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academic ability
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2022 ◽  
pp. 026540752110666
Chun Bun Lam ◽  
Chung Sze Lam ◽  
Kevin Kien Hoa Chung

In the face of COVID-19, many schools have to educate their students using online activities. During this time, whether and how parents are involved may be of particular importance for young children—who are less able to learn independently via the Internet due to their developmental immaturity. Therefore, this study examined the cross-sectional association of maternal involvement in child online learning with child adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic and tested maternal mindfulness as a moderator. Data were collected from 236 mothers of kindergarten-aged children (mean age = 55.91 months; 75% of them were girls) during the fourth wave of COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong, China. Using paper-and-pencil questionnaires, mothers rated their involvement and mindfulness and their children’s pre-academic ability and internalizing and externalizing behaviors and provide demographic information. Regression models revealed that maternal involvement was associated positively with child pre-academic ability and negatively with child internalizing behaviors, but such associations were only significant for children with more mindful mothers. Maternal mindfulness did not moderate the negative association between maternal involvement and child externalizing behaviors. Findings highlighted the role of maternal mindfulness in child development, suggesting that it may be crucial to promote maternal involvement and mindfulness during the pandemic and perhaps beyond.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 765-776
Youn-Sun Won ◽  
Hyun-Sim Doh

Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to explore the longitudinal effects of maternal parenting stress, mother-child interaction activities, maternal parenting behaviors, and preschoolers' school readiness on children's academic ability at school entry in early childhood.Methods: This study used data from the seventh (T1) and eighth (T2) wave (2014ㅡ2015) of the Panel Study on Korean Children. The participants of this study were 942 between 6 and 7-year-old children and their mothers. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling.Results: First, the relationship between maternal parenting stress and children's academic ability at school admission was sequentially mediated by mother-child interaction activities and preschoolers' school readiness. The higher the maternal parenting stress, the lower the mother-child interaction activities, and the lower the mother-child interaction activities, the lower the degree of preschoolers' school readiness. The poor degree of preschoolers' school readiness was related to the children's low academic ability at school entry. Second, the relationship between maternal parenting stress and children's academic ability at school entry was sequentially mediated by parenting behaviors and preschoolers' school readiness. The higher the maternal parenting stress, the less positive maternal parenting behaviors were, and the less positive maternal parenting behaviors were, the lower the level of preschoolers' school readiness, and the lower the children's academic performance at school entry.Conclusion: This study indicated that maternal parenting stress, mother-child interaction activities, maternal parenting behaviors, and preschoolers' school readiness in early childhood influenced firstgrade children's academic performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (12) ◽  
Tran Nguyen Chau Uyen ◽  

Gratitude is an extremely necessary spiritual element in our lives. Grateful people experience life in a more peaceful, and happy way. The study was conducted on 762 students from two clusters of gifted and non-specialized high schools in Da Nang city to describe the current situation, perception of gratitude and factors affecting the level of gratitude in high school students. Research results show that 79% of students are not grateful. A special thing is that the factors such as academic ability, age, and gender do not completely affect the gratitude level of high school students. Based on the findings, the study proposes a number of measures that partially affect the educational methods of schools and families, as well as directly affect the survey subjects.

Muhammad Rijal ◽  
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti ◽  
Dian Safitri ◽  
Suhaedir Bachtiar ◽  
Salma Samputri

<span>This study aimed to analyze the effect of conventional, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Numbered-Head Together (NHT), and integrated PBL-NHT learning models on the low- and high-ability students’ critical thinking. This quasi-experimental study used a pretest-post-test nonequivalent control group design with a four-by-two factorial pattern. The analysis results showed that learners’ critical thinking was impacted by learning models implemented in the classroom and influenced by the interaction between the learning models and learners’ academic abilities. There was no difference in critical thinking among low-ability students who were taught with PBL, conventional, and integrated PBL-NHT, but a difference was found in students taught using NHT. There was no difference in critical thinking between high-ability students taught with conventional and NHT instruction, but there was a difference between students taught with PBL and integrated PBL-NHT instruction. To foster critical thinking, pupils with low academic ability should be taught using NHT, whereas those with high academic ability should be taught using PBL or an integrated PBL-NHT approach.</span>

Ahmad Yusuf ◽  
Kusaeri Kusaeri ◽  
Ahmad Hidayatullah ◽  
Dian Candra Rini Novitasari ◽  
Ahmad Hanif Asyhar

<span lang="EN-US">Madrasa (Islamic boarding school) in Indonesia have a strategic role in character building. At present madrasa education is still considered second class education. Besides, to improve the quality of madrasas can be started by improving the quality of the student national admission to all madrasas in Indonesia. This study aimed to trace the potential errors in the measurement results of Students National Admission of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (SNPDB MAN-IC) 2020. Tracing was carried out on two aspects: i) Equality between test sets used based on evidence of test responses; and ii) Further tests on equality between question sets based on evidence of relationship between variables, taking into account the origin of the participating schools (MTs/JHS) and the origin of the participating regions (West, Central and East of Indonesia). This study involved 13,115 participants in 23 MAN-ICs throughout Indonesia in 2020. The materials tested comprised learning potential and academic ability (Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, English, Arabic, and Islamic Religious Education). The study used achievement test with mathematics as a sample of test subjects. Based on the test response evidence, it was found that seven of the 15 questions were thought to have an indication of inequality between item sets. The results of tracing the evidence between variables indicated that it was the participants' origin of institutions that influenced the inequality between item sets. On the other hand, regional origin did not affect the inequality between item sets because the majority of participants came from the western region of Indonesia.</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 481-486
Fiolina Puspitasari ◽  
Ediyanto Ediyanto ◽  
Mohammad Efendi ◽  
Asep Sunandar

Learning media can be made using audio-visual media. Audio-visual media here is the media that conveys the message specifically to the senses of hearing and sight. The media has sound elements and image elements. Teachers who provide modifications to the media will make learning more interesting for students, especially if there are students with slow learner barriers in class. The slow learner is a learning barrier in children, which is characterized by a gap between the level of intelligence and academic ability that should be achieved. The use of audio-visual media is able to have a positive influence on the reading and numeracy skills of students with slow learners.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003804072110555
Kenneth Han Chen ◽  
Elizabeth Popp Berman

The meritocratic ideal prescribes that universities should admit students based on academic ability and individual effort. Yet as competition for scarce slots has increased, markets for services to improve the odds of admission have expanded. We use the case of a popular online forum for elite Taiwanese students seeking graduate study in the United States to argue that the moral values assigned to such markets provide useful information about the status of the meritocratic ideal. Using digital ethnography and interviews with forum participants, we find that individuals moralize markets for admissions services in ways that align with their social position. They valorize participation in markets that compensate for their “unfair” disadvantage around English while rejecting the legitimacy of adjacent markets that compensate for lack of cultural capital (which they possess). More generally, we argue that although individuals who benefit from meritocracy will tend to stigmatize associated markets, the positive moralization of such markets can reflect local contests over how meritocracy should be defined—yet not necessarily undermine the meritocratic ideal.


Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is the first public university in Malaysia which takes up the challenge to offer Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies. This degree is the first personalized curriculum degree which entitles students to choose their own curriculum structure, which is called concentration field in this program. The concentration field is created by students to fulfil their future personal goals and career. This paper will highlight the fields chosen for their concentration and factors contributing to their decision. The study will use self -administered survey to registered Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies students. The data collected will be analyzed descriptively. Findings show that there are 52 combinations of concentrations fields which cross-disciplines of science, technology, humanities, and social science. Three main factors which influence decision in choosing the concentration field are interest, future career, and academic ability. Two lowest factors are parents and peers influence. This study suggests a model of success for Liberal Studies students includes three internal factors i.e., interest, ambition and academic ability, and three external support which are parents, peers and the university. This paper will give insights to other higher education institutions that are interested in offering this future-focused curriculum in line with the aspiration of the Malaysian Education Blueprint. Keywords: Liberal studies; Concentration, Citra UKM; Malaysian Education Blueprint; Future-focused curriculum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 3253-3264
Zetriuslita Zetriuslita ◽  
Rezi Ariawan

The possession of mathematical curiosity (curiosity) in learning Integral calculus is very important. Moreover, learning is carried out online due to the covid-19 pandemic. The level of academic ability and gender, which is a social behavior inherent in individuals, will indirectly contribute to mathematical curiosity (curiosity). Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of describing students' mathematical curiosity in online learning in terms of academic ability level and gender. The Mathematics Education Study Program FKIP UIR is the place where this research is carried out. The implementation time is the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year with a sample of 50 people obtained with consideration. This research was conducted using quantitative research. The research instrument was a mathematical curiosity questionnaire which was given to students on a non-test basis with the help of google classroom. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data obtained in this study. The results of the analysis of research data inform that Overall, students' curiosity in bold learning is included in the criteria with a percentage of 78.88%. The mathematical Curiosity of students with a high level of academic ability is included in the criteria with a percentage of 79.79%, 78.19%, and the mathematical Curiosity of students with a low level of academic ability is included in the very strong criteria with a percentage of 83, 13% . The mathematical curiosity of male and female students is included in the criteria with a percentage of 75.89% and 78.74%

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sri Lestari

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh model pembelajaran Peer Led Guided Inquiry (PLGI) terhadap kompetensi literasi sains siswa, 2) pengaruh kemampuan akademik (tinggi, sedang dan rendah)  terhadap kompetensi literasi sains siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah posttest-only group design dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 3. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIPA SMA N 2 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XI MIPA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI MIPA 4 sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes uraian tertulis, lembar observasi dan dokumen. Uji hipotesis menggunakan Analisi Variansi Dua Jalan sedangkan uji lanjut menggunakan Uji Scheffe. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) model pembelajaran Peer Led Guided Inquiry (PLGI) berpengaruh nyata terhadap kompetensi literasi sains, 2) kemampuan akademik tidak berpengaruh terhadap kompetensi literasi sains. The influence of peer-led guided inquiry toward  competency of scientific literacy viewed from academic ability AbstractThe purposes of this research are to ascertain: 1) the influence of Peer Led Guided Inquiry model towards competency of scientific literacy, 2) the influence of academic ability toward competency of scientific literacy. The research was quasi experiment research. The research was designed using posttest-only group design with factorial design 2 x 3. The population of this research were all of 11th degree student at SMA N 2 Sukoharjo in academic year 2018/2019. The sample of this research were student of XI MIPA 3 as experiment group and XI MIPA 4 as control group. The sample of this research was established by cluster random sampling. The data was collected essay test, observation form, and document. The hypotheses analyzed by Anova Two Ways. The research concluded that 1) Peer Led Guided Inquiry (PLGI) model had significant effect toward competency of scientific literacy, 2) the academic ability didn’t has significant effect toward competency of scientific literacy.

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