C. Chong

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Issam Saliba ◽  
Nazir El Khatib ◽  
Antoine Nehme ◽  
Selim Nasser ◽  
Nabil Moukarzel

Myoepithelial carcinoma is a rare malignancy of the parotid gland that is usually seen in adults. We report the first case in children of myoepithelial carcinoma of the parotid gland with massive invasion of the facial nerve and metastasis to cervical lymph nodes. Due to its rarity, the treatment and the clinical course of this tumor are not well defined yet. We performed a total parotidectomy, a modified neck dissection, and a postoperative radiotherapy in 7-year-old boy. Sparing of the facial nerve was impossible; it was sacrificed and grafted with a sural nerve. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of a parotid gland carcinoma and immunohistochemical markers showed that the tumor cells express cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, cytokeratin 7, smooth muscle actin, P63, CEA, and S100. This pattern of immunostaining is consistent with the diagnosis of myoepithelial carcinoma. On the postoperative tenth month he presented with a pulmonary and lumbar vertebra metastasis.

O. Ya. Mokryk

The lateral facial region including zygomatic, parotid and buccal regions is innervated by trigeminal nerve branches: zygomatic, auriculotemporal, buccal, mental nerves as well as by branches of cervical plexus: great auricular and transverse cervical nerves. According to the classical Brown’s method, great auricular and transverse cervical nerves can be blocked at Erb’s point on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.Anesthesia of the listed nerves is commonly attained in the contemporary surgical practice during superfi cial cervical plexus block. However, due to the high probability of local complications such as external jugular veindamaging by the injection needle this technique can’t be used in the outpatient surgical dental practice.The aim of the study – to develop methods of conduction anesthesia of facial branches of cervical plexus (great auricular and transverse cervical nerves) on patient’s face considering individual topographic anatomical peculiarities.Materias and Methods. Clinical observation was conducted in 39 sheduled patients of different sex and age (18–60 years old) that were being on stationary treatment. In case the localization of pathological processes (benign tumors, keloid scars, fi stulas of migrating granulomas) in the parotid region (21 cases) surgical interventions were conducted under local conduction anesthesia of auriculotemporal nerve as well as facial branches of great auricular and transverse cervical nerves. In case the localization of pathological processes in the buccal region (18 cases) surgical interventions were conducted under local conduction anesthesia of buccal, mental nerves and facial branches of transverse cervical nerve (if necessary). Facial branches of great auricular nerve were blocked along the posterior border of mandible ramus – from the gonial angle to the neck of mandibular condyle. Anesthesia of facial branches of transverse cervical nerve was conducted along the inferior border of mandible. Individual topographic anatomical peculiarities of the facial part of the head in patients were determined by computing the facial index of each patient using Garson’s algorithm. Tactile and pain sensitivity were explored. In order to assess objectively the developed method of great auricular nerve block it was used stimulating electromyography. It is established that pathological processes did not infl uence the sensory function (tactile and pain sensitivity) of the zygomatic, parotid and buccal regions in patients before the planned surgical interventions on the lateral facial region.Results and Discussion. After the block of facial branches of great auricular nerve according to the developed technique it is revealed that in all cases the posterior part of the parotid region adjoining the mandible angleand posterior part of mandible ramus became insensitive. In 19 cases (93.1 %) an absolute anesthesia of this topographic anatomical region occurred. In 7 cases (33.4 %) the conduction anesthesia of facial branches oftransverse cervical nerve was carried out when this nerve took part in the innervation of the parotid region. It is clinically confi rmed that there are three types of ramifying on the human face of branches of great auricular and transverse cervical nerves (Bruno Ella classifi cation, 2015). The fi rst type of the lateral facial region innervation by the rami of cervical plexus occurred the most frequently, in 11 cases (52.4 %), and prevailed in patients with mesoprosopic form of facial part of the head. The second type of ramifying was observed in 7 cases (33.4 %), in patients with euriprosopic and mesoprosopic face shapes. The third type occurred in 14. 3 % cases in patients with mesoprosopic and leptoprosopic face shapes. In those people a major part of the lateral facial region was innervated by auriculotemporal nerve. In 55. 6 % cases a scattered type of buccal nerve ramifying was found on the face in patients prevailing in leptoprosops. In three patients transverse cervical nerve took part in the buccal region innervation. In all cases they were individuals with euriprosopic face shape. The loss of tactile and pain sensitivity on the skin cover of both the parotid and buccal regions as well as temporary absence of conductance along the facial branches of great auricular nerve that was detected during stimulating electromyography absolutely confi rmed the effectiveness of the developed methods of local conduction anesthesia. During surgical treatment the effi ciency of used methods of local anesthesia was evaluated on 4.7 ± 0.5 points – it was observed a stable anesthesia, without psychosomatic peculiarities as well as local and general complications, in patients; sometimes weakly expressed affective reactions took place, but they didn’t infl uence the course of the operation.Conclusions. The results of clinical observations confi rm the signifi cant variability of sensitive innervation of soft tissues of the lateral facial area, it varies in patients depending on their individual anatomical features.There are three types of branching in the parietal-chewing area of the facial branches of the surface cervical nerve plexus, which can spread to the cheek area. The use of techniques, conductive anesthetics of the facial branches of the large anus and transverse nerve of the neck, in combination with the traditional methods of local anesthesia, which we developed, provided painless surgical interventions on the lateral face of the face.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 (jul28 1) ◽  
pp. bcr0220113818-bcr0220113818 ◽  
T. Leahy ◽  
C. Sader

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Manish Gupta ◽  
Vijay Shrawan Nijhawan ◽  
Cynthia Kaur ◽  
Sukhpreet Kaur ◽  
Akanksha Gupta

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) results from errors in vascular development during embryogenesis; absent capillary beds lead to shunting directly from the arterial to venous circulation. Although it is common in the head and neck region, AVMs located in the parotid gland are quite rare. Here, we report two cases of arteriovenous malformation of the parotid gland that presented to our out-patient setup with swelling in the parotid region and were diagnosed as arteriovenous malformation on histopathological study after surgical resection.

1977 ◽  
Vol 60 (5) ◽  
pp. 818-819
N W Barton ◽  
S H Miller ◽  
W P Graham

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