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scholarly journals Traffic Impact Assessment, Diversion and Management Plan for Surat Metro Line 1, Package –CS3, Surat

Shahid Ali

Abstract: Package CS3 of Metro Line 1 in Surat City includes 3 stations i.e. Surat railway station, Maskati Hospital and Chowk Bazar. As per proposed Metro plan of Surat city, this line will originate from Sarthana station and will terminate at Dream City. The length of Line 1 is 21.61KM of which 14.59km is elevated whereas 7.02km is Underground and consists of 20 Stations. This metro line envisages use of public transport system in Surat city and shall cater the present and future travel demand of the catchment area and shall also reduce load from road based transport system of the corridor. During the construction phase of any Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) running along the Right of Way (ROW) of existing roadway system, Traffic diversion and management plan implementation becomes absolute mandatory to reduce congestion, conflicts increase level of safety and ease construction process. Similarly, for package CS3 of Surat Metro line 1, there is need of preparing an implementing Traffic Diversion and Management plan to create a synergy amongst construction activities, traffic flow, safety of pedestrian and construction worker with minimal impact on surrounding catchment. This study shall provide Traffic diversion and management plan which may help to cater the existing traffic and stir them in a smooth and non-congested flow with the help of signage’s, road markings, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-41
Ashim Bajracharya ◽  
Sudha Shrestha

With rapid growing economies and population, there is an increasing trend of expansion of urban sprawl and auto-mobilization, in the cities of the Kathmandu Valley. With the rise in travel demand, transport energy is becoming a major concern for planners and policymakers. This paper aims to study the transport energy of daily trips that constitute work and educational trips, in context of the Kathmandu Valley. The study demonstrates the applicability of a 4-step travel demand model for the assessment of energy-saving measures in urban transport system by formulating scenarios. The results show that currently, daily trips consume 3666 TJ annually. Cars and motorcycles contribute to most of the consumption, accounting for over 80% of the total transport energy. As a mitigation measure to reduce transport energy, the introduction of the efficient public transport system in the form of Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) along major corridors, could bring down transport energy consumption significantly. The paper concludes with the essence, to address the need for modal shift to the mass transit system, as a step towards the minimization of transport energy.

2012 ◽  
Vol 209-211 ◽  
pp. 645-649
Liang Guo ◽  
Hui He ◽  
Ling Ling Chen

For the contradiction between the current urban public transport system and land use status in many small and medium-sized cities, the purpose of the paper is to present the counterplan framework of the land using mode and to provide mechanism and ensuring for the land using mode that matches the conventional public transit system.

2012 ◽  
Vol 253-255 ◽  
pp. 1860-1863
Dou Wei Wang ◽  
Xiao Ning Zhu ◽  
Hong Yang Wu

Along with the acceleration of city-urbanization and industrialization process of the cities, city traffic demand increases rapidly. This provides a good development opportunity for the urban traffic and also brings new challenges for the urban traffic at the same time. In addition, the demands for the public transport service quality are becoming more and more strictly for the growth of residents’ travel and the improvement of life quality, the problems in the public transport system have become the main aspects that restrict the development of the urban public transport system. So the advantages of BRT in the optimization of the network are becoming more and more significant.

10.29007/gbh7 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Rewati Marathe

The aim of this study is to investigate an novel mode of transportation from Sarkhej Circle Ahmedabad to Pathika Gandhinagar i.e. arterial road and how this system will be viable to four basic criteria: Technically, Economically, safety and Ecofriendly. This study gives modern concepts of a single rail serving as a track for passenger or freight vehicles, gives information about land use and public transportation planning, speed and movement. Monorail vehicles havebenefited from modern transit technology.The purpose of this Study is to investigate the viability of monorail as a new urban transit option along a corridor under study of section Sarkhej circle to Gandhinagar. The study is to determine that ―Monorail‖ a fixed guideway technology known ―Automated Guideway Transit‖ be a sustainable transport system which provide mobility and accessibility to all urban residents in a safe and environment friendly mode of transport. One alternative with the development of modern public transport system is monorail. A monorail as public transport very helpful for people in their daily activities also reduces the use of private vehicles and to reduce environmental pollution i.e. ecofriendly.

Yanyan Gu ◽  
Yandong Wang

The public transport system is considered as one of the most important subsystems in metropolises for achieving sustainability objectives by mediating resources and travel demand. Representing the various urban transport networks is crucial in understanding travel behavior and the function of the transport system. However, previous studies have ignored the coupling relationships between multi-mode transport networks and travel flows. To address this problem, we constructed a multilayer network to illustrate two modes of transport (bus and metro) by assigning weights of travel flow and efficiency. We explored the scaling of the public transport system to validate the multilayer network and offered new visions for transportation improvements by considering population. The proposed methodology was demonstrated by using public transport datasets of Shanghai, China. For both the bus network and multilayer network, the scaling of node degree versus Population were explored at 1 km * 1 km urban cells. The results suggested that in the multilayer network, the scaling relations between node degree and population can provide valuable insights into quantifying the integration between the public transport system and urban land use, which will benefit sustainable improvements to cities.

Tatenda Mbara ◽  
Smart Dumba ◽  
Tapiwa Mukwashi

Cities in the developing world are growing both geographically and demographically. Thisgrowth has increased pressure on services, including the public transport systems used bythe majority of people. In the last two decades public transport provision has undergoneconsiderable changes. Concomitant to these changes there has been debate on the formof public transport to be operated. Such debate has been informal, general, and at timesacademic, and therefore not able to provide substantive understanding of the views of keystakeholders. Zimbabwe has had an explosion of informal transport activity in the formof minibuses, and decision makers appear to be in a policy dilemma because of a need tostrike a balance between maximising passenger welfare whilst protecting the livelihoods ofindigenous minibus operators and striving to build an efficient and environmentally soundurban transport system. Critical questions for policy dialogue in this conundrum include,inter alia: How do stakeholders perceive the current public transport system? How can publictransport be sustainably provided? This study seeks to answer these questions using a casestudy of Harare. A qualitative research approach blended with some quantitative aspects wasused. Initial steps involved the identification and clustering of key urban public passengertransport stakeholders, followed by structured and unstructured interviews. Although thereis lack of consensus on the form of public transport that the City of Harare should adopt, thereis a strong view that a mass transit system is the backbone of sustainable public transport.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-28
Diāna Līduma ◽  
Aija Kairēna ◽  
Inese Lūsēna-Ezera ◽  
Monta Šimkus

Transport has always had an important role in the lifestyle of population and development of economy, but the public transport performs mainly the social function – it works for the benefit of the society. Development and quality of services must be provided also for the public transport companies, however, we meet different problems related to infrastructure and traffic for this to happen. To successfully manage and develop a public transport company, it is essential to change the thinking of people in favour of the public transport, not for the personal transport. It is necessary to ensure the sustainability as the main value, which means selection of the right public transport system. The authors relied on the experience of formation of a unified transport system in the world and Latvia’s largest cities’ strategic vision for public transport development. Taking into account the fact that Liepaja is one the three cities in Latvia where the public transport service is provided by a tram, an empiric research was made. Its aim was to clarify the opinion of the inhabitants of Liepaja, regarding the services provided by Liepaja trams, regarding the possible improvements and necessity for development. 200 inhabitants of Liepaja were questioned within the framework of the research. The results of the research revealed that although the tram provides daily the inhabitants of Liepaja with the movement possibilities, unfortunately inhabitants are not ready yet to replace their personal transport with the public transport – tram to settle their daily problems. The results of the research allowed to conclude that future development possibilities and perspectives of the tram in Liepaja City can be related mainly with the creation of a new route, purchase of new carriages and unified public transport system in Liepaja City. Key words: availability and sustainability, Liepaja tram, public transport, social function of public transport.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 1282 ◽  
Yessica Sáez ◽  
José Muñoz ◽  
Francisco Canto ◽  
Antony García ◽  
Héctor Montes

For a significant number of people with visual impairments, public transport plays an important role in productivity, community participation, and independence, since it may be the only feasible mobility option to participate in their education, work, medical care, food, and to attend many other places in their community. To use the public bus system safely, effectively, and autonomously, these people need to collect information about their physical environment and visible information at stops and terminals, such as timetables, routes, etc. Unfortunately, most people who are blind or visually impaired experience difficulties in getting on the right bus or getting off at the right destination. These situations usually force them to depend on other people that assist them in activities close to their homes, or settle for simpler jobs, or simply stay at home. Therefore, our efforts should aim to develop a system where technology is used to empower people with visual disabilities, allowing them to navigate autonomously in the public transport system. This paper presents a system based on radio frequency (RF) communication proposed within the framework of the MOVIDIS (Mobility for Visually Disabled People) research project (funded by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation-SENACYT, under Grants No. 109-2015-4-FID14-073 and No. 99-2018-4-FID17-031), which provides an alternative to assist people with visual disabilities with their mobility in the public transport system. The various modules of this system communicate with each other by means of radio frequency and allow users to interact with buses and their respective stops. The first experimental results show that RF communication represents a viable option to help people with visual disabilities in public transport services.

Adni Bidari Putri ◽  
Muhammad Farda ◽  
Sigit Puji Santosa ◽  
Puspita Dirgahayani ◽  

Bali Province in Indonesia is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. The number of tourists visiting this province keeps increasing year by year parallel with the increase of the population of local citizens. Such a phenomenon will certainly increase travel demand and put pressure on the current transport infrastructure. Hence, transport infrastructure development is essential to support the travel demand. This study explores the possibility of implementing a new public transport system in the South Bali District, a district with numerous tourist attractions and activity centres. Data collection on the current transport system and land use in the district were carried out to understand potential corridors for public transport. A stated preference survey was also conducted to discover the public transport mode preferred by the respondents, encompassing tourists and local citizens. This study then recommends the type of public transport mode to be implemented in the district based on i) space availability, ii) respondent preference, and iii) ability to accommodate demand based on calculation. The study concludes that Automated Rapid Transit (ART) is a mode that has the highest potential to be implemented in South Bali Districts.

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