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scholarly journals The Term Concept of Right and Unright in Practical and Theoretical Jurisprudence

Petro Rabinovych ◽  
Pavlo Myrtsalo

The article examines some modern trends in the development of domestic legislation, as well as general theoretical legal thinking. One of them is a noticeable spread in the legislative acts of Ukraine of those terms that have an outlet to the problem of legal understanding, for example, they talk about such words as: «right», «justice», «unjust sentence», «unright agreement», «unright use», «unright actions», «unright gain». Such terminology can be directly used in legal regulatory practice, and taking into account the pluralism of legal thinking, known from ancient times to this day, inevitably there is a need for an official explanation, interpretation of one or another of the given terminological concepts. In all the above cases, the following question will inevitably arise: the terms above are synonyms for the adjectives lawful, illegal, and are similar to them? Or, on the contrary, in the examples given above, they are talking about some other – meaningful and different – from legal / illegal – phenomenon? If we are inclined to the first answer, the question arises: for what purpose different terms were used to name the same phenomenon? If we support the second of the possible answers, then it directly leads to the problem of legal thinking. One of the aspects of the general problem of legal thinking is the substantive allocation of the so-called phenomenon of the antipode of the phenomenon of right, – the phenomenon of unright. The urgency of solving this practically significant task is illustrated, in particular, by the fact that, for example, in the current Criminal Code of Ukraine, adjectives unright gain are used almost sixty times! What complex of problems in legal regulation, this situation generates, can be seen by analyzing, for example, the reaction of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding the inconsistency of the Constitution of Ukraine with the provisions of Art. 375 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Arguing this decision, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine referred to the fact that, in particular: a) formulation of this article allows possibility of abuse by the bodies of pre-trial investigation, in connection with legal clarity, unambiguity in content of the norm is lost when they are applied; b) the situation under discussion creates the possibility of an official assessment of the court decision by non-judicial bodies, which contradicts the principle of the distribution of power. It seems remarkable that in response to the aforementioned decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, almost half of those judges who took part in the consideration of this case expressed separate opinions in which they thoroughly criticized the arguments of the Court. Without resorting to a specific analysis of each of these thoughts, we state the pluralistic interpretation of the first part of the complex word «unjust» by different judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. We explain it by the socially-natural heterogeneity, the interpretation of any evaluative legal concepts by various subjects of society in the process of legal regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 234 (11) ◽  
pp. 16-24

The article is devoted to various aspects of the regulation and execution of punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. The subject of the article is the norms of the current domestic legislation, data from official statistics of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, as well as law enforcement practice on the topic under consideration. The purpose of the article is to analyze the normative regulation and practice of applying punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. The methodological basis of the research is represented by a set of general and specific scientific methods. The work used methods such as analysis, synthesis, formal legal, statistical. As a result of the study, proposals were formulated to amend the current legislation in terms of improving preventive work with persons sentenced to punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. Conclusions are made about the essence, features of legal regulation and law enforcement practice of the considered type of punishment in modern conditions, about the need to increase the effectiveness of preventive activities in relation to persons sentenced to punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to driving a vehicle. Key words: deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities, punishment, penal inspectorates, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, convict, deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to driving.

Artem Khlopov

he article examines the feasibility of criminalizing obsessive persecution, the so-called «stalking». A concept that has grabbedattention over the past thirty years abroad, having become the subject of a significant amount of research. The reasons for the formationof a trend to consolidate responsibility for stalking are analyzed, which took shape in the early nineties of the last century and todayhas become part of the legislation of large parts of the world. At the same time, the very concept of stalking appeared in the scientificliterature long before that, being mainly the subject of research by psychiatrists, characterized it as a certain state of mind. Attention isdrawn to the fact that now stalking has already become somewhat stratified, being considered primarily as a type of illegal behavior.The latter infringes on the inviolability of private life and information of private character with signs of secrecy, which is the source ofthe formation of tactics of stalker behavior. The latter, in turn, aims to control the victim, forcing her to abandon her usual way of life.In this context, it is questioned that domestic legislation does not recognize such behavior as illegal, as well as the lack of relevantstatistics on the number of persecuted persons. In this regard, the official data on other countries that are actively studying this phenome -non are considered. According to their data, up to 15% of people have been persecuted at least once in their lives, which indicate a seriousprevalence of this behavior, which is definitely not limited to a single country or continent. This gives grounds to assert that Ukraineis not an exception either, and the absence of any statistics does not mean the absence of this problem. The latter only indicates a lackof attention to the problems of stalking and an underestimation of the possible consequences.All this gives grounds to assert that today the victims of persecution are almost defenseless, and the existing legal regulation isunable to protect citizens from obsessive persecution. Separately, the presence of a sufficient level of public danger from stalking isassessed to be recognized as a criminal offense at the level of law. Attention is focused on the danger of stalking, which has a widerange of manifestations and is characterized by unpredictable consequences. After all, it was precisely the cases of grave consequencesthat received a public response that prompted a number of Western countries to recognize stalking as a criminal offense.Summing up the results, the position on the criminalization of stalking is given, in this connection; it is proposed to amend thecurrent Criminal Code of Ukraine. At the same time, this should not be realized by changing the existing norms, but precisely by creatinga new separate norm. As an approach that turned out to be the most effective in ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms.Among other things, this will also perform a preventive function against crimes that infringe on information of private characterwith signs of secrecy.

Oleksandr Khrystov

The article deals with problems of defining the concept of "public" in present jurisprudence. The the article’s objective was to clarify the problems of defining the concept of "public" in present jurisprudence and to provide an understanding of this term. The author notes that today there is inconsistency of legal regulation, as well as arbitrariness, ine-quality and substitution of concepts in the application of this term both in different and within one branch of jurisprudence. The preparation of most legal acts on the participation of "public" in legal relations takes place without proper legal understanding of this term, the concept of which is not defined at all in the current national legislation. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of legal sciences due to the lack of definition of "public" in the legislation is based on arbitrary representation and does not reflect the unity of the aggregate features of this category. Its understanding by scholars through the prism of related (generic) legal concepts do not give an accurate meaningful reflection. Selective, and sometimes chaotic and unsystematic reference of legal scholars to philosophical, sociological, political, psychological and other sources of scientific knowledge about the essential characteristics of "public" in research on its place and role in legal relations indicate the lack of established conceptual approaches in today’s jurisprudence. Scientific inferences of legal scholars about this social institution are often reduced to the definition of the concept by identifying selective characteristics (features) without a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon. The author has concluded that the “public” in jurisprudence should be understood as both individual citizens and their associations, which have a high level of legal consciousness and legal culture, as well as the basis of beliefs and ideology which are the building of the legal state and civil society. The author suggests to abandon in the theory of operational-search activities from the use of the concept of "public" as a category of operational-search activities forces, because: first, "public" is an abstract concept in contrast to other categories of operational-search activities forces, including law enforcement agencies operational units, secret full-time and part-time agents who have legal status; secondly, the public takes part in various branches of society, which are not characterized by the focus on assisting operational units in combating crime.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-355
Nataliia Uvarova ◽  
Oleg Mikhalskyi ◽  
Igor Bohdaniuk

The aim of the article. The problematic issues of financial legislation are revealed, as well as the adoption of financial and legal provisions as one of the stages of financial legal regulation is considered. The subject of the study is lawmaking issues in the regulation of financial relations. Methodology. The study is based on an analysis of legal provisions regarding the legal regulation of financial relations in Ukraine. The comparative legal method enabled to study certain provisions of the legislation of Ukraine on financial relations, followed by the application of positive foreign experience in this sphere. The results of the study revealed the need for a detailed study of the problem. The most significant element for the existence and development of tax relations is considered. The author’s approach to improving the tax legislation of Ukraine is exposed. Practical implications. Theoretical and legal foundations of financial relations in the economic and legal sphere are considered. A comparative legal study of legal provisions that affect the lawmaking issues in the regulation of financial relations and on this basis the definition of ways to improve the domestic legislation in this area. Relevance/originality. The analysis of financial relations raises the issue of codification and harmonization of tax legislation that mediate the development of the tax system since the efficiency of the tax system of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and other countries depends on the uniformity of legal concepts used in the legal regulation of financial, banking, budgetary, tax activities.

Denis Tikhomirov

The purpose of the article is to typologize terminological definitions of security, to find out the general, to identify the originality of their interpretations depending on the subject of legal regulation. The methodological basis of the study is the methods that made it possible to obtain valid conclusions, in particular, the method of comparison, through which it became possible to correlate different interpretations of the term "security"; method of hermeneutics, which allowed to elaborate texts of normative legal acts of Ukraine, method of typologization, which made it possible to create typologization groups of variants of understanding of the term "security". Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the understanding of the term "security" in various regulatory acts in force in Ukraine. Typological groups were understood to understand the term "security". Conclusions. The analysis of the legal material makes it possible to confirm that the issues of security are within the scope of both legislative regulation and various specialized by-laws. However, today there is no single conception on how to interpret security terminology. This is due both to the wide range of social relations that are the subject of legal regulation and to the relativity of the notion of security itself and the lack of coherence of views on its definition in legal acts and in the scientific literature. The multiplicity of definitions is explained by combinations of material and procedural understanding, static - dynamic, and conditioned by the peculiarities of a particular branch of legal regulation, limited ability to use methods of one or another branch, the inter-branch nature of some variations of security, etc. Separation, common and different in the definition of "security" can be used to further standardize, in fact, the regulatory legal understanding of security to more effectively implement the legal regulation of the security direction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
R Ahmad Muhammad Mustain Nasuha

This study aims the death penalty in Indonesia. We know where the death penalty is contrary or not in terms of the constitution and Islamic law, then we can conclude that if the legal implementation of the death penalty in Indonesia continue to be done or should be abolished. Based on research and the analysis conducted, conclude that Indonesia According to the Indonesian Constitution that the death penalty in Indonesia is constitutional. Constitutional Court Decision No. 2-3 / PUU-V / 2007 states that the imposition of the death penalty was constitutional. Any law governing capital punishment is not contrary to the Constitution of the State of Indonesia. However the legislation in Indonesia death penalty is still recognized in some legislation. There are three groups of rules, namely: Criminal Dead in the Criminal Code, Criminal die outside the Criminal Code, Criminal die in the Draft Bill. According to Islamic law that the death penalty could be applied to some criminal act or jinazah, either hudud qishahs, diyat or ta'zir among others to: Apostate, Rebel, Zina, Qadzaf (Allegations Zina), Steal (Corruption), Rob (Corruption), Murder.

Delia Ferri

Italy was among the first countries to sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2007, and ratified it in 2009 by Law 18/2009. Since then, the Convention has displayed significant influence on case law, and provoked a degree of judicial activism. This chapter provides an overview of how Italian courts have used and interpreted the CRPD. It highlights how Italian lower and higher courts, including the Constitutional Court and the Court of Cassation, have attempted to overcome the gap between domestic law and the CRPD, by ‘rethinking’ legal concepts in light of the Convention. This is evident with regards to the field of legal capacity and the domestic provisions of the civil code on the ‘administration of support’, but also to non-discrimination legislation, the scope of which has been evidently enlarged to encompass the failure to provide reasonable accommodation as a form of indirect discrimination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 86-107
Alexander Merkulenko

Due to the new coronavirus pandemic, high alert regimes were introduced across the Russian Federation in spring 2020. These emergency regimes were established exclusively by the state bodies of the Russian Federation’s constituent units – federal authorities did not introduce their own emergency regimes. This decentralized strategy of fighting the pandemic was also introduced by the USA and Brazil. Their states, without the sanction of the federal government, and in the case of Brazil, ignoring its bans, set emergency restrictions similar to those in Russia. The legal regulation of emergency regimes existed before 2020, when constituent units of the federation (states) actively used their emergency powers. However, the regimes introduced during the fight against the pandemic were slightly different to previous ones. The restrictions on rights and freedoms within these regimes were so severe that not only their proportionality was questioned, but there were also doubts as to whether the regional level of the government had the authority to establish such strict restrictions. In addition, the pandemic exposed old problems and revealed new shortcomings in the legal regulation of emergency regimes: lack of control over the realization of the emergency regime by legislative (representative) authorities, and gaps in legislative regulation – notably in the establishment of possible restrictions and of a mechanism for scrutinizing their proportionality. All this raised questions about the proportionality of the established restrictions. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation resolved a very insignificant amount of the problems. While the United States and Brazil faced similar issues, the practice of scrutinizing implemented restrictions in these countries was more common. This article takes domestic and foreign experiences into account, while examining certain aspects of the establishment and the operation of regional emergency regimes.

nauka.me ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 81
Tatyana Lozovskaya

The article examines the features of the legal regulation of the concept of "insignificant act" in accordance with the criminal legislation of Mongolia. According to the author, it is necessary to supplement the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a provision that takes into account the danger of an individual when qualifying an act as insignificant to fill the identified gap in law.

V.I. Tikhonov

The Institute of mitigating and aggravating circumstances is presented not only in the norms of the General part of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. The application of these circumstances in the construction of individual elements of a crime allows the legislator to differentiate the orientation of the criminal law influence in relation to a specific crime element or in qualifying the fact of life reality. In law enforcement practice, proving the subjective side of a crime often causes significant problems. At the same time, motivation and achievement of a specific goal of committing a crime can have both a mitigating and an aggravating effect. The subjective side has a significant impact not only on the design of the offenses of the Special Part of the Criminal Law, but also on the process of sentencing through legal regulation of circumstances mitigating or aggravating criminal punishment. In this regard, both general and mandatory features of the subject of the crime also affect the procedure for establishing guilt and determining punishment in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Of scientific interest is the study of the influence of the process of legal regulation of mitigating and aggravating circumstances in terms of the impact on this process of subjective signs of criminal behavior.

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