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adult education
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2022 ◽  
pp. 146144562110374
Katerina Nanouri ◽  
Eleftheria Tseliou ◽  
Georgios Abakoumkin ◽  
Nikos Bozatzis

In this article we illustrate how trainers and trainees negotiate epistemic and deontic authority within systemic family therapy training. Adult education principles and postmodern imperatives have challenged trainers’ and trainees’ asymmetries regarding knowledge (epistemics) and power (deontics), normatively implicated by the institutional training setting. Up-to-date, we lack insight into how trainers and trainees negotiate epistemic and deontic rights in naturally occurring dialog within training. Drawing from discursive psychology and conversation analysis, we present an analysis of eight transcribed, videotaped training seminars from a systemic family therapy training program, featuring three trainers and eleven trainees. Our analysis highlights the dilemmatic ways in which participants resist and affirm the normatively implicated trainers’ deontic and epistemic authority. Trainers are shown as mitigating directives and trainees as resisting them, with both displaying (not)knowing, while attending to concerns about (a)symmetry. We discuss our findings’ implications for systemic family therapy training.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Kathryn Holmes ◽  
Greg Preston

Education can be a measure of the progress and quality of life of a nation, so it is said that the progress of a nation and state can be achieved by one of the reforms in terms of education. In education, there are two terms, namely pedagogy and andragogy. Pedagogy is known as the education of children, while andragogy can be interpreted as the science and art of teaching adults. Children's education will take place in the form of assimilation, identification, and imitation; while adult education focuses on improving their lives, providing skills and abilities to solve problems, so what is identical here is brain training for adults. The difference between pedagogy and andragogy lies in the different assumptions about the personality of students, such as the concept of students, student experience, readiness to learn, orientation towards learning from their learning motivation. And from these assumptions, it can be distinguished in terms of the process which includes elements of atmosphere, planning, needs diagnosis, formulation, objectives, lesson plans, learning activities, and assessments.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yalalem Assefa

Integration of indigenous knowledge into adult education recognizes collaboration based on indigenous frameworks and methodologies and gives more attention to people’s history, politics, cultural beliefs, and philosophical views. The most important beginning phases and tasks in promoting indigenous-based learning are establishing a responsive organizational structure that helps to identify and agree on what roles and responsibilities are played by each concerned stakeholder. Considering this in mind, this study aimed to explore intersectoral coordination and their participation in the integration of indigenous knowledge into adult education. In doing so, a qualitative research approach and a case-study design were employed. The study sample was composed of adult education experts and coordinators. Data was obtained through interviews, FGD, and document analysis. Furthermore, thematic analysis was the centre of this study data analysis. As a result, the study finding revealed that stakeholders’ coordinated effort has been observed that lacks consistency in supporting indigenous-based adult education programs due to their deprived collaboration and the presence of not functional administrative structure. This makes the provision and the integration of indigenous-based knowledge systems into adult education sporadic in its coverage of indigenous learning contents and experiences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 717-725
Maria Emilly Bezerra Sousa ◽  
Aurelania Maria De Carvalho Menezes

Resumo: O principal objetivo do artigo é enfatizar a indisciplina na modalidade EJA dentre suas causas e consequências. O tema traz consigo uma abordagem bastante enriquecedora sobre como observar e lidar com estas determinadas situações presentes no cotidiano escolar. A modalidade EJA é uma proposta de ensino que atende um determinado público bastante adversa, por se tratar de alunos que de uma maneira ou outra não finalizaram os estudos no tempo certo. E a indisciplina vem sendo explanada com frequência nos grupos docentes, porém sem nenhuma perspectiva de metodologias para conseguir driblar tal questão sobre o ensino. As bases teóricas para a construção do artigo discorrem de citações e argumentos em teóricos bastantes influenciadores na perspectiva abordada, vindo ao encontro de autores como FREIRE (2001), MATOS (2012), SANTOS (2012) dentre outros, além de informações com veracidade em cima das Leis educacionais como a LDB e CNE, além de afirmações de minha autoria sobre todo o estudado mediante a pesquisa. O processo metodológico para a construção discorre de estudo analítico e observação crítica acerca do conteúdo a ser pesquisado por meio de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo em estudo bibliográfico a respeito do tema. Os resultados apresentados no entorno do artigo surgem como possíveis respostas e hipóteses à problemática apresentada, dentre suas aquisições, uma nova perspectiva de formação para professores com problemas atuais na sala de aulas, assim como observar os diversos tipos de indisciplina escolar apresentados na modalidade EJA. Ao concluir o estudo, fica a oportunidade de querer buscar mais informações do tema a fim de aprofundar ainda mais o conhecimento e transformar em metodologias para um melhor ensino aprendizagem na EJA. Palavras-Chave: Educação; Educação de Jovens e Adultos; Indisciplina. Abstract: The main aim  of the article is to emphasize indiscipline in the EJA modality among its causes and consequences. The theme brings with it a very enriching approach on how to observe and deal with these certain situations present in everyday school life. The EJA modality is a teaching proposal that caters to a very adverse audience, as they are students who, in one way or another, did not finish their studies at the right time. And indiscipline has been frequently explained in the teaching groups, but without any perspective of methodologies to get around this issue about teaching. The theoretical bases for the construction of the article are based on citations and arguments in theorists who are quite influential in the perspective addressed, coming to the meeting of authors such as FREIRE (2001), MATOS (2012), SANTOS (2012) among others, as well as truthful information in above the educational laws such as the LDB and CNE, in addition to statements of my authorship about everything studied through the research. The methodological process for the construction is based on an analytical study and critical observation about the content to be researched through qualitative research in a bibliographical study about the subject. The results presented around the article appear as possible answers and hypotheses to the problem presented, among its acquisitions, a new perspective of training for teachers with current problems in the classroom, as well as observing the different types of school indiscipline presented in the EJA modality. Upon completing the study, there is the opportunity to seek more information on the topic in order to further deepen the knowledge and transform it into methodologies for better teaching and learning in EJA.Keywords: Education. Youth and Adult Education. Indiscipline. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 074171362110688
Stephan L. Thomsen ◽  
Insa Weilage

Language skills are central to refugee integration and the availability of language courses could thus be a limiting factor. We explore how the most important provider of language courses in Germany, adult education centers (VHS), adapted their course supply to the refugee wave of 2015/2016. Our results highlight two channels through which the local environment can affect opportunities for participation in adult learning: First, exploiting the quasi-random allocation of refugees to counties, we causally estimate by how much VHS scaled up their German language course (DAF) supply as a reaction. Moreover, we show that DAF courses were created almost exclusively at the cost of other courses, that is, by crowding out. Second, we uncover heterogeneities in scaling success. VHS with more prior DAF course experience and larger VHS adapted better, which shows the relevance of initial conditions in course offers.

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