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scholarly journals Sustainable Development of Port Cities from the Perspective of Transition Management

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 466-476
Alen Jugović ◽  
Miljen Sirotić ◽  
Ivan Peronja

The strong and close relationship between the port and the city, which is often a consequence of historical circumstances, has become disrupted due to the negative impact of the port on the urban environment. The disruption of this relationship is forcing port city authorities worldwide to find effective methods to renew the port – city relationship. As an additional element to this complex relationship, the concept of sustainability is taken into consideration. Therefore, the relationship between the port and the city needs to be studied in compliance with economic, social and environmental criteria. This paper studies port and urban systems interdependently, as well as their integration into a sustainable whole. The dynamics of change in the port – city interface zone require careful planning and assessment before intervention and development. Accordingly, transition management is presented as a mechanism for renewing, coupling, and monitoring the relationship between the port and the city concerning their complex and dynamic nature. The paper’s key findings are based on the contribution of relevant economic, social, and environmental criteria through which the possibility of developing a systematic framework for a coordinated transition to a cooperative relationship between the port and the city from the perspective of sustainability is realized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-105
Sandra Żukowska ◽  
Tadeusz Palmowski ◽  
Marcin Połom

W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane zagadnienia rozwoju przestrzennego portu morskiego w Gdyni, w szczególności kwestie dotyczące jego uwarunkowań rozwojowych. Wskazano także na relacje między portem a miastem. Port morski i miasto Gdynia są wyjątkowym przypadkiem rozwoju jednostki portowo-miejskiej, w której odwrotnie niż w innych przypadkach najpierw powstał port, a następnie przy nim zaczęło rozwijać się miasto. Uwarunkowania te miały znaczący wpływ na rozwój struktury przestrzenno-gospodarczej zespołu portowo-miejskiego. Opracowanie uzupełniono syntetyczną analizą perspektyw oraz barier rozwojowych Portu Gdynia. Spatial development of the seaport on the example of Gdynia The article presents selected issues of the spatial development of the seaport in Gdynia, in particular its development conditions, as well as the relationship between the port and the city. The seaport and the city of Gdynia are a unique case of development of a port-city unit where, contrary to other cases, the port was created first and then the city started to develop. These conditions had a significant impact on the development of the spatial and economic structure of the port-city complex. The study was supplemented with a synthetic analysis of perspectives and barriers to development of the Port of Gdynia.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Alfrida Alik Langgesa ◽  
Ramadhan Tosepu ◽  
Hariati Lestari ◽  
Devi Savitri Effendy ◽  
La Ode Ali Imran ◽  

Backgrounds: The use of antibiotics to be a problem in the handling of patients with diarrhea in the city of Kendari. The negative impact of the use of antibiotics is the emergence and development of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, the emergence of diseases caused by bacterial superinfection, the occurrence of side effects of drugsObjective:  To determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude of people with diarrhea in the city kendariMethods: This research was analytic observational cross-sectional method with the entire patient population is diarrhea who came to visit in as many as 234 people Poasia Health Center and the study sample is equal to 148 people. The sampling technique is done by random sampling techniqueResults: The results of the analysis indicate knowledge α (0.05) ρ (0,000) or the chi-square value value table that is 29.658 3.841, then HO is rejected and H1 is accepted. While the attitude showed α (0.05) ρ (0,000) or the chi-square value value table that is 52.269 3.841, then HO is rejected and H1 acceptedConclusions: There is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes to the use of antibiotics in patients with diarrhea in Kendari. A person who has enough knowledge about the use of antibiotics in patients with diarrhea then it will not use antibiotics unless the prescribing physician.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 177

Social interaction in adolescents in the modern era is influenced by several factors in life, one of which is addiction to playing online games. This study aims to determine the relationship between factors addicted to playing online games on social interaction in teenagers. The data used in this study are primary data which are the results of questionnaires. The data processing technique used in this study is canonical correlation analysis. The sample in this study were adolescents aged 13 to 21 years and living in the city of Denpasar, with a total sample of 150 adolescents. The results showed that the addiction factor playing online games had a significant effect of 0.0000019 on social interaction in adolescents with a close relationship of 0.8058964.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-10
V. A. Belyaeva

Angina pectoris is a chronic disabling heart disease that leads to myocardial infarction and death without proper treatment. Aim - to study the dynamics of frequency of ambulance сalls for patients with stable angina in different seasons of the year, depending on the current meteorological factors.Materials and methods. 1034 cases of calls of the emergency medical service in the city of Vladikavkaz to the patients with angina attack were analyzed. Based on the seasonal ranking of the ambulance frequency calls and the corresponding base of meteorological parameters, a correlation analysis of the relationship between these indicators was made. Results. It has been established that the seasonality factor influences the frequency of calls to the ambulance (2=9.12; KW-H=8.92). Correlations between the frequency of calls to the ambulance and meteorological factors are seasonally specific and vary with respect to annual coefficients. The most significant contribution to the increase in the incidence of angina attacks is made by the factors: average daily air temperature, inter - day variability of atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, cloudiness, pathogen indices of these factors, as well as a general index of weather pathogenicity.Conclusion. In winter, due to the negative impact of low temperatures and sharp variations in the whole complex of meteorological factors, the maximum number of ambulance calls to patients with angina is recorded. The most favorable period for patients suffering from angina pectoris is the summer season, during which emergency medical care is minimal.

Firouz Mahdizade Kalansara ◽  
Mahdi Jahani ◽  
MohammadAli Ahmadian

Rural development has a close relationship with structural processes such as social and physical processes. Therefore, in this study, the effects of housing activities in two social and physical dimensions of villages in the city of Germi have been investigated.In order to know about the issues and the results of the preparation and implementation of these projects, it is necessary to study case studies of eligible villages, in this regard, to evaluate the plans of the rural municipality and villagers and the rural ownership document in the villages of Moghan (Germi) 55 villages of the city have been implemented. In this research, descriptive-analytic method has been used based on documentary studies and field operations (questionnaire, interview, etc.). Given the number of villages and the high number of households in rural areas, a sample size of 287 households was determined using the Cochran formula and distributed randomly among the households living in each village. The results of the research show that the relationship between the activities of the Housing Foundation and the social development of the villages is significant (the value is less than 0.05), the intensity of the relationship is 0.033, and the direct and the positive, as well as the relationship between the activities of the Foundation Housing and sustainable development of the villages are meaningful, (the value of which is less than 0.05), the intensity of the relationship is equal to 0.629, is direct and positive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7(57)) ◽  
pp. 19-22
A.G. Gappasova ◽  
T.M. Sadykova ◽  
R.D. Stamova

Cultural globalization, as well as the process of globalization itself, is a highly ambiguous and highly contradictory phenomenon that has both positive and negative features and consequences. Since the globalization of culture is a direct and inevitable consequence of the process of globalization itself, its positive and negative impact on certain cultures is unscientific to consider in isolation from this process. The close relationship between these two phenomena, in which cultural globalization is defined as a whole by the process of globalization as such, obliges us to consider some fundamental aspects, properties of the latter, in order to identify those features of cultural globalization that are objective in the sense that they can neither be prevented nor avoided, nor give any other direction to the processes caused and determined by these features. The article examines the relationship between these two processes and their main contradictions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Muhamad Ratodi

Urban planning potentially has a close relationship with the the study of urban health. But the relationship between these two major relatively new concern for urban planners and urban health experts. During the 19th century, the relationship between the city as a subject of planning, urban design, governance and health problems such as infectious diseases, malnutrition, housing conditions and workplace as well as the mental health is seen clearly. The attention currently focused to the urban planning that emphasized on urban health as well as the urban health that focus on the wellbeing of the urban population. In this article will describe primaries approaches and strategies of urban planning againts urban problems that highlight the main conceptual ideas which are relevant to urban health

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Muhamad Ratodi

Urban planning potentially has a close relationship with the the study of urban health. But the relationship between these two major relatively new concern for urban planners and urban health experts. During the 19th century, the relationship between the city as a subject of planning, urban design, governance and health problems such as infectious diseases, malnutrition, housing conditions and workplace as well as the mental health is seen clearly. The attention currently focused to the urban planning that emphasized on urban health as well as the urban health that focus on the wellbeing of the urban population. In this article will describe primaries approaches and strategies of urban planning againts urban problems that highlight the main conceptual ideas which are relevant to urban health

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Panpan Chen ◽  
Peng Lu ◽  
Shugang Yang ◽  
Michael Storozum ◽  
Ruixia Yang ◽  

Buried underneath modern Zhengzhou city in Henan Province, China, lies the archeological remains of one of the ancient capital cities of the Shang dynasty (1766 – 1122 BCE). Although it is likely that people planned this Shang capital city according to the demands of the surrounding environment, there is no clear relationship between the current environment, such as the hydrology and topography, and the ancient city’s layout. To better understand the relationship between planning principles used during the Shang dynasty and the nearby environment at Zhengzhou, we measured and sampled stratigraphic exposures at excavation locations throughout Zhengzhou. Through these excavations we obtained both absolute and relative chronological data from each culture layer, enabling us to use geospatial interpolation and analysis methods to reconstruct the ancient landscape. The results show that ancient city’s different activity areas had a close relationship with their environmental context. For example, the Shang dynasty palace was located on high ground and workshops were located down below along the courses of ancient rivers. In conclusion, we argue that research that merges geomorphology and archeology is a necessary prerequisite for understanding the development of urban areas.

Bárbara Caetano Damasceno ◽  
Jefferson Oliveira Goulart

The objective of the paper is to evaluate the close relationship between public policies of social housing, housing deficit and the process of socio-spatial segregation in the city of Piracicaba, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo, in Brazil, between the years 2000-2020. For this, the method adopted consists of a mixed quali-quantitative approach. Whether due to lack or inadequacy, the housing problem is one of the main urban shortages, whose measurement can be made from the deficit and household inadequacy indicators. To address these issues, housing policies are presented as a state intervention to provide access to housing. However, after years of implementing these policies, the paradox created by them is noted, since, although they were able to face part of the problem, they contributed to the intensification of socio-spatial segregation on the intra-urban scale. In these terms, Piracicaba is an emblematic case of the relationship that is established territorially between these elements, in which socio-spatial segregation is seen as a by-product of social housing policies, under the pretext of coping with housing needs. The investigation therefore seeks to contribute to research on the relationship between housing policies and socio-spatial segregation in medium-sized cities in São Paulo, inserting the concept of deficit as a basic element of this problem.

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