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crater lakes
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Akihiko Terada ◽  
Muga Yaguchi ◽  
Takeshi Ohba

Regular sampling of lake water has been performed at many volcanoes to assess the state of volcanic activity. However, it is not clear whether the absolute concentrations or, instead, rate of changes in concentrations are more suitable for such assessments. In this study, we show that temporal changes in concentrations of an element in lake water are described by a simple differential equation, assuming changes in lake volume and chemical processes are negligible. The time constants (63% response time for changes in the chemical concentration in lake water) have a wide range varying between 20 and 1,000 days for the studied volcanoes in Japan, meaning it takes a long time to assess volcanic activity based on the absolute concentration of an element. In order to assess the volcanic activity in a shorter time period, based on a time-series of lake element concentration data, we developed a numerical model to calculate temporal changes in the steady-state concentration, which is proportional to the elemental concentrations of the bulk hydrothermal fluid injected from subaqueous fumaroles and hot springs. We applied our method to Yugama crater lake at Kusatsu–Shirane volcano, Japan, and quantitatively evaluated temporal changes in the hydrothermal input from 1964 to 2020. As a result, we detected changes in the Cl concentrations of the bulk hydrothermal input that were associated with unrest including the phreatic eruption in 1976 and earthquake swarms in 1989–1992 and 2014–2020. The future concentration in the lake water can be predicted from the most recent steady-state concentrations. Comparing the predicted concentration curve with the concentration obtained from lake water samples, it is possible to quickly assess whether the concentration of the bulk hydrothermal input has increased/decreased or remained constant.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Christopher F. Waythomas

This study addresses the characteristics, potential hazards, and both eruptive and non-eruptive role of water at selected volcanic crater lakes in Alaska. Crater lakes are an important feature of some stratovolcanoes in Alaska. Of the volcanoes in the state with known Holocene eruptive activity, about one third have summit crater lakes. Also included are two volcanoes with small caldera lakes (Katmai, Kaguyak). The lakes play an important but not well studied role in influencing eruptive behavior and pose some significant hydrologic hazards. Floods from crater lakes in Alaska are evaluated by estimating maximum potential crater lake water volumes and peak outflow discharge with a dam-break model. Some recent eruptions and hydrologic events that involved crater lakes also are reviewed. The large volumes of water potentially hosted by crater lakes in Alaska indicate that significant flowage hazards resulting from catastrophic breaching of crater rims are possible. Estimates of maximum peak flood discharge associated with breaching of lake-filled craters derived from dam-break modeling indicate that flood magnitudes could be as large as 103–106 m3/s if summit crater lakes drain rapidly when at maximum volume. Many of the Alaska crater lakes discussed are situated in hydrothermally altered craters characterized by complex assemblages of stratified unconsolidated volcaniclastic deposits, in a region known for large magnitude (>M7) earthquakes. Although there are only a few historical examples of eruptions involving crater lakes in Alaska, these provide noteworthy examples of the role of external water in cooling pyroclastic deposits, acidic crater-lake drainage, and water-related hazards such as lahars and base surge.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Sabrina Pappaterra ◽  
Claudio Inguaggiato ◽  
Dmitri Rouwet ◽  
Raúl Mora-Amador ◽  
Carlos Ramírez-Umaña ◽  

Decades of geochemical monitoring at active crater lakes worldwide have confirmed that variations in major elements and physico-chemical parameters are useful to detect changes in volcanic activity. However, it is still arduous to identify precursors of single phreatic eruptions. During the unrest phase of 2009–2016, at least 679 phreatic eruptions occurred at the hyperacid and hypersaline crater lake Laguna Caliente of Poás volcano (Costa Rica). In this study, we investigate the temporal variations of Rare Earth Elements (REE) dissolved in Laguna Caliente in order to 1) scrutinize if they can be used as a new geochemical tool to monitor changes of phreatic activity at hyperacid crater lakes and 2) identify the geochemical processes responsible for the variations of REE concentrations in the lake. The total concentration of REE varies from 950 to 2,773 μg kg−1. (La/Pr)N-local rock ratios range from 0.93 to 1.35, and Light REE over Heavy REE (LREE/HREE)N-local rock ratios vary from 0.71 to 0.95. These same parameters vary in relation to significant changes in phreatic activity; in particular, the (La/Pr)N-local rock ratio increases as phreatic activity increases, while that of (LREE/HREE)N-local rock decreases when phreatic activity increases. REE concentrations and their ratios were compared with the variations of major elements and physico-chemical parameters of the lake. Calcium versus (La/Pr)N-local rock and versus (LREE/HREE)N-local rock ratios show different trends compared to the other major elements (Na, K, Mg, Al, Fe, SO4, and Cl). Moreover, a higher loss of Ca (up to 2,835 ppm) in lake water was found with respect to the loss of Al, K, and Na. This loss of Ca is argued to be due to gypsum precipitation, a process corroborated by the mass balance calculation simulating the precipitation of gypsum and the contemporaneous removal of REE from the lake water. The observed relations between REE, changes in phreatic activity, and the parameters commonly used for the monitoring of hyperacid volcanic lakes encourage investigating more on the temporal and cause-effect relationship between REE dynamics and changes in phreatic activity at crater lake-bearing volcanoes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
G. V. Melián ◽  
T. Toulkeridis ◽  
N. M. Pérez ◽  
P. A. Hernández ◽  
L. Somoza ◽  

There are hundreds of volcanic lakes around the world that represent an important hazard due to the potential occurrence of phreatomagmatic or limnic eruptions. Variations in geochemical and geophysical parameters could help to identify potential risks for these events. Cuicocha and Quilota volcanic lakes, located at the North Andean Volcanic Zone of Ecuador, are geologically young, with gas emissions manifested mainly as CO2 via bubbling gases. Both lakes present a limited monitoring record. Therefore, volcanic monitoring is a priority task due to the potential hazard they represent by the possibility of water stratification and CO2 accumulation. During 2012-2018 period, geochemical investigation based mainly on diffuse CO2 surveys and analyzing the chemical and isotopic composition of bubbling gases has been carried out at Cuicocha and Quilotoa lakes. Additionally, vertical profiles of water columns were conducted in both lakes to investigate the possibility of water stratification and CO2 accumulation in the lakes. A bathymetric study was also carried out in Quilotoa in 2017, giving further information about the degasification processes and the morphology of the lake bottom. The computed diffuse CO2 output for Cuicocha volcanic lake (3.95 km2) showed a range from 53 to 652 t d−1 for the period 2006–2018, with a maximum value in 2012, coinciding with a maximum of the 3He/4He ratio measured at the bubbling gases and an increase in the seismic activity with an episode of long-period seismicity recorded in 2011–2012. For Quilotoa volcanic lake (3.50 km2) diffuse CO2 output was estimated between 141 and 536 t d−1 for the period 2014–2018. The chemical and isotopic data show that Cuicocha has a chemical composition typical of worldwide superficial shallow waters and aquifers, while Quilotoa shows a chemical composition typical of crater lakes in active volcanic systems. The distribution of the dissolved gas composition along the vertical profiles shows the existence of different water masses in both lakes, with an increase in the concentration of dissolved gases with depth. The carbon isotopic signature indicates an endogenous origin of the CO2, with a greater contribution in the stratification zone in both lakes. This study shows methods applicable to other volcanic lakes of the world to monitor their activity and potential risks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Muga Yaguchi ◽  
Takeshi Ohba ◽  
Akihiko Terada

Interpreting the triggering mechanisms for phreatic eruptions is a key to improving the hazard assessment of crater lakes. Yugama Crater Lake at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, is the site of frequent phreatic eruptions with the recent eruptions in 1982–83, 1989, and 1996, as well as volcanic unrest, including earthquake swarms in 2014 and 2018. To understand the magma–hydrothermal interaction beneath Yugama Crater Lake, we analyzed lake waters from November 2005 to May 2021. From 2005 to 2012, Cl and SO4 concentrations decreased slowly, suggesting the development of a self-sealing zone surrounding the crystallizing magma. We focused on Ca, Al, and Si concentrations as representatives of the breach and dissolution of minerals comprising the self-sealing zone and the Mg/Cl ratio as an indicator for enhanced interaction between groundwater and hot plastic rock within the self-sealing zone. In 2006–2007, the Ca, Al, Si concentrations and the Mg/Cl ratio increased. No Cl and SO4 increase during this period suggests the self-sealing zone was leached by deep circulating groundwater rather than by magmatic fluids injection. After the 2014 earthquakes, Ca, Al, and Si increased again but were associated with a significant Cl increase and a pH decrease. We believe that the HCl-rich magmatic fluids breached the self-sealing zone, leading to fluids injection from the crystallizing magma to the Yugama crater. During this period, the Mg/Cl ratio did not increase, meaning that magmatic fluids ascending from the breached area of the self-sealing zone inhibited deep intrusion of groundwater into the hot plastic rock region. In 2018, magmatic fluids ascended through the self-sealing zone again with less intensity than in 2014. All eruptions since 1982 have been accompanied by a Mg/Cl ratio increase and a Cl decrease, whereas, when a significant HCl input occurs, as in 2014, no eruptions and no Mg/Cl ratio increase occurred. This demonstrates that the groundwater–hot plastic rock interaction, rather than the magmatic fluids input, played an essential role in triggering phreatic eruptions; i.e., phreatic eruptions can potentially occur without clear signs of fresh magma intrusions.

Limnologica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 125938
Anatoliy Filonov ◽  
María del Refugio Barba-López ◽  
Lydia Ladah ◽  
Iryna Tereshchenko ◽  
Emilio Palacios-Hernández ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Felipe Aguilera ◽  
Javiera Caro ◽  
Susana Layana

One of the major challenges in the understanding of the crater lakes dynamics and their connection with magmatic/hydrothermal processes is the continuous tracking of the physical behavior of lakes, especially in cases of remote and poorly accessible volcanoes. Peteroa volcano (Chile–Argentina border) is part of the Planchón–Peteroa–Azufre Volcanic Complex, one of the three volcanoes in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes with crater lakes. Peteroa volcano is formed by a ∼5 km diameter caldera-type crater, which hosts four crater lakes and several fumarolic fields. Peteroa volcano has a large history of eruptive activity including phreatic-and-phreatomagmatic explosions and several episodes of strong degassing from its crater lakes. Here, we used TIR and SWIR bands from Landsat TM, ETM+, and OLI images available from October 1984 to December 2020 to obtain thermal parameters such as thermal radiance, brightness temperature, and heat fluxes, and Planet Labs Inc. images (RapidEye and PlanetScope) available between May 2009 and December 2020 to obtain physical parameters such as area, color, and state (liquid or frozen) of the crater lakes. We reviewed the historical eruptive activity and compared it with thermal and physical data obtained from satellite images. We determined the occurrence of two eruptive/thermal cycles: 1) Cycle 1 includes the formation of a new fumarolic field and two active craters during a short eruptive period, which includes thermal activity in three of the four crater lakes, and a strong degassing process between October 1998 and February 2001, coincident with a peak of volcanic heat flux (Qvolc) in two craters. The cycle finished with an eruptive episode (September 2010–July 2011). 2) Cycle 2 is represented by the thermal reactivation of two crater lakes, formation and detection of thermal activity in a new nested crater, and occurrence of a new eruptive episode (October 2018–April 2019). We observed a migration of the thermal and eruptive activity between the crater lakes and the interconnection of the pathways that feed the lakes, in both cases, partially related to the presence of two deep magma bodies. The Qvolc in Peteroa volcano crater lakes is primarily controlled by volcanic activity, and seasonal effects affect it at short-term, whilst at long-term, seasonal effects do not show clear influences in the volcanic heat fluxes. The maximum Qvolc measured between all crater lakes during quiescent periods was 59 MW, whereas during unrest episodes Qvolc in single crater lakes varied from 7.1 to 38 MW, with Peteroa volcano being classified as a low volcanic heat flux system. The detection of new thermal activity and increase of Qvolc in Peteroa volcano previous to explosive unrest can be considered as a good example of how thermal information from satellite images can be used to detect possible precursors to eruptive activity in volcanoes which host crater lakes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Dmitri Rouwet ◽  
Karoly Németh ◽  
Giancarlo Tamburello ◽  
Sergio Calabrese ◽  

Volcanic lakes pose specific hazards inherent to the presence of water: phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions, lahars, limnic gas bursts and dispersion of brines in the hydrological network. Here we introduce the updated, interactive and open-access database for African volcanic lakes, country by country. The previous database VOLADA (VOlcanic LAke DAta Base, Rouwet et al., Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2014, 272, 78–97) reported 96 volcanic lakes for Africa. This number is now revised and established at 220, converting VOLADA_Africa 2.0 in the most comprehensive resource for African volcanic lakes: 81 in Uganda, 37 in Kenya, 33 in Cameroon, 28 in Madagascar, 19 in Ethiopia, 6 in Tanzania, 2 in Rwanda, 2 in Sudan, 2 in D.R. Congo, 1 in Libya, and 9 on the minor islands around Africa. We present the current state-of-the-art of arguably all the African volcanic lakes that the global experts and regional research teams are aware of, and provide hints for future research directions, with a special focus on the volcanic hazard assessment. All lakes in the updated database are classified for their genetic origin and their physical and chemical characteristics, and level of study. The predominant rift-related volcanism in Africa favors basaltic eruptive products, leading to volcanoes with highly permeable edifices, and hence less-developed hydrothermal systems. Basal aquifers accumulate under large volcanoes and in rift depressions providing a potential scenario for phreatomagmatic volcanism. This hypothesis, based on a morphometric analysis and volcanological research from literature, conveys the predominance of maar lakes in large monogenetic fields in Africa (e.g. Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia), and the absence of peak-activity crater lakes, generally found at polygenetic arc-volcanoes. Considering the large number of maar lakes in Africa (172), within similar geotectonic settings and meteoric conditions as in Cameroon, it is somewhat surprising that “only” from Lake Monoun and Lake Nyos fatal CO2 bursts have been recorded. Explaining why other maars did not experience limnic gas bursts is a question that can only be answered by enhancing insights into physical limnology and fluid geochemistry of the so far poorly studied lakes. From a hazard perspective, there is an urgent need to tackle this task as a community.

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