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student interest
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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 234-250
Mujahidawati ◽  
Novferma ◽  
Gugun M. Simatupang ◽  
Febbry Romundza ◽  
Ari Frianto ◽  

ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government implemented bold learning at various levels of education, from kindergarten to university. There is a possibility that the applied learning can result in low student interest in learning. This is because the learning process carried out only transfers recordings of learning patterns to WhatsApp text messages, so there is no other innovation to help students' interest in learning become better. As teachers we must be able to make interesting learning media according to the characteristics of students, where one of the learning media is to make animated films that students can see and do while studying at home. The purpose of this activity is to help and train junior high school teachers in making animated film learning media using the Toontastic 3D application so that it can support students' interest in learning. The method used in the implementation of this service activity is to use the method of discussion and question and answer, demo, and expository. Participants in this service activity are partners of MGMP SMP in Muaro Jambi in the field of mathematics as many as 35 teachers and 20 students. The instrument used in this service is a teacher motivation response questionnaire after training and a student interest response questionnaire after learning with learning media in the form of animated films. Based on the results of the training, it was obtained that most of the teachers who participated were very satisfied and happy with this training, this can be seen from the teacher's motivation, most of the teachers answered on average the statements given agreed and strongly agreed agree category. Furthermore, student learning interest can also be said to be good, this can be seen based on the results of the student learning interest questionnaire where the average student on a positive statement is in the agree and strongly agree category, while in the negative statement questionnaire on average are in the category of strongly disagree and disagree. . Therefore, it can be said that this training in making animated films as a learning medium can provide good motivation for teachers and good learning interest for students during the covid-19 pandemic.     ABSTRAK Masa pandemic covid-19, pemerintah menerapkan pembelajaran secara daring di berbagai jenjang Pendidikan mulai dari TK sampai perguruan tinggi. Tidak menutup kemungkinan selama pembelajaran daring diterapkan dapat mengakibatkan minat belajar siswa rendah. Hal tersebut dikarenakan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan hanya memindahkan pola pembelajaran yang dibuku ke pesan teks WhatsApp saja, sehingga tidak adanya inovasi lain untuk membantu minat belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik. Sebagai pengajar kita harus bisa membuat media pembelajaran yang menarik sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa, dimana salah satu media pembelajaran tersebut adalam pembuatan film animasi yang dapat dilihat dan di toton oleh siswa selama belajar dirumah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk membantu dan melatih guru SMP dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran berbentuk film animasi menggunakan aplikasi toontastic 3D sehingga dapat mendukung minat belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menggunakan metode diskusi dan tanya jawab, demonstrasi, dan ekspositori. Peserta kegiatan dalam pengabdian ini adalah mitra MGMP SMP di Muaro Jambi pada matapelajaran matematika sebanyak 35 orang guru dan 20 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah angket respon motivasi guru setelah pelatihan dan angket respon minat siswa setelah belajar dengan media pembelajaran berbentuk film animasi tersebut. Berdasar hasil pelatihan diperoleh bahwa kebanyakan guru-guru yang ikut merasa sangat puas dan senang dengan adanya pelatihan ini, hal tersebut dilihat dari angket respon (motivasi) guru menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan guru rata-rata menjawab pernyataan yang diberikan pada kategori Setuju dan Sangat Setuju. Selanjutnya minat belajar siswa juga dapat dikatakan baik, hal tersebut dilihat berdasarkan hasil angket minat belajar siswa dimana rata-rata siswa pada pernyataan positif berada pada kategori setuju dan sangar setuju, sedangkan pada angket pernyataan negatif rata-rata pada kategori sangat tidak setuju dan tidak setuju. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan pembuatan film animasi sebagai media pembelajaran ini dapat memberikan motivasi yang baik bagi guru dan minat belajar yang baik bagi siswa dimasa pandemic covid-19.  

Radiant ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-219
Hasri Mutiara Putri ◽  
Aniesa Puspa Arum ◽  
Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati

Learning outcomes are a learning carried out by someone after  going through the process of learning activities, which uses an assessment tool prepared by the teacher, such as an evaluation test that includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. This study aims to determine the relationship between student interest in the use of Google Classroom with learning outcomes of facial skin care with technology. This research is a quantitative research with a survey method with a sample of 65 students of the Cosmetology Education study program batch 2020. The data for the X variable (student interest in using Google Classroom) was obtained by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale. Meanwhile, the Y variable data (Learning Results of Facial Skin Care with Technology) was obtained from Form 06. The results of the analysis with product moment correlation showed that there was no positive and significant relationship between students' interest in learning outcomes of facial skin care with technology. Based on the calculations obtained a significance value of 0.274 which means it is greater than 0.05. So it can be concluded that Ho which reads: "Students' Interest in Using Google Classroom does not have a positive effect on Learning Outcomes of Facial Skin Care with Technology" is accepted. On the other hand, "Students' Interest in Using Google Classroom has a positive effect on Learning Outcomes of Facial Skin Care with Technology" is rejected. The effective contribution was obtained by 1.9% and the remaining 98.1% was not examined in this study.

Khairun Nisa

During the COVID-19 epidemic, this research aimed to improve students' fundamental Indonesian knowledge using Quizizz as a game-based learning tool. Description qualitative research technique. The study sample consisted of 33 students from the first semester of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. The research instrument is multiple-choice questions about standard and non-standard words and Indonesian writing, which is included in the quizizz website. The data analysis technique was carried out in four stages; 1) data collection, data reduction; data presentation; and concluding. Based on the analysis results, it was found that the quizizz learning media in learning Indonesian can increase student interest in learning and is very effective in increasing knowledge of writing or spelling Indonesian and standard Indonesian grammar. Quizizz also prepares lecturers and students for global education expectations. Online interactive games can help enhance language education and boost digital literacy among the youth, both of which are essential for the fourth industrial revolution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 695-706
Rita Zahara

The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of high school / vocational high school students' perceptions about the role of the teacher and the teaching profession on the interest in becoming a teacher. The population in this study was all students of class XII in FKIP_UNLA partner schools, namely SMAN 8 Bandung, SMAN XI Bandung, SMKN 3 Bandung, and SMK Bandung Community Development, by using quota sampling. This type of research is quantitative research with correlation research methods. Data collection techniques were obtained using: Questionnaire, and interview, namely in the form of statements relating to the perceptions of high school / vocational students about the role of the teacher and the teaching profession the effect on student interest in becoming the teaching profession. Research results show that the perception of high school / vocational students about the role of teachers and the teaching profession contributes effectively to changes in the variable of student interest to become a teacher, and of these two variables the perception of students gives an influence on students' interest in becoming teachers.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1703-1725
Jeremy Riel ◽  
Kimberly A. Lawless

Educational simulations often require players to maintain a high degree of engagement for play in the simulation to continue. Student motivation and engagement is tied to affective factors, such as interest and self-efficacy. As such, game designs and teachers who implement them should promote student interest and self-efficacy in play. In this study, a responsive online professional development (ROPD) program was provided to teachers as they implemented a multi-classroom socio-scientific simulation game for middle school social studies classrooms called GlobalEd 2. A series of ANOVAs revealed that student affect toward the game and its content, including student interest and self-efficacy, was highest when their teachers likewise had a high degree of participation in the ROPD program. This evidence demonstrates the importance that ongoing implementation supports can have in classroom-based simulations and serious games and the benefits of ROPD in furthering the impact of simulation games.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Juniati . ◽  
Sahat Siagian ◽  
R Mursid

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengetahui (1) hasil belajar kewirausahaan yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw lebih tinggi dibandingkan hasil belajar kewirausahaan yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD, (2) secara keseluruhan, siswa yang memilki minat belajar tinggi lebih tinggi hasil belajar kewirausahaan, dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki minat belajar, (3) terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan minat belajar siswa terhadap hasil belajar kewirausahaan. Metode penelitian  yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan faktorial 2 x 2. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis varian dua jalur dengan taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 dengan Uji F, pengujian lanjut menggunakan Uji Scheffe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Hasil belajar kewirausahaan siswa SMK Negeri 8 Medan yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD,pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 dengan Fh sebesar 6,49 dan Ftabel = 4,00, jadi Fhitung >  Ftabel   =  6,49 >4,00. Hipotesis telah teruji kebenarannya  Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, (2) hasil perhitungan tentang perbedaan hasil belajar kewirausahaan antara kelompok  siswa yang  memiliki minat belaja rtinggi dan rendah pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 dengan Fh sebesar 28,15 dan Ftabel = 4,00jadi Fhitung>  Ftabel   =  28,15 >4,00, maka hipotesis telah teruji kebenarannya  Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, (3) besarnya rata-rata hasil belajar kewirausahaan siswa untuk setiap kelompok pembelajaran A1B1 = 91,94dan A1B2 = 78,59 sedangkan A2B1 = 83,06 dan A2B2  = 79,65. Hasil perhitungan Anava factorial 2x2 diperoleh hasil perhitungan Fh = 8,52 dan harga tabel Ft = 4,00 adalah Ft(0,05)(1,64) = 4,00, sehingga dapat dinyatakan Fh (8,52) > Ft (4,00), Kata Kunci: Pengaruh Model, Minat Belajar, Hasil Belajar Kewirausahaan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Abstract: This research means to know: (1) The learning result of enterprise of student that thought by JIGSAW type cooperative learning model higher than the result of the enterprise which thought by cooperative learning model STAD type.(2) By all the students who have to learn high interest higher than the result of enterprise study compare with the student who has low-interest learning.(3) There is the interaction between the learning model and the learning interest of students to study enterprise from the student. The technic of taking a sample is used sample Cluster Random Sampling based on student interest so that this research sample in learning group and each group consist of 33 students for the experiment, and 35 students for the control group. The research method which used is experiment quasi with factorial 2x2 analysis technic which used is variant analysis two ways significant level a =0.05 by testing F, the test continues to use scheffe test. The research result mention = (1) learning result of students enterprise that thought with cooperative learning model JIGSAW type higher than cooperative learning model STAD type, at significant level a= 0.05 with Fh as big as 6.49 and = 4 Ftable  00 so Fcount >Ftable=6.49 > 4.00 Hypothesis has tasted its correctness Ha is given and he is refused (2) the calculation result about the difference of learning result enterprise between the group of students who have high study interest and low at a significant level a =0.05 with Fa as big as 28.15 and F table= 4.00  so F count > Ftable =28.15 >4.00 so hypothesis has tested its correctness. Ha is given and Ho is refused,(3) its big average the result of students enterprise learning for each learning group XA1.B1 = 91.94 and  XA1 B2   =78.59 whereas XA2B1 =83.06 and XA2B2 =79.65 the calculation result factorial ANOVA 2x2 is received the result of calculation Fh=8.52 and table prise F1=4.00 is Ft (0.05) (1.64)=4.00 Keywords: Effect of Model, Interest Of Student, Result of Enterprise

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-84
Rahman Arifuddin ◽  
Subairi Subairi ◽  
Dwi Arman Prasetya ◽  
Wahyu Dirgantara

Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) was established through Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education (SN-Dikti). MBKM brings significant changes, where universities must make adjustments to these changes. The success of the implementation of MBKM in higher education is measured using 8 Key Performance Indicators (IKU). One of the 9 BKP that is quite interesting is the National Defense activity or Komponen Cadangan (Komcad). Currently, the Ministry of Defense is preparing derivative regulations from the RI Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning the Management of National Resources for National Defense relating to the formation of Reserve Components. Discipline and Honesty. Student motivation directly influences Interest in Enrolling in the MBKM: Komcad Program, meaning that each student's motivation greatly encourages student interest in enrolling in the MBKM: Komcad program. Indirectly, discipline through Student Motivation has a significant influence on Interest in Enrolling in the MBKM: Komcad Program, meaning that Interest in Enrolling in the MBKM: Komcad Program is strongly influenced by the discipline and motivation of the students themselves.

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