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scholarly journals Assessing the Efficiency of Alternative Best Management Practices to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution in a Rural Watershed Located in Louisiana, USA

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1714 ◽  
Bijay K. Pokhrel ◽  
Krishna P. Paudel

We conducted biophysical simulations using MapShed to determine the effects of adopting best management practices (BMPs) to reduce nutrients and sediment pollution in a watershed dominated by poultry production in the Saline Bayou Watershed, Louisiana, USA. The reduction of three water pollutants, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment from adopting different BMPs were assessed using a linear programming model with the cost minimization objective. We considered three weather scenarios (dry, normal, and wet) and BMP parameter efficiencies obtained from linear regression models. Optimization results showed that nutrient management and agricultural land retirement reduced most of the phosphorus runoff in the watershed at the lowest cost. Results were robust to alternative weather (dry, normal, and wet) scenarios.

Natalie C. Hall ◽  
Masoumeh Sikaroodi ◽  
Dianna Hogan ◽  
R. Christian Jones ◽  
Patrick M. Gillevet

AbstractStormwater best management practices (BMPs) are engineered structures that attempt to mitigate the impacts of stormwater, which can include nitrogen inputs from the surrounding drainage area. The goal of this study was to assess bacterial community composition in different types of stormwater BMP soils to establish whether a particular BMP type harbors more denitrification potential. Soil sampling took place over the summer of 2015 following precipitation events. Soils were sampled from four bioretention facilities, four dry ponds, four surface sand filters, and one dry swale. 16S rRNA gene analysis of extracted DNA and RNA amplicons indicated high bacterial diversity in the soils of all BMP types sampled. An abundance of denitrifiers was also indicated in the extracted DNA using presence/absence of nirS, nirK, and nosZ denitrification genes. BMP soil bacterial communities were impacted by the surrounding soil physiochemistry. Based on the identification of a metabolically-active community of denitrifiers, this study has indicated that denitrification could potentially occur under appropriate conditions in all types of BMP sampled, including surface sand filters that are often viewed as providing low potential for denitrification. The carbon content of incoming stormwater could be providing bacterial communities with denitrification conditions. The findings of this study are especially relevant for land managers in watersheds with legacy nitrogen from former agricultural land use.

2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (9) ◽  
pp. 43-50 ◽  
A. Joelsson ◽  
K. Kyllmar

In Kattegat and the coastal water of the Baltic Sea, high nitrogen input from agricultural land is considered to be the main reason for eutrophication. International agreements and governmental programs have set a target to reduce the anthropogenic nitrogen load by 50 percent. Improved nitrogen removal in treatment plants and efforts in agriculture have so far not decreased nitrogen transport to a sufficient extent. In this project the impact of agricultural practices on nitrogen leaching was investigated in two small agricultural catchments in Southwest Sweden. The root-zone leaching was estimated by an indexing technique. Simultaneously the transports in the stream outlets were monitored. During 1995 and 1999 the agricultural practices in the catchments were surveyed. Field data from the first survey indicated that fertilisation did not always match crop requirements, the area of undersown catch crop can be increased and autumn cultivation can be reduced. The second survey was preceded by an advisory campaign where each farmer was visited and presented with an environmental plan including fertilisation, cultivation, and crop rotation for the farm. The plan summarised the best management practices that could be realised under actual conditions. Results from the second survey showed that some changes in the agricultural practices were carried out after the advisory campaign. The nitrogen leaching from the root-zone was then estimated by the indexing technique, both for the time before and after the advisory program. The results showed that the estimated nitrogen leaching, as a mean value for 330 fields, decreased from 53 to 50 kgN ha−1, due to adjustments of the agricultural practices. Monitoring of stream transports showed values of the same magnitude after correction for retention and other sources. In this short time perspective, decreases in transport due to changes in agricultural practices could not be separated from influence of weather conditions. In comparison to results from the Swedish monitoring programme for agriculture, the measured transports were normal for the region, where annual variation in precipitation and runoff is large. Theoretically, nitrogen leaching could be reduced by one third without any major economic constraints for the farmers. In general, the farmers were positive to advice and willing to try new farming techniques even if some measurements were not fully implemented during the investigation period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 232
Susanta Das ◽  
Proloy Deb ◽  
Pradip Kumar Bora ◽  
Prafull Katre

Soil erosion from arable lands removes the top fertile soil layer (comprised of humus/organic matter) and therefore requires fertilizer application which affects the overall sustainability. Hence, determination of soil erosion from arable lands is crucial to planning conservation measures. A modeling approach is a suitable alternative to estimate soil loss in ungauged catchments. Soil erosion primarily depends on soil texture, structure, infiltration, topography, land uses, and other erosive forces like water and wind. By analyzing these parameters, coupled with geospatial tools, models can estimate storm wise and annual average soil losses. In this study, a hilly watershed called Nongpoh was considered with the objective of prioritizing critical erosion hazard areas within the micro-catchment based on average annual soil loss and land use and land cover and making appropriate management plans for the prioritized areas. Two soil erosion models namely Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and Modified Morgan–Morgan–Finney (MMF) models were used to estimate soil loss with the input parameters extracted from satellite information and automatic weather stations. The RUSLE and MMF models showed similar results in estimating soil loss, except the MMF model estimated 7.74% less soil loss than the RUSLE model from the watershed. The results also indicated that the study area is under severe erosion class, whereas agricultural land, open forest area, and scrubland were prioritized most erosion prone areas within the watershed. Based on prioritization, best management plans were developed at catchment scale for reducing soil loss. These findings and the methodology employed can be widely used in mountainous to hilly watersheds around the world for identifying best management practices (BMP).

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 41-50
Chandika Lama ◽  
Santosh Marahatta

A field experiment was conducted in sub humid climate of inner terai of Nepal to determine the productivity and economics of rice under direct seeded and transplanted methods under different nutrient management in strip plot design with three replications in 2013, rainy season. The treatment consisted of three tillage methods, conventional tillage direct seeded rice, unpuddled transplanted rice and Puddled transplanted rice and five nutrient management practices Recommended Nitrogen(N), Phosphorous(P) and Potassium(K), 100:30:30 Kg NPK ha-1; Leaf color chart based N + Recommended PK; Farmers’ Practice, 48.30:34.50:0.00 Kg NPK ha-1; 0N + Recommended PK and 150% of Recommended NPK. The result revealed that grain and straw yield were not significant due to crop establishment methods. LCC based N application yield was comparable with 150% of Rec. NPK and Rec. NPK. Saving N on LCC based N management with 41.56 Kg ha-1 and 9.44 Kg N ha-1 over 150% of recommended NPK recommended NPK respectively. Adoption of CT-DSR reduced the total cost of cultivation by 30.13% and B:C ratio by 45.95% over P-TPR. The lower cost, higher benefit and the same production, revealed that LCC based N management under CT-DSR was the best management practices over the conventional P-TPR.

2006 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 398-403 ◽  
T.K. Hartz

Nutrient loss from commercial vegetable fields has become a significant environmental issue in all the major vegetable-producing regions of the United States. Growers are facing potentially disruptive regulations aimed at improving the quality of both surface and ground water. Significant improvement in nutrient management will be required to meet this regulatory challenge. This paper discusses five practical, low-cost nutrient best management practices (BMPs). These BMPs are widely applicable, relatively inexpensive to implement, and can dramatically reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loss from vegetable fields. However, even with careful application of these BMPs, runoff and leachate from vegetable fields may periodically exceed environmental water quality standards, which are very stringent.

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