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scholarly journals Evolutionary and Ecological Explanations for the Elevational Flexibility of Several East African Bird Species Complexes

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Jon Fjeldså ◽  
Rauri C. K. Bowie

Africa’s montane areas are broken up into several large and small units, each isolated as forest-capped “sky islands” in a “sea” of dry lowland savanna. Many elements of their biota, including montane forest birds, are shared across several disjunct mountains, yet it has been difficult to rigorously define an Afromontane forest avifauna, or determine its evolutionary relationships with the birds of the surrounding lowland forests. In order to trace the historical relationship between lowland and highland avifaunas, we review cases of species or groups of closely related species with breeding populations at different elevations, and use phylogeographic methods to explore the historical connections between such populations within the biodiversity hotspot of East Africa. The study reveals several idiosyncratic patterns, but also a prominent number of cases of gene flow between populations in southern areas, mainly around the Malawi Rift, and mountains and coastal forests to the north, close to the equator. This may reflect more continuous past distributions through northern Mozambique and coastal Tanzania, or seasonal migrations between areas with different rainfall regimes. Over time, these distributional dynamics have resulted in a higher persistence of lineages, and an accumulation of forest-dependent lineages within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and the northern part of the coastal forest mosaic.

2009 ◽  
Vol 160 (11) ◽  
pp. 334-340 ◽  
Pierre Mollet ◽  
Niklaus Zbinden ◽  
Hans Schmid

Results from the monitoring programs of the Swiss Ornithological Institute show that the breeding populations of several forest species for which deadwood is an important habitat element (black woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, middle spotted woodpecker, lesser spotted woodpecker, green woodpecker, three-toed woodpecker as well as crested tit, willow tit and Eurasian tree creeper) have increased in the period 1990 to 2008, although not to the same extent in all species. At the same time the white-backed woodpecker extended its range in eastern Switzerland. The Swiss National Forest Inventory shows an increase in the amount of deadwood in forests for the same period. For all the mentioned species, with the exception of green and middle spotted woodpecker, the growing availability of deadwood is likely to be the most important factor explaining this population increase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
Maren Vormann ◽  
Wilfried Jokat

AbstractThe East African margin between the Somali Basin in the north and the Natal Basin in the south formed as a result of the Jurassic/Cretaceous dispersal of Gondwana. While the initial movements between East and West Gondwana left (oblique) rifted margins behind, the subsequent southward drift of East Gondwana from 157 Ma onwards created a major shear zone, the Davie Fracture Zone (DFZ), along East Africa. To document the structural variability of the DFZ, several deep seismic lines were acquired off northern Mozambique. The profiles clearly indicate the structural changes along the shear zone from an elevated continental block in the south (14°–20°S) to non-elevated basement covered by up to 6-km-thick sediments in the north (9°–13°S). Here, we compile the geological/geophysical knowledge of five profiles along East Africa and interpret them in the context of one of the latest kinematic reconstructions. A pre-rift position of the detached continental sliver of the Davie Ridge between Tanzania/Kenya and southeastern Madagascar fits to this kinematic reconstruction without general changes of the rotation poles.

1998 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-287 ◽  
J D Matheson ◽  
D W Larson

Cliffs along the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario, Canada, support a long, narrow presettlement forest that includes three distinct geomorphic and vegetation zones: cliff edge, cliff face, and talus slope. This unique landform provides an opportunity to evaluate differences in bird communities between the escarpment and adjacent forest relative to habitat features. We sampled forest birds 12 times during the summer of 1994 in plots located in plateau forests, on talus slope, at cliff edges, and on cliff faces. Eleven habitat variables considered important to birds were also sampled in the plots. We arranged plots along six randomly spaced transects at a south site and a north site. Both sites had the consistent habitat heterogeneity considered important to birds. Bird species richness and composition responded to this heterogeneity, but differently at each site: plateau deciduous forests always had the lowest richness and the simplest species composition, whereas both cliff edges and talus slopes had a higher diversity of birds. Cliff faces had large numbers of species in the south but smaller numbers in the north. Escarpment zones form a habitat mosaic that supports many species not found in the adjacent forest and is consistent with the effect of habitat edge. The results suggest that cliffs represent a significant additive influence on avian biodiversity, even when the cliff is a very narrow component of the landscape.

2011 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 575-588 ◽  
Charrid Resgalla Jr

This paper presents information from different sampling surveys carried out along the Santa Catarina coast in order to outline the biogeographical characteristics of the zooplankton in this region and identify species or groups of species with potential use as bioindicators. Based on a checklist of species of the zooplankton community in the state, it was observed that, in the warmer months of the year, the fauna is similar to that of the states of Paraná and São Paulo (e.g. Creseis virgula f. virgula, Penilia avirostris; Acartia lilljeborgi and Oithona oswaldocruzi), while in the colder months there are coastal representatives of the fauna of Rio Grande do Sul (e.g. Acartia tonsa). However, the zooplankton consists predominantly of warm water species for most of the year, which is typical of Tropical Shelf Waters. Various species of zooplankton can be used as hydrological indicators, enabling a distinction to be made between coastal waters which are influenced by continental inputs (e.g. Paracalanus quasimodo and Parvocalanus crassirostris), common in the north of the state, and processes of upwelling (e.g. Podon intermedius) and the influence of the Subtropical Shelf Front (e.g. Pleopis polyphemoides), coming from the south. The different environments investigated present a zooplankton abundance that depends on the influence of continental inputs and the possibility of their retaining and contribution for the coastal enrichment, which varies seasonally

2013 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 1-24 ◽  
Brian G.J. Upton

The 1300–1140 Ma Gardar period in South Greenland involved continental rifting, sedimentation and alkaline magmatism. The latest magmatism was located along two parallel rift zones, Isortoq–Nunarsuit in the north and the Tuttutooq–Ilimmaasaq–Narsarsuaq zone in the south addressed here. The intrusive rocks crystallised at a depth of troctolitic gabbros. These relatively reduced magmas evolved through marked iron enrichment to alkaline salic differentiates. In the Older giant dyke complex, undersaturated augite syenites grade into sodalite foyaite. The larger, c . 1163 Ma Younger giant dyke complex (YGDC) mainly consists of structureless troctolite with localised developments of layered cumulates. A layered pluton (Klokken) is considered to be coeval and presumably comagmatic with the YGDC. At the unconformity between the Ketilidian basement and Gardar rift deposits, the YGDC expanded into a gabbroic lopolith. Its magma may represent a sample from a great, underplated mafic magma reservoir, parental to all the salic alkaline rocks in the southern rift. The bulk of these are silica undersaturated; oversaturated differentiates are probably products of combined fractional crystallisation and crustal assimilation. A major dyke swarm 1–15 km broad was intruded during declining crustal extension, with decreasing dyke widths and increasing differentiation over time. Intersection of the dyke swarm and E–W-trending sinistral faults controlled the emplacement of at least three central complexes (Narssaq, South Qôroq and early Igdlerfigssalik). Three post-extensional complexes (Tugtutôq, Ilímaussaq and late Igdlerfigssalik) along the former rift mark the end of magmatism at c . 1140 Ma. The latter two complexes have oblate plans reflecting ductile, fault-related strain. The Tugtutôq complex comprises quartz syenites and alkali granites. The Ilímaussaq complex mainly consists of nepheline syenite crystallised from highly reduced, Fe-rich phonolitic peralkaline (agpaitic) magma, and resulted in rocks with very high incompatible element concentrations. Abundant anorthositic xenoliths in the mafic and intermediate intrusions point to a large anorthosite protolith at depth which is considered of critical importance in the petrogenesis of the salic rocks. Small intrusions of aillikite and carbonatite may represent remobilised mantle metasomites. The petrological similarity between Older and Younger Gardar suites implies strong lithospheric control of their petrogenesis. The parental magmas are inferred to have been derived from restitic Ketilidian lithospheric mantle, metasomatised by melts from subducting Ketilidian oceanic crust and by small-scale melt fractions associated with Gardar rifting. There are numerous analogies between the southern Gardar rift and the Palaeogene East African rift.

2000 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-130 ◽  
Erwin Nemeth ◽  
Leon Bennun

This study investigated the distribution and habitat selection of the globally threatened East Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi sokokensis in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, the Shimba Hills (both Kenya) and the lowland East Usambara Mountains (Tanzania). The species is more abundant than originally thought. In Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, akalats occur in two of the main vegetation types, and an estimated 7,500–9,000 territories represent one of the largest populations of this species in the world. Akalats occurred at similar densities to those in Arabuko-Sokoke (c. 0.5 pairs/ha) in parts of Shimba Hills and East Usambaras, but were more patchily distributed. This akalat prefers areas where the undergrowth is partially open with large amounts of dead wood. It forages on or near the ground. In Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, areas where akalats were present had a higher abundance of ground-dwelling arthropods than areas where they were not. The akalat inhabits both primary forest and regenerated areas that have been selectively logged probably more than 20 years ago. Despite its relatively high densities where it occurs, this species (like other threatened birds in the East African coastal forests) is very patchily distributed and dependent on a habitat that is now highly fragmented and under considerable human pressure. The conservation situation in Arabuko-Sokoke gives cause for concern, and the destructive effects of a large elephant population threaten the forests of the Shimba Hills. The conservation status of the lowland Usambara Mountains is probably better and more stable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (7) ◽  
pp. 926-933
M. D. Aksenova ◽  
E. S. Chertoprud ◽  
A. A. Novichkova ◽  
A. N. Tsyganov ◽  
D. S. Pechenkin ◽  

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