On soft set-valued maps and integral inclusions
As an improvement of fuzzy set theory, the notion of soft set was initiated as a general mathematical tool for handling phenomena with nonstatistical uncertainties. Recently, a novel idea of set-valued maps whose range set lies in a family of soft sets was inaugurated as a significant refinement of fuzzy mappings and classical multifunctions as well as their corresponding fixed point theorems. Following this new development, in this paper, the concepts of e-continuity and E-continuity of soft set-valued maps and αe-admissibility for a pair of such maps are introduced. Thereafter, we present some generalized quasi-contractions and prove the existence of e-soft fixed points of a pair of the newly defined non-crisp multivalued maps. The hypotheses and usability of these results are supported by nontrivial examples and applications to a system of integral inclusions. The established concepts herein complement several fixed point theorems in the framework of point-to-set-valued maps in the comparable literature. A few of these special cases of our results are highlighted and discussed.