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Malaysia's First Successful Implementation of Sand Consolidation Technology as a Primary Sand Control Method Executed during the Drilling Phase: Success Story and Lessons Learned

2021 ◽  
Nadiah Kamaruddin ◽  
Nurfuzaini A Karim ◽  
M Ariff Naufal Hasmin ◽  
Sunanda Magna Bela ◽  
Latief Riyanto ◽  

Abstract Field A is a mature hydrocarbon-producing field located in eastern Malaysia that began producing in 1968. Comprised of multistacked reservoirs at heights ranging from 4,000 to 8,000 ft, they are predominantly unconsolidated, requiring sand exclusion from the start. Most wells in this field were completed using internal gravel packing (IGP) of the main reservoir, and particularly in shallower reservoirs. With these shallower reservoirs continuously targeted as good potential candidates, identifying a sustainable sand control solution is essential. Conventional sand control methods, namely IGP, are normally a primary choice for completion; however, this method can be costly, which requires justification during challenging economic times. To combat these challenges, a sand consolidation system using resin was selected as a primary completion method, opposed to a conventional IGP system. Chemical sand consolidation treatments provide in situ sand influx control by treating the incompetent formation around the wellbore itself. The initial plan was to perform sand consolidation followed by a screenless fracturing treatment; however, upon drilling the targeted zone and observing its proximity to a water zone, fracturing was stopped. With three of eight zones in this well requiring sand control, a pinpoint solution was delivered in stages by means of a pump through with a packer system [retrievable test treat squeeze (RTTS)] at the highest possible accuracy, thus ensuring treatment placement efficiency. The zones were also distanced from one another, requiring zonal isolation (i.e., mechanical isolation, such as bridge plugs, was not an option) as treatments were deployed. While there was a major challenge in terms of mobilization planning to complete this well during the peak of a movement control order (MCO) in Malaysia, optimal operations lead to a long-term sand control solution. Well unloading and test results upon well completion provided excellent results, highlighting good production rates with zero sand production. The groundwork processes of candidate identification down to the execution of sand consolidation and temporary isolation between zones are discussed. Technology is compared in terms of resin fluid system types. Laboratory testing on the core samples illustrates how the chemical consolidation process physically manifests. This is used to substantiate the field designs, execution plan, initial results, follow-up, lessons learned, and best practices used to maximize the life of a sand-free producer well. This success story illustrates potential opportunity in using sand consolidation as a primary method in the future.

2021 ◽  
Mykhailo Pytko ◽  
Pavlo Kuchkovskyi ◽  
Ibrahim Abdellaitif ◽  
Ernesto Franco Delgado ◽  
Andriy Vyslobitsky ◽  

Abstract This paper describes three coiled tubing (CT) applications in depleted reservoir wells, where full circulation and precise fluid placement were achievable only by using a novel solids-free loss-control system, such as abrasive perforating applications. It also describes the preparation work, such as laboratory results and mixing procedure performed to ensure successful implementation. The analysis of Ukrainian reservoir conditions by local and global engineering teams showed that in a highly depleted well, abrasive jetting through CT was the best option to efficiently perforate the wellbore. However, this approach could lead to later impairment of the gas production if the abrasive material (sand) could not be entirely recovered. Such a risk was even higher as wells were depleted and significant losses to the formation occurred. The use of solids-free fluid-loss material that was easy to mix, pump, and remove after the operation, was, therefore, critical to the success of that approach. In Ukraine, most of the brownfields have a reservoir pressure that varies between 50% and 20% of the original reservoir pressure. This is a challenge for CT operations in general and especially for abrasive jetting, which requires full circulation to remove solids. It also complicates intervention when precise fluid placement control is required, such as spotting cement to avoid its being lost into the formation. The perforation solids-free loss-control system is a highly crosslinked Hydroxy-Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) system designed for use after perforating when high-loss situations require a low-viscosity, nondamaging, bridging agent as is normally required in sand control applications. It is supplied as gel particles that are readily dispersed in most completion brines. The particles form a low-permeability filter cake that is pliable, conforms to the formation surface, and limits fluid loss. The system produces low friction pressures, which enable its placement using CT. Introduction of that system in Ukraine allowed the full circulation of sand or cuttings to surface without inducing significant damage to the formation for first time; it was also used for balanced cement plug placements. This project was the first application of the solids-free loss-control system in combination with CT operations. It previously was used only for loss control material during the well completion phase in sand formations with the use of drilling rigs.

SPE Journal ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 206-215 ◽  
Cynthia M. Ross ◽  
Edgar Rangel-German ◽  
Louis M. Castanier ◽  
Philip S. Hara ◽  
Anthony R. Kovscek

Summary Current gravel-packed, slotted-liner completion techniques for wells in unconsolidated and weakly consolidated sandstone are relatively expensive and result in greatly reduced operational flexibility. On the other hand, empirical field evidence (Wilmington, California) demonstrates that sand grains surrounding the wellbore are cemented and consolidated following injection of high-pressure (1,600-psi) steam. Effective sand control results without adverse changes to formation permeability and producibility. Here, sand consolidation mechanisms are exposed by duplicating, in the laboratory, the governing geochemical processes. Sandpacks contain typical per-volume concentrations of concrete resulting from perforating a cased and cemented well. The evolution of sandpack pore and grain struture is determined using scanning electron microscope imaging and compositional analyses. Results show that hot alkaline water injected at rates comparable to field rates indeed results in grain-cementing precipitates. Casing cement plays a crucial role in that it is the source of calcium silicates appearing in various pore-lining precipitates. Conditions for effective sand consolidation are not necessarily formation-specific, and the process can be altered to improve cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and longevity of the completion technique. Introduction In poorly consolidated and unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs, solids are sometimes carried from the formation to the wellbore as oil and water flow toward producers. It is referred to as "sand production." This term is usually detrimental and should be avoided. Operational problems result, including extra wear of the pumping units, shorter pipe lifetime, frequent workovers, loss of well productivity, and waste-disposal issues. Several remedies are available to the engineer. They include production-rate reduction (Penberthy and Shaughnessy 1992), physical barriers (Penberthy and Shaughnessy 1992), in-situ consolidation (Prats and Hamby 1965; Davies et al. 1983; Davies et al. 1997; Davies et al. 2003), and hybrid methods (Penberthy and Shaughnessy 1992; Kruger 1986). No sand-control method is, as of yet, generally applicable. We use laboratory experiments to develop a mechanistic understanding of a novel hot alkaline/steam sand-consolidation technique. This technique has proved effective empirically (Davies et al. 1997). The mechanisms of mineral and grain dissolution, precipitation, and consolidation using Wilmington (Los Angeles basin, California) field cores and quartz sandpacks are described. Field sands are drawn from the productive, heavy-oil intervals (T and D sands) of the Tar II-A zone (Hara 2003). The tools employed are core-scale and beaker-scale experiments, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and elemental analyses. Additionally, tubing-tail samples recovered from the field are reexamined in light of the new laboratory results. Before proceeding to the experimental details and results, a brief review of the hot alkaline/steam sand-consolidation process is given. This background is foundational, because it underpins the experimental program and interpretation of results. The experimental objectives, apparatus, and procedures follow. Results, discussion, and implications finish the paper.

2021 ◽  
Wiwat Wiwatanapataphee ◽  
Thanita Kiatrabile ◽  
Pipat Lilaprathuang ◽  
Noppanan Nopsiri ◽  
Panyawadee Kritsanamontri

Abstract The conventional gravel pack sand control completion (High Rate Water Pack / Extension Pack) was the primary sand control method for PTTEPI, Myanmar Zawtika field since 2014 for more than 80 wells. Although the completion cost of gravel pack sand control was dramatically reduced around 75 percent due to the operation performance improvement along 5 years, the further cost reduction still mandatory to make the future development phase feasible. In order to tackle the well economy challenge, several alternative sand control completion designs were reviewed with the existing Zawtika subsurface information. The Chemical Sand Consolidation (CSC) or resin which is cost-effective method to control the sand production with injected chemicals is selected to be tested in 3 candidate wells. Therefore, the first trial campaign of CSC was performed with the Coiled Tubing Unit (CTU) in March to May 2019 with positive campaign results. The operation program and lesson learned were captured in this paper for future improvement in term of well candidate selection, operation planning and execution. The three monobore completion wells were treated with the CSC. The results positively showed that the higher sand-free rates can be achieved. The operation steps consist of 1) Perform sand cleanout to existing perforation interval or perforate the new formation interval. 2) Pumping pre-flush chemical to conditioning the formation to accept the resin 3) Pumping resin to coating on formation grain sand 4) Pumping the post-flush chemical to remove an excess resin from sand 5) Shut in the well to wait for resin curing before open back to production. However, throughout the campaign, there were several lessons learned, which will be required for future cost and time optimization. In operational view, the proper candidate selection shall avoid operational difficulties e.g. available rathole. As well, detailed operation plan and job design will result in effective CSC jobs. For instance, the coil tubing packer is suggested for better resin placement in the formation. Moreover, accommodation arrangement (either barge or additional vessel) and logistics management still have room for improvement. These 3 wells are the evidences of the successful applications in Zawtika field. With good planning, lesson learned and further optimization, this CSC method can be beneficial for existing monobore wells, which required sand control and also will be the alternative sand control method for upcoming development phases. This CSC will be able to increase project economic and also unlock the marginal reservoirs those will not justify the higher cost of conventional gravel pack.

2021 ◽  
Jagaan Selladurai ◽  
Cheol Hwan Roh ◽  
Amr Zeidan ◽  
Saurabh Anand ◽  
Bahrom Madon ◽  

Abstract Malaysian clastic reservoirs are plagued with high fines content which rapidly deteriorates the productivity from wells completed with conventional form of sand control techniques. To mitigate the fines production issue, Petronas recently successfully completed 3 reservoirs in two wells in Field-D using enhanced gravel pack technique. This paper explains in detail the workflow, challenges such as depleted reservoirs, coal streaks, and nearby water contacts and operational execution for the successful re-defined extension pack jobs. This new approach consists of a re-defined Extension Pack / Frac Pack job with fine movement control resin and a re-defined perforation strategy. Perforation strategy consists of limited number of 180 deg phasing non-oriented perforations done under dynamic underbalance conditions. The key requirement to have fracturing as a sand control method is to have a tip screen out (TSO) or high net pressure placement to ensure the fracture has good conductivity. To obtain a good TSO, data acquisition is of paramount importance. The fracturing jobs in the Field – D wells were preceded with step-rate tests, injection tests, minifrac and Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test (DFIT). The data from diagnostic tests were used diligently to have best possible fracturing treatment in the target zones. Excellent pack factors of greater than 500 lbs. per ft were obtained for all the treatment jobs using only linear gel with proppant concentration up to 7 ppa. This high pack factor translates to very good frac conductivity which is essential in fracturing for sand control. Some of the fracturing treatments concluded with a TSO signature which is a big achievement considering the challenges that were associated with fracturing in Field – D. In addition, DFIT and ACA (After Closure Analysis) was performed to estimate permeability and results were compared with various techniques such as log derived and formation tester permeability. Ultimate objective from this analysis is to have a work-flow which can screen candidate wells for such treatments from openhole logs and give an estimated liquid rate post treatment. Also, the workflow for planning and executing fracturing jobs will be presented for Malaysian clastic reservoirs. This work-flow will be vetted against the extensive diagnostic and fracturing data that has been acquired during fracturing treatments in Field – D. Design, actual diagnostic, and fracturing data will be presented in this paper. It is expected that this modified form of sand and fines control will help in reducing the fines issue in Field – D to a great extent along with expected incremental in oil production. If long term production sustainability is proven, similar approach will be adopted by Petronas and can be shared amongst other South East Asia operators in many similar other fields.

2021 ◽  
Irfan Taufik Rau ◽  
Henricus Herwin ◽  
Bhayu Widyoko ◽  
Iswahyuni Fifthana Hayati

Abstract Mahakam Block has been in operation for nearly half a century with cumulative production of approximately 20 trillion cubic feet of gas and 1.5 billion barrels of oil. Mature field challenges have become more evident as portrayed by declining production, more complex surface constraints, more challenging profitability of new projects and decreasing resources of new wells, which are also exacerbated by external factors such as volatility of oil and gas prices. Despite the aforementioned challenges and complexity in terms of operating numerous fields with different characteristics, Mahakam is currently still one of the biggest producing blocks in Indonesia. The success of sustaining production and prolonging the life of Mahakam is the result of continuous innovations, improvements and optimizations on various aspects over the years. Subsurface innovative ideas by restudying and redefining geological concepts has led Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) to drill step-out wells in Handil, Tunu, South Mahakam and Sisi Nubi fields that deliver positive results and open new opportunities. In the non-subsurface aspect, Indonesia's first Plan of Development that combines higher and lower value projects across fields called OPLL (Optimasi Pengembangan Lapangan-Lapangan) was initiated in order to develop fields with marginal value and to achieve economy of scale. Moreover, Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) optimization through evolution of platform design, well architecture and sand control method is crucial for exploitation of targets with lower resources over time. PHM has also launched CLEOPATRA (Cost Effectiveness and Lean Operations in Mature Asset), later renamed to LOCOMOTIVE-8 (Low Operations Cost of Mahakam to Achieve Effectiveness and Efficiencies), to achieve Operating Expenditure (OPEX) efficiency through various initiatives driven by each entity. Due to cost of money, budget accuracy is as important as expenditures reduction meaning that more detailed and deterministic budget estimation is necessary. In addition to optimizing cost structure, PHM strives to carry out gas commercialization efforts to improve revenue streams. In this rapidly changing era, especially for Mahakam, paradigm shift becomes highly critical. Changes in the structure and size of organization is essential to adjust with business dynamics. Adaptive organization structure is performed through digitalization and competency improvement to reduce repetitive tasks and increase productivity per capita. Cooperation between neighboring companies brings mutual benefit by sharing rig, transportation means, and pipeline network systems. Mutual benefit opportunity is also available between the company and Indonesian government by amendment of fiscal terms with the aim to enable the execution of sub-economic projects. Ultimately, one effort alone may be insignificant, but the combination of all of the efforts will be the key to the continuation of Mahakam story.

2014 ◽  
Asaf Nadeem ◽  
Mario Lopez ◽  
Samuel Joly ◽  
Richard Jackson ◽  
Alfonzo Strazzi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 2396
Jong Suk Lim ◽  
Hyung-Woo Lee

This paper presents a method of utilizing a non-contact position sensor for the tilting and movement control of a rotor in a rotary magnetic levitation motor system. This system has been studied with the aim of having a relatively simple and highly clean alternative application compared to the spin coater used in the photoresist coating process in the semiconductor wafer process. To eliminate system wear and dust problems, a shaft-and-bearing-free magnetic levitation motor system was designed and a minimal non-contact position sensor was placed. An algorithm capable of preventing derailment and precise movement control by applying only control without additional mechanical devices to this magnetic levitation system was proposed. The proposed algorithm was verified through simulations and experiments, and the validity of the algorithm was verified by deriving a precision control result suitable for the movement control command in units of 0.1 mm at 50 rpm rotation drive.

2005 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-372 ◽  
Khaled Al‐Reshaid ◽  
Nabil Kartam ◽  
Narendra Tewari ◽  
Haya Al‐Bader

PurposeIt is a well‐known fact that the construction industry always passes through two distinctive problems during the construction stage: slippages of project‐schedules, i.e. time‐frame, and overruns of project‐costs, i.e. budget. However, limited literature is available to solve or dilute these two problems before they even occur. It is strongly believed that the bulk of the two mentioned problems can be mitigated to a great extent, if not eliminated, provided that proper attention is paid to the pre‐construction phases of projects. Normally projects are implemented through traditionally old techniques which generally emphasize only solving “construction problems during the construction phase”. The aim of this article is therefore to unveil a professional methodology known as Project Control System (PCS) focusing on pre‐construction phases of construction projects.Design/methodology/approachIn this article, the authors share the lessons learned during implementation of Kuwait University projects worth approximately $400 million in a span of ten years. The task of the project management/construction management (PM/CM) is being provided to the university by a joint venture team of international and local specialists.FindingsThe pre‐construction methodology ensures smooth and successful implementation during construction phases of the projects as they are generally executed in a fast‐pace, deadline‐driven and cost‐conscious environment. The intuitive proactive methods, if implemented during pre‐construction stage, automatically answer the questions that are encountered during the execution periods of projects.Originality/valueIn this article, the authors share the lessons learned during PM/CM during projects over a span of ten years, which could be of use to others.

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