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Strategies to generate melatonin-enriched transgenic rice to respond to the adverse effects on rice production potentially caused by global warming

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 501-506
Kyoungwhan Back ◽  
Dun-Xian Tan ◽  
Russel J Reiter

Global warming is predicted to reduce the yield of rice, which feeds more than half of the world’s population. A rise in temperature will inevitably hamper rice production by causing drought and flooding. Melatonin has the capacity to ameliorate such adverse effects. Here, we propose multiple genetic means of producing melatonin-enriched, high-yield rice variants to adapt upcoming global warming. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Sobrizal Sobrizal ◽  
Carkum Carkum ◽  
Wijaya M. Indriatama ◽  
Aryanti Aryanti ◽  
Ita Dwimahyani

<p>In the middle of 1980s, rice self-sufficiency in Indonesia has been achieved, but the growth of rice production slowed down since the 1990s. Narrow genetic variability of released rice varieties contributed largely to the occurrence of leveling of potential rice yield over the past decades. To enlarge the genetic variability, an intersubspecies crossing of Koshihikari (japonica) and IR36 (indica) has been performed. Through this crossing, three high yielding and high yield quality promising lines of KI 37, KI 238, and KI 730 have been obtained. The objective of this study was to evaluate the superiorities of these lines through multi-location yield trials, pests, diseases, and grain qualities examinations. Examination methods used followed the release food crops variety procedure issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. The result of examinations showed that the average yield of KI 730 was 7.47 t/ha, it was significantly higher than that of Ciherang (6,73 t/ha). KI 730 has a good grain quality, with translucent milled rice, a high percentage of milled rice (78.0%) and head rice (91.01%). The texture of its cooking rice was soft, sticky, with the amylose content of 20.41%. In addition, pests and diseases resistances of KI 730 were better than those of other lines tested. After evaluation by National Food Crops Release Variety Team, the KI 730 line was released as a national superior variety with the name of Tropiko. Tropiko should become an alternative variety to grow widely in order to increase national rice production and farmers income.</p>

Constanţa Popescu ◽  
Constantin Popescu ◽  
Maria Luiza Hrestic

Nearly 250 million years ago, the Earth was shaken by the amplest extinction known so far, which led to the extinction of up to 96% of all the marine species, 70% of the vertebrate species, and almost all the insects. This extinction affected the whole range of biodiversity so much. Nature took almost 10 million years to recover after this event. Life was really in danger on our planet at that moment, due to the dismal conditions that were created, and the current research shows that these dire conditions continued to occur, in the natural environment, after that, triggering numerous outbreaks that occurred for five to six million years following the initial crisis, triggered by the carbon rise and the repeated shortages of oxygen, the increased warming and other such adverse effects, which, once initiated, were uncontrollable and had disastrous effects. When life returned to normal and, gradually, after several million years, a new beginning was possible, the significant elements that caused the disaster - global warming, acid rain - sound strangely familiar to us today.

Rice ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ranjan Kumar Sahoo ◽  
Mohammad Wahid Ansari ◽  
Renu Tuteja ◽  
Narendra Tuteja

2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-89 ◽  
Susmita Dasgupta ◽  
Md. Moqbul Hossain ◽  
Mainul Huq ◽  
David Wheeler

Progressive salinization of water and soil will be increasingly severe in low-lying coastal areas as climate change proceeds. Thus, understanding the economic impacts of salinity intrusion will be essential for effective adaptation planning. This paper uses econometric analysis to predict the impact of climate-induced increases in soil salinity on high-yielding-variety rice production in coastal Bangladesh. Findings indicate an output decline of 15.6 percent in nine subdistricts where soil salinity will exceed 4 deciSiemens per meter before 2050. Without new adaptation strategies, the predicted changes will result in 7.7 and 5.6 percent losses in the Barisal and Chittagong regions, respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 02 ◽  
pp. 39-48
Toan D. Pham

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important food crop in Vietnam particularly in the Mekong Delta. Screening of good quality and high yield rice varieties are needed for rice production in Vietnam. The purpose of this study was to use molecular techniques to identify fgr gene and to evaluate preliminarily agronomic traits of pandan sticky rice variety. The results showed that this variety contained fgr gene. The fragrant allele was amplified by ESP - IFAP primers with a product of 255 bp in size. Similarly, evaluation of agronomic traits showed that the pandan sticky rice variety displayed many desirable characteristics such as plant height of 108 cm, panicle length of 25.6 cm, seed/panicle 135, 100-grain weight 2.07 g, pandan smell, level 2 of alkali digestion, gel consistency 93 mm. These results were useful information and could be applied for improving and providing pandan sticky rice variety for rice production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-144
Putu Shantiawan ◽  
Putu Suwardike

Abstract. Climate change as a result of global warming creates climate uncertainty (anomaly) in the form of excessive drought (El-Nino) and excessive rain (La Nina) which greatly affects the productivity of rice plants. Under normal conditions. Indonesia's rice production will decline to 65 million tons in 2050. But due to climate change, the decline in rice production can be even more drastic to reach 90 million tons or down by 38 per cent. Rice plants need around 2,500 litres of water to produce 1 kg of grain (rough rice). This water is filled from rainwater and/or irrigation water. La Nina can interfere with the growth and yield of rice plants because the plants suffer damage due to limited air exchange, both in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) which inhibits the process of photosynthesis and plant respiration. The level of growth disturbance and yield of rice due to excess water depends on the tolerance level of the variety, the level of inundation and the length of time of inundation. Physiologically the adaptation of lowland rice plants to excess water is classified as complex. Plants that produce PDC and ADH are more tolerant of inundation. Molecularly, plants that contain the Sub1 gene are more resistant to excess water.Keywords: flooding, global warming, climate change, rice, food Abstrak. Perubahan iklim (climate change) sebagai dampak pemanasan global menimbulkan ketidakpastian (anomali) iklim berupa kekeringan yang berlebihan (El-Nino) dan hujan yang berlebihan (La Nina) yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tanaman padi. Dalam kondisi normal. produksi padi di Indonesia akan mengalami penurunan hingga 65 juta ton pada tahun 2050. Namun akibat perubahan iklim, penurunan produksi padi dapat lebih derastis hingga mencapai 90 juta ton atau turun hingga 38 persen. Tanaman padi membutuhkan sekitar 2.500 liter air untuk menghasilkan 1 kg butir gabah (rough rice). Air ini dipenuhi dari air hujan dan/atau air irigasi. La Nina dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi karena tanaman mengalami kerusakanakibat terbatasnya pertukaran udara, baik berupa karbondioksida (CO2) maupun oksigen (O2) yang menghambat proses fotosintesis dan respirasi tanaman. Tingkat gangguan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi akibat kelebihan air tergantung pada tingkat toleransi varietas, tingkat genangan dan lama waktu terjadinya genangan.  Secara fisiologis adaptasi tanaman padi sawah terhadap kelebihan air tergolong kompleks. Tanaman yang menghasilkan PDC dan ADH lebih banyak lebih toleran terhadap genangan.  Secara molekuler, tanaman yang mengandung gen Sub1 lebih tahan terhadap kelebihan air.Katakunci: penggenangan, pemanasan global, perubahan iklim, padi, pangan

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 12501
Adnan RASHEED ◽  
Mahmoud F. SELEIMAN ◽  
Muhammad NAWAZ ◽  
Athar MAHMOOD ◽  
Muhammad RIZWAN ANWAR ◽  

Rice is an important cereal crop worldwide that serves as a dietary component for half of the world’s population. Climate change, especially global warming is a rising threat to crop production and food security. Therefore, enhancing rice growth and yield is a crucial challenge in stress-prone environments. Frequent episodes of heat stress threaten rice production all over the world. Breeders and agronomists undertake several techniques to ameliorate the adverse effects of heat stress to safeguard global rice production. The selection of suitable sowing time application of plant hormones, osmoprotectants and utilization of appropriate fertilizers and signaling molecules are essential agronomic practices to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress on rice. Likewise, developing genotypes with improved morphological, biochemical, and genetic attributes is feasible and practical way to respond to this challenge. The creation of more genetic recombinants and the identification of traits responsible for heat tolerance could allow the selection of early-flowering cultivars with resistance to heat stress. This review details the integration of several agronomic, conventional breeding, and molecular approaches like hybridization, pure line selection, master-assisted-selection (MAS), transgenic breeding and CRRISPR/Cas9 that promise rapid and efficient development and selection of heat-tolerant rice genotypes. Such information’s could be used to determine the future research directions for rice breeders and other researchers working to improve the heat tolerance in rice.

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