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Psychological, Pedagogical and Drganizational Peculiarities of the Development of Students’ Volitional Qualities as a Factor of Success in Learning

2021 ◽  
Nadiia Vientseva ◽  
Oleva Karapetrova

The article reports the results of the empirical study of the impact of volitional qualities development on the level of academic achievements of higher education institution students. The article gives a theoretical analysis of the main types of volitional qualities that affect the assimilation of educational material by students. There was established the level of their development and the relationship with academic achievements. The article also identifies the main psycho-pedagogical and organizational peculiarities that affect the success of mastering the knowledge by university students. The psychological and pedagogical recommendations for forming, developing and supporting the volitional sphere of students are developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (5) ◽  
pp. 630-647
Marcello Chedid ◽  
Ana Caldeira ◽  
Helena Alvelos ◽  
Leonor Teixeira

Collaboration has been considered a way to address the challenges of the 21st century, fostering the necessary innovation, growth and productivity for all parties involved. Several studies reveal that collaboration can be strongly influenced by knowledge sharing. The literature suggests that this topic is quite relevant and that there is an evident lack of empirical studies that properly investigate the relationship between knowledge-sharing and collaborative behaviour in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In this context, the purpose of this work is to examine whether knowledge-sharing intention has a positive relationship with collaborative behaviour among professors and researchers in a public Portuguese HEI, taking into account other constructs that can have effect on the knowledge-sharing intention. In order to reach this objective, a conceptual research model was developed based on the theory of reasoned action. The empirical study was conducted based on a questionnaire, and the data analysis was performed using partial least squares. The results indicate that intrinsic motivation and networking are the factors that positively affect the attitude towards knowledge sharing. Nevertheless, it is concluded that trust is the variable that more strongly affects the knowledge-sharing intention. Finally, the study identified that knowledge-sharing intention has a positive influence in collaborative behaviour. It is considered that this study can contribute to support institutions’ management in defining strategies and developing actions in order to promote an organisational culture based on knowledge management that significantly leads to knowledge-sharing and collaboration relationships.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-43
Elisa Mena-Maldonado ◽  
Rocío Cañamares ◽  
Pablo Castells ◽  
Yongli Ren ◽  
Mark Sanderson

We investigate the impact of popularity bias in false-positive metrics in the offline evaluation of recommender systems. Unlike their true-positive complements, false-positive metrics reward systems that minimize recommendations disliked by users. Our analysis is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to show that false-positive metrics tend to penalise popular items, the opposite behavior of true-positive metrics—causing a disagreement trend between both types of metrics in the presence of popularity biases. We present a theoretical analysis of the metrics that identifies the reason that the metrics disagree and determines rare situations where the metrics might agree—the key to the situation lies in the relationship between popularity and relevance distributions, in terms of their agreement and steepness —two fundamental concepts we formalize. We then examine three well-known datasets using multiple popular true- and false-positive metrics on 16 recommendation algorithms. Specific datasets are chosen to allow us to estimate both biased and unbiased metric values. The results of the empirical study confirm and illustrate our analytical findings. With the conditions of the disagreement of the two types of metrics established, we then determine under which circumstances true-positive or false-positive metrics should be used by researchers of offline evaluation in recommender systems. 1

Holly Knight ◽  
Sophie Carlisle ◽  
Mórna O’Connor ◽  
Lydia Briggs ◽  
Lauren Fothergill ◽  

This qualitative study explored the impact of COVID-19 self-isolation and social restriction measures on university students, through the perspectives of both students and the staff supporting them. The study comprised 11 focus groups (students) and 26 individual interviews (staff) at a higher education institution in England during a period of national lockdown (January–March 2021). Participants were university students (n = 52) with self-isolation experiences and university staff (n = 26) with student-facing support roles. Focus group and interview data were combined and analysed using an inductive thematic approach. Four themes emerged: ‘Adaptation during the pandemic’, ‘Practical, environmental, and emotional challenges of self-isolating’, ‘Social factors and their impact on COVID-19 testing and self-isolation adherence’, and ‘Supporting self-isolation’. Students and staff struggled with the imposed restrictions and shift to online education. Students found it difficult to adapt to new expectations for university life and reported missing out on professional and social experiences. Students and staff noted concerns about the impact of online teaching on educational outcomes. Students endorsed varied emotional responses to self-isolation; some felt unaffected whilst others experienced lowered mood and loneliness. Students were motivated by pro-social attitudes; campaigns targeting these factors may encourage continued engagement in protective behaviours. Staff struggled to manage their increased workloads delivering support for self-isolating students. Universities must consider the support needs of students during self-isolation and prepare for the long-term impacts of the pandemic on student wellbeing and educational attainment. Greater support should be provided for staff during transitional periods, with ongoing monitoring of workforce stress levels warranted.

Anom Bowolaksono ◽  
Fatma Lestari ◽  
Saraswati Andani Satyawardhani ◽  
Abdul Kadir ◽  
Cynthia Febrina Maharani ◽  

Developing countries face various challenges in implementing bio-risk management systems in the laboratory. In addition, educational settings are considered as workplaces with biohazard risks. Every activity in a laboratory facility carries many potential hazards that can impact human health and the environment and may cause laboratory incidents, including Laboratory Acquired Infections (LAIs). In an effort to minimize the impact and occurrence of these incidents, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of a bio-risk management system in every activity that involves handling biological agents. This study was conducted in an Indonesian higher-education institution, herein coded as University Y. This is a descriptive, semi-quantitative study aimed at analysing and evaluating the implementation of the bio-risk management systems used in laboratories by analysing the achievements obtained by each laboratory. The study used primary data that were collected using a checklist which referred to ISO 35001: 2019 on Laboratory Bio-risk Management. The checklist consisted of 202 items forming seven main elements. In addition, secondary data obtained from literature and document review were also used. The results show that out of 11 laboratories examined, only 2 laboratories met 50% of the requirements, which were Laboratory A and B, achieving good performance. Regarding the clauses of standards, a gap analysis identified leadership, performance evaluation, and support as elements with the lowest achievement. Therefore, corrective action should be developed by enhancing the commitment from management as well as improving documentation, policy, education and training.


Epidemics and pandemics are difficult periods for the affected community, specifically in the proliferation of mental health issues. In such adverse times, factors of psychological vulnerability such as propensity to worry and low emotional stability might have a detrimental effect on the mental health of the individuals. To investigate the impact of such factors on mental health, this study examined the impacts of propensity to worry and fear of COVID-19 on anxiety depending on the individuals’ levels of emotional stability. As a means of such investigation, this study was conducted based on quantitative data, and the research sample was selected using a convenient sampling method. Participants included 304 university students (71.6% were women and 28.4% were men; MAge = 22.37 ± 3.04) and responded to the Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Fear of COVID-19 Scale, Symptom Checklist-90 Revised, and 10-Item Personality Inventory. The moderated mediation analysis using PROCESS macro (Model 14) was performed to examine the study hypotheses. Results revealed that propensity to worry was associated with anxiety symptoms. Fear of COVID-19 mediated this link and emotional stability moderated the relationship between propensity to worry and anxiety. The findings showed that trait worry, trait emotional stability, and fear of COVID-19 are determinants of anxiety symptoms, suggesting that such factors are important in understanding these issues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 465-480 ◽  
Thi Minh Thu Vu ◽  
Khashayar Yazdani

The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of transformational leadership on individual academy performance through knowledge sharing, organizational learning, organizational commitment in higher education Vietnam. The study conducts the research on 500 lecturers at 10 universities in Vietnam. The study uses Smart pls 3.6 software to analyze the data. The results show that transformational leadership had a positive effect on knowledge sharing, organizational learning and organizational commitment. Ultimately, employee engagement and social support play a moderate role in the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge sharing statistically. However, organizational learning and organizational commitment did not play any mediate role on the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge sharing.

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