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scholarly journals Tenggar Cave, Tulungagung: preliminary study and its paleontological potentials

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-30
Agus Tri Hascaryo ◽  
Rusyad Adi Suriyanto ◽  
Delta Bayu Murti ◽  
Tuti Koesbardiati

Goa Tenggar or Tenggar Cave is situated in the karstic physiography of southern Tulungagung, East Java that made up of prehistoric caves. These include the Wajak complex (minimum age of 37.4 to 28.5 thousand years ago) and the Song Gentong (around 7000 BP). The formation of Tenggar Cave is influenced by the subterranean river that penetrates the limestone unit. This cave has a front width of ± 10 m and a roof height of ± 8 m. The east side of the cave floor is a layer of soil, and the western side is the river. The inside of the cave composed by very compact conglomerate deposits and paleosoil that contains faunal remains, including Cervus sp., Bos sp., Bubalus sp., and Bibos sp., which may have occurred during the Pleistocene. The fossilized faunal remains from Tenggar Cave show that there was a relatively open environment during that time, such as a savannah with large trees and flowing rivers around the cave. The paleoenvironment indicates late Pleistocene to early Holocene period, similar to paleoenvironment in the Sewu Mountains that stretch along the southern part Java from central to the eastern tip of the island includes the coastal towns of Gunung Kidul, Pacitan and Tulungagung. The situation is certainly a point of interest when associating the findings with the surrounding sites, starting from Wajak, Song Gentong, Pacitan, Ponorogo, and Gunung Kidul. However, absolute dating test is necessary to be more certain of the lifetime of the fossilized fauna. If the fossils were from the Late Pleistocene, it could be an important information for the fields of paleontology, paleoanthropology, and prehistoric archaeology given that the occurrence of sites with such antiquity are limited in Southeast Asia. It is essential to conduct intensive research in Tenggar Cave in the future.

1983 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-129 ◽  
Kenneth Cole

AbstractSeven packrat midden samples make possible a comparison between the modern and late Pleistocene vegetation in Kings Canyon on the western side of the southern Sierra Nevada. One modern sample contains macrofossils and pollen derived from the present-day oak-chaparral vegetation. Macrofossils from the six late Pleistocene samples record a mixed coniferous forest dominated by the xerophytic conifers Juniperus occidentalis, Pinus cf. ponderosa, and P. monophylla. The pollen spectra of these Pleistocene middens are dominated by Pinus sp., Taxodiaceae-Cupressaceae-Taxaceae (TCT), and Artemisia sp. Mesophytic conifers are represented by low macrofossil concentrations. Sequoiadendron giganteum is represented by a few pollen grains in the full glacial. Edaphic control and snow dispersal are the most likely causes of these mixed assemblages.The dominant macrofossils record a more xeric plant community than those that now occur on similar substrates at higher elevations or latitudes in the Sierra Nevada. These assemblages suggest that late Wisconsin climates were cold with mean annual precipitation not necessarily greater than modern values. This conclusion supports a model of low summer ablation allowing for the persistence of the glaciers at higher elevations during the late Wisconsin. The records in these middens also suggest that S. giganteum grew at lower elevations along the western side of the range and that P. monophylla was more widely distributed in cismontane California during the Pleistocene.

Geomorphology ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 112 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 48-66 ◽  
Filippo Favilli ◽  
Markus Egli ◽  
Dagmar Brandova ◽  
Susan Ivy-Ochs ◽  
Peter Kubik ◽  

Antiquity ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (285) ◽  
pp. 500-506 ◽  
Nuno Ferreira Bicho ◽  
Bryan Hockett ◽  
Jonathan Haws ◽  
William Belcher

Excavation at the site of Picareiro Cave in Portugal provides an important and rare sample of animal remains. Preliminary study shows that late Pleistocene hunter–gatherers hunted rabbits, deer and a wide variety of fauna, perhaps during seasonal occupation of the cave.

Radiocarbon ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 537-552 ◽  
Filippo Favilli ◽  
Markus Egli ◽  
Dagmar Brandova ◽  
Susan Ivy-Ochs ◽  
Peter W Kubik ◽  

Glacier fluctuations and paleoclimatic oscillations during the Late Quaternary in Val di Rabbi (Trentino, northern Italy) were reconstructed using a combination of absolute dating techniques (14C and 10Be) and soil chemical characterization. Extraction and dating of the stable fraction of soil organic matter (SOM) gave valuable information about the minimum age of soil formation and contributed to the deciphering of geomorphic surface dynamics. The comparison of 10Be surface exposure dating (SED) of rock surfaces with the 14C ages of resilient (resistant to H2O2 oxidation) soil organic matter gave a fairly good agreement, but with some questionable aspects. It is concluded that, applied with adequate carefulness, dating of SOM with 14C might be a useful tool in reconstructing landscape history in high Alpine areas with siliceous parent material. The combination of 14C dating of SOM with SED with cosmogenic 10Be (on moraines and erratic boulders) indicated that deglaciation processes in Val di Rabbi were already ongoing by around 14,000 cal BP at an altitude of 2300 m asl and that glacier oscillations might have affected the higher part of the region until about 9000 cal BP. 10Be and 14C ages correlate well with the altitude of the sampling sites and with the established Lateglacial chronology.

2012 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-155 ◽  
Jarosław Wilczyński ◽  
Barbara Miękina ◽  
Grzegorz Lipecki ◽  
Lembi Lõugas ◽  
Adrian Marciszak ◽  

1988 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-231 ◽  
Lee Ann Kreutzer

Five seasons of excavation in Feature Area 2-1 of the Lubbock Lake Landmark, Texas, exposed a megafaunal bone accumulation in sands and gravels deposited by a late Pleistocene meandering stream. Many bone specimens exhibit evidence of alteration, supporting interpretation of the feature as an in situ, secondary meat-processing area; the gravels are interpreted as the point bar of a meandering stream. Faunal remains lying stratigraphically above the point bar have been considered to form a separate, noncultural feature produced by stream flooding. However, rose diagrams and analysis of adjusted residuals demonstrate that a statistically significant amount of bone in each feature is aligned along axes of preferred orientation. Further, the orientation patterns and statistical analyses of both features exhibit the same trends, suggesting that the same processes affected both. Although the evidence does not rule out a role of human behavior, it does demonstrate that stream currents significantly influenced feature structure.

2021 ◽  
pp. SP515-2020-208
Sushama G. Deo ◽  
Andre Baptista ◽  
Sharad N. Rajaguru

AbstractThe two Early Acheulian sites of Bori and Morgaon from the Deccan Volcanic Province in Upland Maharashtra, India bear some association with an acidic tephra deposit in a fluvial context. Acheulian artefacts in association with tephra were first reported in India from the site of Bori and numerous efforts to date this tephra have since been undertaken. These efforts employed various dating methods and produced a total of 10 absolute dates ranging from the Early Pleistocene with a maximum age of 1.4 ma to the Late Pleistocene with a minimum age of 23.4 ± 2.4 ka. However, field observations and a typo-technological analysis strongly suggests that these Early Acheulian artefacts occur in a semi-primary context and thus contest the Late Pleistocene age of the tephra and re-deposition of the artefacts as argued by some scholars.At Morgaon, the Acheulian artefacts have been recovered from basal fluvial sediments that contain clasts of laterite. These sediments are capped by two low energy clay facies that are separated by a high energy gravel lense. The tephra at Morgaon has been reported from the upper clay facies and has produced absolute dates ranging from the Matuyama period (> 0.78 ma) to the Late Pleistocene (41 ka).After more than two decades of investigation at these sites, the number of absolute dates procured through methods such as ESR, 39Ar-40Ar, U-Th and Palaeo-magnetism though encouraging, are inconclusive. The present communication is therefore an attempt to gauge the nature of palaeo-landscapes that most probably existed during the Early Quaternary. This will be achieved by studying local geomorphological variability between the two sites along with a preliminary analysis of lithic morphology.

1978 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 1887-1892 ◽  
Gerald R. Fitzgerald

Four grebe fossils of presumed late Pleistocene age are reported from the Old Crow Basin. They include one Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena), two Horned Grebes (Podiceps auritus) and an unidentified grebe (Podiceps sp.). Three of the specimens have a minimum age of approximately 10 700 years BP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 111-124 ◽  
Emanuele Lodolo ◽  
Jorge Lozano ◽  
Federica Donda ◽  
Donald Bran ◽  
Luca Baradello ◽  

AbstractLago Argentino hosts various calving glaciers, among them the famous Perito Moreno. Whereas the onland late Pleistocene–Holocene glacial history is rather well constrained, the submerged glacier-related features were until now undisclosed. Here we present a series of high-resolution seismic profiles revealing moraine bodies associated with the late-glacial glacier dynamics and the first bathymetric map of the Brazo Rico and Brazo Sur, the two southern arms of Lago Argentino. At the eastern termination of Brazo Rico, we identified at the lake floor the submerged expression of the Puerto Bandera 3 moraine mapped onshore, which represents the oldest event (12,660 ± 70 cal yr BP oldest minimum age) recognized in this lake arm, and seven other younger events expressed by a series of terminal and recessional moraines. Along the Brazo Sur, few moraine bodies have been imaged by seismic data. Here, the youngest temporal constraint comes from the Frías moraine (ca. 6000 cal yr BP), which closes off the southern end of the Brazo Sur. At the confluence of the two arms, the Perito Moreno and the former Frías glacier merged and flowed toward east during their late-glacial maximum advance (i.e., Puerto Bandera 1 moraine). The subaqueous evidence of moraine bodies testifies to the occurrence of previously undocumented pulses of the Perito Moreno and former Frías glaciers within the general phase of late Pleistocene–Holocene regression.

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