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scholarly journals Seismic Liquefaction Risk Assessment of Critical Facilities in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

GeoHazards ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 153-171
Prabin Acharya ◽  
Keshab Sharma ◽  
Indra Prasad Acharya

Kathmandu Valley lies in an active tectonic zone, meaning that earthquakes are common in the region. The most recent was the Gorkha Nepal earthquake, measuring 7.8 Mw. Past earthquakes caused soil liquefaction in the valley with severe damages and destruction of existing critical infrastructures. As for such infrastructures, the road network, health facilities, schools and airports are considered. This paper presents a liquefaction susceptibility map. This map was obtained by computing the liquefaction potential index (LPI) for several boreholes with SPT measurements and clustering the areas with similar values of LPI. Moreover, the locations of existing critical infrastructures were reported on this risk map. Therefore, we noted that 42% of the road network and 16% of the airport area are in zones of very high liquefaction susceptibility, while 60%, 54%, and 64% of health facilities, schools and colleges are in very high liquefaction zones, respectively. This indicates that most of the critical facilities in the valley are at serious risk of liquefaction during a major earthquake and therefore should be retrofitted for their proper functioning during such disasters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 1955-1969
Chiara Arrighi ◽  
Maria Pregnolato ◽  
Fabio Castelli

Abstract. Floods are one of the most frequent and damaging natural threats worldwide. Whereas the assessment of direct impacts is well advanced, the evaluation of indirect impacts is less frequently achieved. Indirect impacts are not due to the physical contact with flood water but result, for example, from the reduced performance of infrastructures. Linear critical infrastructures (such as roads and pipes) have an interconnected nature that may lead to failure propagation, so that impacts extend far beyond the inundated areas and/or period. This work presents the risk analysis of two linear infrastructure systems, i.e. the water distribution system (WSS) and the road network system. The evaluation of indirect flood impacts on the two networks is carried out for four flooding scenarios, obtained by a coupled 1D–quasi-2D hydraulic model. Two methods are used for assessing the impacts on the WSS and on the road network: a pressure-driven demand network model and a transport network disruption model respectively. The analysis is focused on the identification of (i) common impact metrics, (ii) vulnerable elements exposed to the flood, (iii) similarities and differences of the methodological aspects for the two networks, and (iv) risks due to systemic interdependency. The study presents an application to the metropolitan area of Florence (Italy). When interdependencies are accounted for, results showed that the risk to the WSS in terms of population equivalent (PE/year) can be reduced by 71.5 % and 41.8 %, if timely repairs to the WSS stations are accomplished by 60 and 120 min respectively; the risk to WSS in terms of pipe length (km yr−1) reduces by 53.1 % and 15.6 %. The study highlights that resilience is enhanced by systemic risk-informed planning, which ensures timely interventions on critical infrastructures; however, for indirect impacts and cascade effects, temporal and spatial scales are difficult to define. Perspective research could further improve this work by applying a system-risk analysis to multiple urban infrastructures.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yunpeng Wang ◽  
Yuqin Feng ◽  
Wenxiang Li ◽  
William Case Fulcher ◽  
Li Zhang

We present an improved ant colony algorithm-based approach to assess the vulnerability of a road network and identify the critical infrastructures. This approach improves computational efficiency and allows for its applications in large-scale road networks. This research involves defining the vulnerability conception, modeling the traffic utility index and the vulnerability of the road network, and identifying the critical infrastructures of the road network. We apply the approach to a simple test road network and a real road network to verify the methodology. The results show that vulnerability is directly related to traffic demand and increases significantly when the demand approaches capacity. The proposed approach reduces the computational burden and may be applied in large-scale road network analysis. It can be used as a decision-supporting tool for identifying critical infrastructures in transportation planning and management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 02008
Selamet Santoso ◽  
Iwan Rudiarto ◽  
Yanuar Luqman

A settlement is an important requirement for humans. Increasing the number of residents has encouraged additional needs for residential land while the amount of land has not increased. It is necessary to analyze the suitability of residential land to create decent and safe settlements from disasters. This study analyzes the suitability of residential land in the West Palu District based on the criteria of terrain slope, distance to the road network, the distance of educational facilities, the distance of health facilities, distance of trade facilities, and disaster vulnerability. The results of this study obtained a percentage of the area for unsuitability class 28.84%, marginally suitable 18.44%, suitable 34.93%, and more suitable 17.79%.

2010 ◽  
Vol 31 (10) ◽  
pp. 1120-1127 ◽  
S. Valero ◽  
J. Chanussot ◽  
J.A. Benediktsson ◽  
H. Talbot ◽  
B. Waske

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 329
Jing Li ◽  
Yong Liu ◽  
Yindan Zhang ◽  
Yang Zhang

The use of very-high-resolution images to extract urban, suburban and rural roads has important application value. However, it is still a problem to effectively extract the road area occluded by roadside tree canopy or high-rise buildings to maintain the integrity of the extracted road area, the smoothness of the sideline and the connectivity of the road network. This paper proposes an innovative Cascaded Attention DenseUNet (CADUNet) semantic segmentation model by embedding two attention modules, such as global attention and core attention modules, in the DenseUNet framework. First, a set of cascaded global attention modules are introduced to obtain the contextual information of the road; secondly, a set of cascaded core attention modules are embedded to ensure that the road information is transmitted to the greatest extent among the dense blocks in the network, and further assist the global attention module in acquiring multi-scale road information, thereby improving the connectivity of the road network while restoring the integrity of the road area shaded by the tree canopy and high-rise buildings. Based on binary cross entropy, an adaptive loss function is proposed for network parameter tuning. Experiments on the Massachusetts road dataset and the DeepGlobe-CVPR 2018 road dataset show that this semantic segmentation model can effectively extract the road area shaded by tree canopy and improve the connectivity of the road network.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ferry Juniardi ◽  
Heri Azwansyah

Kabupaten Ketapang merupakan kabupaten yang sedang berkembang perlu didukung dengan infrstruktur jaringan jalan yang baik.  Studi ini bertujuan mengembangkan infrastruktur jaringan jalan untuk mendukung pergerakan kendaraan di Kabupaten Ketapang. Studi ini membutuhkan data-data pergerakan kendaraan dan jaringan jalan yang diperoleh dari instansi terkait dan survei lapangan. Model bangkitan pergerakan kendaraan dipengaruhi oleh jumlah sarana kesehatan (X3), sedangkan model tarikan pergerakaan kendaraan  dipengaruhi oleh jumlah penduduk (X1) dan  jumlah sarana kesehatan(X3). Jaringan jalan  arteri primer yang dikembangkan meliputi : ruas Jalan batas Kabupaten Sanggau   Batas  Kecamatan  Balai Berkuak; ruas Jalan Batas Kecamatan Balai Berkuak  Aur Kuning; ruas Jalan Aur Kuning  Sandai; ruas Jalan Sandai  Nanga Tayap; dan ruas Jalan Nanga Tayap  Batas Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah.  Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas juga dilakukan peningkatan dan pengembangan terhadap beberapa jalan kolektor primer. Ketapang regency is growing and need to be supported by a good road network infrastructure. This study aims to develop a network infrastructure to support the movement of vehicles in Ketapang regency. This study requires data of movement of vehicles and the road network, obtained from the relevant agencies/departments and field survey. Vehicles trip generation models influenced by number of health facilities (X3), while pull models of vehicle movement influenced by number of residents (X1) and number of health facilities ( X3). Primary artery roads network that was developed include: regency’s boundary road of Sanggau – district’s boundary road of Balai Bekuak; district’s boundary road of Balai Bekuak - Aur Kuning; road segment of Aur Kuning - Sandai; road segment of Sandai - Nanga Tayap, and road segment of Nang Tayap – province’s boundary of Central Kalimantan. In addition, to improve accessibility, it also necessary to makes ​​some improvement and development of the primary collector roads

2020 ◽  
Chiara Arrighi ◽  
Maria Pregnolato ◽  
Fabio Castelli

Abstract. Floods are the most frequent and damaging natural threat worldwide. Whereas the assessment of direct impacts is well advanced, the evaluation of indirect impacts is less frequently achieved. Indirect impacts are not due to the physical contact with flood water but result from the reduced performance of infrastructures. Linear critical infrastructures (such as roads and pipes) have an interconnected nature that may lead to failure propagation, so that impacts extend far beyond the inundated areas and/or period. This work presents the risk analysis of two linear infrastructure systems, i.e. the water distribution system (WSS) and the road network system. The evaluation of indirect flood impacts on the two networks is carried out for four flooding scenarios, obtained by a coupled 1D-quasi 2D hydraulic model. Two methods are used for assessing the impacts on the water distribution system and on the road network, a Pressure-Driven Demand network model and a transport network disruption model respectively. The analysis is focused on the identification of: (i) common impact metrics; (ii) vulnerable elements exposed to the flood; (iii) similarities and differences of the methodological aspects for the two networks; (iv) risks due to systemic interdependency. The study presents an application to the metropolitan area of Florence (Italy). When interdependencies are accounted for, results showed that the risk to the WSS in terms of Population Equivalent (PE/year) can be reduced by 71.5 % and 41.8 %, if timely repairs to the WSS stations are accomplished by 60 and 120 minutes respectively; the risk to WSS in terms of pipes length (km/year) reduces by 53.1 % and 15.6 %. The study highlights that resilience is enhanced by system risk-informed planning, which ensures timely interventions on critical infrastructures; however, temporal and spatial scales are difficult to define for indirect impacts and cascade effects. Perspective research could further improve this work by applying a system-risk analysis to multiple urban infrastructures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 295 ◽  
pp. 03009
Fitrat Abdikhalilov oglu ◽  
Asadulla Khotamov

This study analyzes the speed of traffic on city streets and the level of noise from vehicles. In terms of objects: To determine the amount of traffic and the level of noise on Nurafshan and Nukus streets in Tashkent, the intensity of traffic during peak hours was studied. Based on the results of in-kind experiments, the following conclusions were drawn: Despite the increasing density of the road network in Tashkent, the level of congestion on these streets is very high (more than 2400 cars / hour on each side). More than 95% of moving vehicles are cars. The level of noise from vehicles along the construction line on these streets is 18-20 DBa above the sanitary norm in the morning rush hour. This study analyzes the speed of traffic on city streets and the level of noise from vehicles. At the same time, the problem of density of the street network in Tashkent, the results of its comparison with the density in some cities of developed countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 165 (1-2) ◽  
Philip M. Kruse ◽  
Hanna C. Schmitt ◽  
Stefan Greiving

AbstractWith high certainty, extreme weather events will intensify in their impact within the next 10 years due to climate change-induced increases in hazard probability of occurrence and simultaneous increases in socio-economic vulnerability. Data from previous mega-disasters show that losses from disruptions of critical services surpass the value of direct damages in the exposed areas because critical infrastructures [CI] are increasingly (inter-) dependent. Local events may have global impacts. Systemic criticality, which describes the relevance of a critical infrastructure due to its positioning within the system, needs to be addressed to reduce the likelihood of cascading effects. This paper presents novel approaches to operationalise and assess systemic criticality. Firstly, the paper introduces systemic cascade potential as a measurement of systemic criticality. It takes the relevance of a sector and the relevance of its interdependencies into account to generate a relative value of systemic importance for a CI sector. Secondly, an exemplary sectoral assessment of the road network allows reflecting the spatial manifestation of the first level of cascading effects. It analyses the impact of traffic interruptions on the accessibility of critical facilities to point out the systemically most critical segments of the municipal road network. To further operationalise the spatial dimension of criticality, a normative assertion determining the worthiness of protection of system components is required. A nationwide spatial flood protection plan incorporates this aspect in Germany for the first time. Its formal approval process was initiated in February 2020.

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