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fragilaria crotonensis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Markus Dengg ◽  
Claudine H. Stirling ◽  
Malcolm R. Reid ◽  
Piet Verburg ◽  
Evelyn Armstrong ◽  

AbstractFreshwater phytoplankton blooms are increasing in prevalence and there are conflicting views on whether trace metals limit growth of key species and thus bloom formation. The Taupō Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand, was formed by multiple eruptions of a super-volcano which emitted rhyolitic tephra leaving lakes depleted in trace metals. This provides an opportunity to test the potential of trace metal limitation on freshwater phytoplankton growth under nanomolar concentrations. Growth responses of two algal species isolated from Lake Taupō, Dolichospermum lemmermannii (cyanobacteria) and Fragilaria crotonensis (diatom), to six biologically important trace metals (manganese, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper and molybdenum) were examined in culture experiments. These were conducted at three trace metal concentrations: (1) ambient, (2) two-times ambient, and (3) ten-times ambient concentrations in Lake Taupō. Elevated concentrations of iron significantly increased growth rates and maximum cell densities in D. lemmermannii, whereas no significant concentration dependence was observed for other trace metals. Fragilaria crotonensis showed no significant growth response to elevated concentrations of trace metals. These results highlight the importance of iron as a growth limiting nutrient for cyanobacteria and indicate that even small (twofold) increases in Fe concentrations could enhance cyanobacteria growth rates in Lake Taupō, potentially causing cyanobacterial blooms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Brittany N. Zepernick ◽  
Eric R. Gann ◽  
Robbie M. Martin ◽  
Helena L. Pound ◽  
Lauren E. Krausfeldt ◽  

Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (CyanoHABs) commonly increase water column pH to alkaline levels ≥9.2, and to as high as 11. This elevated pH has been suggested to confer a competitive advantage to cyanobacteria such as Microcystis aeruginosa. Yet, there is limited information regarding the restrictive effects bloom-induced pH levels may impose on this cyanobacterium’s competitors. Due to the pH-dependency of biosilicification processes, diatoms (which seasonally both precede and proceed Microcystis blooms in many fresh waters) may be unable to synthesize frustules at these pH levels. We assessed the effects of pH on the ecologically relevant diatom Fragilaria crotonensis in vitro, and on a Lake Erie diatom community in situ. In vitro assays revealed F. crotonensis monocultures exhibited lower growth rates and abundances when cultivated at a starting pH of 9.2 in comparison to pH 7.7. The suppressed growth trends in F. crotonensis were exacerbated when co-cultured with M. aeruginosa at pH conditions and cell densities that simulated a cyanobacteria bloom. Estimates demonstrated a significant decrease in silica (Si) deposition at alkaline pH in both in vitro F. crotonensis cultures and in situ Lake Erie diatom assemblages, after as little as 48 h of alkaline pH-exposure. These observations indicate elevated pH negatively affected growth rate and diatom silica deposition; in total providing a competitive disadvantage for diatoms. Our observations demonstrate pH likely plays a significant role in bloom succession, creating a potential to prolong summer Microcystis blooms and constrain diatom fall resurgence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 2873 ◽  
Myung-Hwan Park ◽  
Keonhee Kim ◽  
Soon-Jin Hwang

Allelopathy has been applied to control nuisance algae in aquatic systems, but the effects of allelochemicals on the broad spectrum of algae are not well understood. We investigate algicidal effects of the allelochemical juglone on the bloom-forming, harmful algae Microcystis aeruginosa and Stephanodiscus hantzschii, and on several non-target algal species including cyanobacteria (Anabaena flos–aquae, Oscillatoria curviceps, and Phormidium subfuscum), diatoms (Asterionella formosa, Fragilaria crotonensis, and Synedra acus), and green algae (Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus ecornis, and Scenedesmus quadricauda), in laboratory and field enclosure bioassays. Under three treatment concentrations (0.01, 0.1, and 1 mg L−1) of juglone, Microcystis cell density is significantly reduced by 35–93%. Concentrations of 0.1 and 1 mg L−1 inhibits Stephanodiscus growth almost equally (66% and 75%, respectively). To contrast, juglone produces a stimulatory allelopathic effect on three green algae, and other tested diatoms showed hormesis. Overall, the cyanobacteria are more sensitive to juglone than the green algae and diatoms. These results indicate that the allelopathic effects of juglone on microalgae vary depending on their characteristic cellular morphology and anatomy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52
N. A. Tashlykova

По материалам гидробиологического обследования оз. Арахлей весной и летом 2017 г. представлены: таксономическая структура, список идентифицированных микроводорослей, а также состав доминирующего комплекса. Установлено, что фитопланктон озера насчитывает 97 таксонов рангом ниже рода. Его основу (86,6 %) составляют представители четырех отделов: диатомовые, зеленые, золотистые и цианобактерии. К наиболее часто встречаемым видам относились: Lindavia comta, Fragilaria crotonensis, F. radians, Ulnaria ulna, Cocconeis placentula, Nitzschia graciliformis, Chrysococcus rufescens, Dinobryon cylindricum, D. divergens, D. sertularia, Kephyrion spirale, Oocystis marssonii.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-88 ◽  
Beata Mądrecka ◽  
Elżbieta Szeląg-Wasielewska

AbstractThe first studies of phytoplankton of the River Warta in Poznań (Poland) were carried out in the 20thcentury (in 1922–23 and 1950–57). In the growing seasons the dominant groups were diatoms and green algae. Cyanobacteria were noted, but they did not have high abundance. The aim of this work is to present the phytoplankton research conducted on the River Warta in Poznań in the 21stcentury (in 2003, 2009, 2010 and 2016). In all years the dominance of diatoms and green algae in terms of biomass was noted. However, in late summer cyanobacteria biomass was high and this group became dominant or co-dominant. Spring blooms were created by unicellular centric diatoms, e.g.Stephanodiscus minutulusand colonial green algae:Coelastrum microporumorMicractinium pusillum. In summer, bloom-forming taxa were unicellular centric diatoms, colonial diatoms:Aulacoseira granulataorFragilaria crotonensisand cyanobacteria:Aphanizomenon flos-aquaeandWoronichinia naegeliana. The occurrence of taxa typical of dam reservoirs and lakes suggests the influence of the Jeziorsko Reservoir on the phytoplankton of the River Warta, but it does not exclude the impact of tributaries and oxbow lakes. The research conducted in the 20thand 21stcentury show important changes in the taxonomical structure and abundance of phytoplankton.

2016 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 352-359 ◽  
T. Alves ◽  
P. Lima ◽  
G. M. S. Lima ◽  
M. C. C. Cunha ◽  
S. Ferreira ◽  

Abstract The knowledge on diet composition of the freshwater mussel Diplodon enno (Ortmann) would aid in its culture and propagation allowing, this way, the replacement of natural endangered populations in Brazil. Microalgae are the main food source for captive mussels and unionids have displayed an ability to sort algae based on the cellular characteristics prior to ingestion. The main objective of the present work is to analyze the phytoplankton composition of the water from and of the gastrointestinal contents of the mussel D. enno, as an initial step for development of a suitable rearing diet. Therefore, water samples and bivalve specimens were collected from S. Francisco River, city of Paulo Afonso, Bahia, Brazil. The microalgal composition found in water and stomach/gut content samples was very diverse being represented by the following divisions: Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Dinophyta and Heterokontophyta (Diatoms). Concerning the relative abundance of microalgae divisions, it is possible to state, for the water and gastrointestinal contents, that Cyanophyta represents 15% and 14%, Chlorophyta 54% in both, Heterokontophyta 31% and 27% and Dinophyta 0% and 5%, respectively. According to the Brazilian CETESB criteria for phytoplankton species classification, 50% of Cyanophyta and 15% of Chlorophyta species observed in the water samples were classified as “very frequent”, as were 68% of Heterokontophyta and 33% of Chlorophyta species in the gut/stomach tract samples. Focusing at a species level, although in the water only Coelastrum sp. and Chroococcus sp. were observed in 100% and 75% of the samples, respectively, in the gastrointestinal tract the species Staurastrum sp., Aulacoseira sp., Scenedesmus sp. and Fragilaria crotonensis occurred in 80% to 100% of the samples. The present results showed that D. enno feeds not only on small chlorophytes microalgae, due to their convenient size that facilitates higher feeding rates, but also on large size diatoms, due to a possible nutritional advantage for the bivalves. Thus, a diet composed by large diatoms and small chlorophytes microalgae may be considered as the most reasonable for the maintenance of D. enno populations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 616-627 ◽  
NKC Aragão-Tavares ◽  
JS Severiano ◽  
AN Moura

AbstractThe installation of dams causes changes to the integrity of rivers and to the water cycle, performing an instrumental role in the organization of biological communities, including that of phytoplankton. In the present study, we analyzed the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton in two hydroelectric reservoirs on the São Francisco River, Itaparica and Xingó reservoirs. Samples were collected at quarterly intervals between December 2007 and September 2009, at 12 sampling stations in each reservoir, totaling 92 samples. We identified 110 species in the Itaparica reservoir and 136 in the Xingó reservoir, of which diatoms followed by green algae, played a major contribution to both reservoirs. Most of the species is rare and/or occasional. In the Itaparica reservoir, there were no very frequent species, although in the Xingó this category was represented by the diatoms Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen and Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton. These results show that, despite the similarity in the composition of phytoplankton, the reservoirs studied certainly differed regarding their environmental conditions.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Akiko Fukutani ◽  
Yukio Taguchi

Sakai water purification plant (Sakai WPP) and Higashi-murayama water purification plant (Higashi-murayama WPP) take water from Yamaguchi reservoir (20 m-effective depth) by Intake tower No.1 and No. 2. Yamaguchi reservoir, refilled with water after seismic reinforcement to the dam body, started its operation again in 2002. In the spring of 2004 and 2005, massive blooms of Asterionella spp. and Fragilaria crotonensis (diatoms) occurred, which resulted in sharp decreases in filtration capacity of Sakai WPP, taking slow sand filtration. Results of water analysis for the reservoir between 2003 and 2004 indicated that nutrients eluted from sediments during stratification periods were utilized for the blooms in the following springs. Since intake gates at five different depths enable us to conduct selective intake, we conducted hypolimnestic discharge; while Sakai WPP continued taking water with low turbidity and phytoplankton production, the lowest gates of Intake tower No.1 were also slightly opened in the middle of 2005. In April 2006, the lowest gate of Intake tower No. 2 was fully opened instead of the upper ones. Consequently, the scale of spring diatom blooms reduced after 2006. Nevertheless, rise in turbidity increased T-P, which resulted in massive blooms of Synedra spp. (diatoms) in 2009 when the water level was lowered to 8 m. This illustrated that this operation of the selective intake was not effective for conservation of the reservoir at low water levels.

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