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fitness test
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Qi Zhou

Physical health promotion has always been a way for schools to pay close attention to and devote resources to their students’ development, physical fitness, and social adaptability. To promote the improvement of students’ overall physical quality, we must begin with the foundation and school physical education. This study proposes an improved K-means algorithm based on an analysis of the influencing factors of intelligent optimization of sports facilities and equipment on students’ health quality. Clustering analysis is carried out based on two groups of data classified as boys and girls, using the improved K-means algorithm. The findings reveal that the average change trend of physical fitness test items in each male cluster is generally similar, with a moderate change. The change in the average score of physical fitness test items for each cluster of girls in the group showed two distinct valleys, and the trend was complicated. This necessitates schools to invest funds to construct venues and purchase equipment in order to increase the number of sporting events.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Tannath J. Scott ◽  
Shaun J. McLaren ◽  
Ric Lovell ◽  
Macfarlane T. U. Scott ◽  
Steve Barrett

2021 ◽  
Kathryn L Van Pelt ◽  
Laura Wolff ◽  
Darren E Campbell ◽  
Gerald McGinty ◽  
Michael Zupan ◽  

ABSTRACT Introduction Concussion has become the signature injury facing the U.S. military. However, little is understood about the relationship between military fitness and concussion recovery. The current study examined the recoveries of cadets at a U.S. Service Academy to determine whether preinjury physical fitness improved recovery and whether recovery was associated with post-injury physical fitness measures. Methods Participants were enrolled in a longitudinal study of concussion. Aerobic Fitness Test (AFT) and Physical Fitness Test (PFT) data were used to estimate cadet fitness. Survival analysis evaluated significant estimators of concussion recovery time. Linear regression models were used to explore the relationship between recovery duration and change in physical fitness scores. Results Between 2014 and 2017, 307 (n = 70; 22.80% Women) cadets who had sustained a concussion were enrolled. Preinjury physical fitness was not significantly associated with recovery duration (P > .05). Men and intercollegiate cadets took fewer days to reach recovery milestones. Compared to women, men had greater decrements in the Aerobic Fitness Test total score (P < .05) and increased 1.5-mile time postconcussion (P < .05). Women had greater decreases in push-ups postconcussion compared to males (P < .05). There was a trend for a negative association between days until asymptomatic and change in the Physical Fitness Test score (P = .07). Conclusion Preconcussion physical fitness levels do not appear to impact concussion recovery time among a highly physically fit cohort. Possible methods to reduce the effect of symptom duration on strength-related physical fitness should be investigated along with evaluating reductions in strength as a possible mechanism for postconcussion injury risk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-52
Rumi Iqbal Doewes ◽  
Singgih Hendarto ◽  
Pomo Warih Adi ◽  
Hendrig Joko Prasetyo ◽  
Manshuralhudroli Manshuralhudroli

The purpose of this study was to investigate the anthropometry and physical condition profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes. The research was conducted by survey. The research sample amounted to 19 athletes. Data were collected through anthropometric measurements including weight, height, and leg length as well as physical condition tests including 30 meter sprint, illinois, sit and reach, vertical jump, Yo Yo Fitness test. The data were analyzed by T-score and then categorized on a scale of very good to very poor. The results showed that the anthropometric profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes were mostly in the moderate category (8 athletes/42.11%), while the others were in the poor category (5 athletes/26.32%), good (3 athletes/15.79%), good once (2 athletes/10.53 %), and less than once (1 athlete 5.26 %). The study also showed that the physical condition profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes were mostly in the moderate category (10 athletes/52.63%), while the others were in the good category (4 athletes/21.05%), less (3 athletes/15.79%), very good (1 athlete/5.26 %), and very poor (1 athlete/5.26 %). In conclusion, the mean anthropometric profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes showed a moderate category and the mean physical condition profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes showed a moderate category.

2021 ◽  
Ryan Palmer ◽  
Mark DeBeliso

The United States Army recently implemented the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) which was designed to more accurately measure functional-combat fitness constructs. The ACFT replaced the former Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The three advent APFT consisted of: two-minute push-ups (PU), two-minute sit-ups (SU), and a timed two-mile run (RUN). The ACFT consists of six events; 3 Rep Max Deadlift (MDL), Standing Power Throw (SPT), Hand Release Push-up (HRP), Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC), Hanging Leg Tuck (LTK), and a timed two-mile run (2MR). This study investigated the relationship between Soldier height and body mass kg on ACFT scores of 655 male U.S. Army National Guard Soldiers in a Field Artillery Brigade. For the purpose of the investigation body mass index (BMI) was calculated as the metric representing the Soldier(s) height and weight. The mean and standard deviation (sd) were calculated for the ACFT event and total scores. Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs or r) were calculated between BMI and ACFT event and total scores. Likewise, PCCs were calculated between the ACFT event and total scores. The ACFT mean(sd) scores were as follows: MDL=92.2(31.8) (3 maximum repetitions), SPT=9.5(2.2) (meters), HRP=24.6(13.1) (repetitions), SDC=119.8(21.7) (seconds), LTK=6.2(5.4) (repetitions), 2MR=1095.0(233.7) (seconds), ACFT total score=442.3(54.4) (points). Significant positive correlations were found between the ACFT total score: MDL (r=0.70), SPT (r=0.50), HRP (r=0.74), and LTK (r=0.76) events. Conversely, significant negative correlations were identified between ACFT total score: SDC (r=-0.68) and 2MR (r=-0.53) events. Within the parameters of this study, Soldier BMI demonstrated no to weak association with individual ACFT event or ACFT total scores. Further, the range of PCCs between the ACFT event scores were no to moderately high. Military leaders may consider the results provided as combat and fitness tests continue to evolve.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 84-97
S. Palevych ◽  
V. Kirpenko ◽  
A. Piddubny ◽  
S. Bozhko ◽  
Z. Tzymbaliyk ◽  

Purpose: of the study was to examine the validity of the Army Combat Fitness Test tests on a sample of air defense personnel in the Ukrainian Ground Forces. Material and methods. The respondents to this study were 271 air defense servicemen of the ground forces aged 18 to 40 years (73 cadets of the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University and 198 military personnel). The structural validity was evaluated using a confirmatory factor analysis. Results. Compliance was achieved with the two-factor model obtained in the course of exploratory factor analysis, as evidenced by the following indixes: χ2 (8, Critical N = 465.29) = 10.43; χ2 / df = 1.303; Non-Normed Fit Index = 0.98; Normed Fit Index  = 0.97; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation = 0.035 (90 Percent Confidence Interval for Root Mean Square Error of Approximation  = (0.0; 0.088), Comparative Fit Index = 0.99. In addition, all factor loadings were statistically significant at the p < 0.01 level, that indicates that these two factors were well designed at every stage. Correlation between factors was weak, which confirms the discriminant validity of the test. The significant correlation found between the items and the overall test score confirmed the validity of the test. Conclusions. It was found that Army Combat Fitness Test is a suitable tool for evaluating the physical fitness condition of air defense personnel into the Ground Forces. The dilemmas about the possible use of Army Combat Fitness Test for all age groups of military personnel regardless of gender require further study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 526-536
Manuela Soares Gama ◽  
Raquel Arigony Corrêa SantÁnna Partes ◽  
Cristina Dobrachinsk Barbosa ◽  
Paulo Ricardo Moreira ◽  
Marilia De Rosso Krug

A atividade física tem importante contribuição para a saúde do idoso. Assim, o Curso de Educação Física da Universidade de Cruz Alta juntamente com a Unimed Planalto Central proporciona à comunidade a prática de exercícios físicos orientados através dos projetos ATIVE/SE/Caminhada Orientada/UNICRUZ/UNIMED. Este estudo objetivou analisar os aspectos socioeconômicos, culturais e de saúde, o estilo de vida e a aptidão física dos participantes do projeto. Para isso, utilizou-se os testes Sênior Fitness Test, que englobam força de membros superior e inferior, flexibilidade de membros superior e inferior, agilidade e resistência aeróbia e consultou-se questionários previamente respondidos. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, média, desvio padrão e frequência. Participaram 21 idosos, com idade média de 72,2 ± 7,39 anos. O grupo tem prevalência de mulheres. 71,4% dos participantes apresentam doença, destacando-se a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (52,4%) e multimorbidades. 52,4% praticam atividade física de 3 a 4 vezes por semana. Há alto índice de sobrepeso (57, 1%), relação cintura quadril com percentual elevado (90,5%) de alto risco para doenças crônicas. Os resultados da aptidão física mostram que 47,6% têm fraqueza de membro inferior, 81% pouca flexibilidade de membros superiores, 78,9% pouca agilidade e 46,7% apresentaram boa resistência aeróbia, o que pode estar relacionado à prática regular de atividade física, como a Caminhada Orientada. Esses achados reforçam a necessidade de atividade física orientada e apontam para possíveis ajustes no projeto. Fica o desafio de engajar pessoas que não tenham o hábito da prática regular de atividade física.

2021 ◽  
Vol 202 (4) ◽  
pp. 680-689
Adam Prokopczyk

The research aimed to determine the relationship between the universal and special physical fitness of judoists. The study involved players from the youngster (U16) and junior (U21) age group from provincial teams. The International Physical Fitness Test was used to measure comprehensive fitness, and the Special Judo Fitness Test was applied to assess special fitness. The research has shown that juniors exhibit a higher level of all-round (excluding flexibility) and special fitness than youngsters. More relationships between comprehensive physical fitness and special fitness were demonstrated in the youngster group. Leg muscle strength, endurance, agility, and abdominal strength were found to have the most significant impact on the overall level of all-round fitness in the youngster age group, while in the age group under 21, endurance, hand strength, and arm strength had the most significant impact. It has been shown that the combination of individual components of versatile fitness in a given training cycle may bring positive effects in shaping those features in both age groups. Besides, it has been shown that when taking account of the athlete’s ontogenetic development and his/her sensitive period, the relationships between the components of comprehensive fitness and comprehensive and special fitness can significantly affect the effectiveness of the training process in both age groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-305
Susilaturochman Hendrawan K ◽  
Garnika Ade Sinto Raya

Kapasitas daya tahan aerobik (VO2Maks) merupakan alat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani seseorang. VO2Maks disebut juga dengan  konsumsi maksimal oksigen atau pengambilan oksigen maksimal selama latihan     yang meningkat, sehingga menunjukkan kebugaran fisik seseorang. Mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani dan rekreasi memiliki aktivitas fisik yang tergolong tinggi dan berat pada saat menjalani masa perkuliahan karena ada kuliah teori dan kuliah praktek. Pembelajaran daring pada mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani dan rekreasi pada kondisi pandemi membuat kurangnya praktek tatap muka yang maksimal antara mahasiswa dan dosen sehingga hal ini dapat mempengaruhi dari kondisi hasil kapasitas aerobik dan keburagaran mahasiswa yang kurang mendapat perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetahui tingkat dan persentase tingkat kapasitas daya tahan aerobik (VO2Maks) pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani dan Rekreasi tahun angkatan 2021 pada masa pandemi covid19. Desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 20 orang dari mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani tahun angkatan 2021 yang diambil secara acak. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif presentase.Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan Multistage Fitness Test (MFT). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan rekreasi memiliki kapasitas aerobik maksimal rata-rata dalam kategori cukup. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah hasil nilai tingkat kapasitas aerobik mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani dan rekreasi, sejumlah 1 mahasiswa dengan prosentase 5%  dalam kategori baik, 12 mahasiswa dengan prosentase 60% dalam kategori cukup, 4 mahasiswa dengan prosentase 20% dalam kategori kurang dan 3 mahasiswa dengan prosentase 15% dalam kategori kurang sekali.

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