Główne kierunki oraz historyczne i krajobrazowe uwarunkowania przemian pokrycia terenu okolic Pińczowa w latach 1839–2000
Land Use
The transformations of cultural landscapes are related to and result from environmental conditions and human impacts. The article describes the main directions of land cover changes in the vicinity of Pińczów in the years 1839–2000. The identified land use patterns were shown and discussed against the background of natural landscape characteristics, and anthropogenic influences associated with socio-political and economic situation of the region in the analyzed period.
2002 ◽
Vol 59
pp. 613-623
1996 ◽
Vol 25
pp. 195-211
2021 ◽
Vol 1122
pp. 012023
2004 ◽
Vol 31
pp. 711-730