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laissez faire
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MEST Journal ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Chanmi Yu ◽  
Walter Block

Large modern shopping malls are replacing smaller, traditional groceries in the Republic of Korea. The present paper analyzes this phenomenon and recommends a laissez-faire public policy response. Alterations in selling format to consumers are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of changes in the economy. They are always occurring, at least in healthy economies, and, always, roadblocks are placed in their way. For example, Wal-Mart is prohibited from opening stores in a few communities. Uber and Lyft have been met with great hostility from established taxicab services. Economists even offer a generic term for this phenomenon: restrictions on entry. The present paper is a case study of this occurrence. It focuses on the Republic of Korea, and mainly considers grocery stores. But this small story is emblematic of what takes place in numerous countries all around the world, and many industries. We recommend a laissez-faire public policy approach to this phenomenon. If the new ways of doing things do not violate anyone’s rights, now laws should be passed interfering with the new ways of engaging in commerce. But is this not unfair to the people engaged in the old industries that are withering away? Not a bit of it. The horse and buggy industry, for example, was populated by entrepreneurs who earned a good living before the advent of the horseless carriage. Why should they be guaranteed profits when their offerings are no longer accepted by the public? And the same applies to automobile manufacturers, should their products ever be supplanted by even better means of transportation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
Amna Rasool Jamali ◽  
Arabella Bhutto ◽  
Mahvish Khaskhely ◽  
Waqar Sethar

There are many leadership styles, which have different impacts on employees' performance. In higher education, faculty performance depends on many factors including Leadership style & Organizational culture. This study aims to examine the effect of leadership styles on faculty performance (FP) and more specifically to examine the moderating effect of Organizational Culture in the association between leadership styles and faculty performance in higher education institutions (MUET, Jamshoro). This study used quantitative methodology to identify the leadership styles which exist in MUET, Jamshoro, and their impact on faculty performance with organizational culture as moderator. It used both the sampling techniques probability and non-probability, and the sample size was 384 and the data was analyzed in SmartPLS 3. For leadership style, Full Range Leadership Model was adopted and for organizational culture, Competing Value Framework (CVF) was used. This study found that Transformational (TF) leadership has a positive significant relation with faculty performance at MUET, Jamshoro. And Organizational Culture (OC) as moderator negatively moderates the relation between Laissez-faire (LF) leadership and faculty performance (FP). According to faculty, transformational leadership is best suited to promote their performance on account of giving them challenging work, autonomy, mutual trust, through supporting subordinates' creativity, improving their confidence, and maintaining collaborations. Laissez-faire leadership also exists in an academic institution and has a positive impact on faculty performance. However, Transactional leadership has a negative impact on faculty performance. The future study could be conducted in other universities, or a comparison of leadership styles can be made between public and private universities with different models of leadership style and with different organizational culture models.

Ekonomia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-42
William Barnett II ◽  
Walter E. Block

Makovi (2019) has traveled a long distance, all the way from his 20-yard line to his opponent’s 5-yard line. But, he needs a little push to score a goal. The present essay is our attempt to provide that for him in terms of public goods, externalities, and laissez faire capitalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Suzete Antonieta Lizote ◽  
Jaqueline Dos Santos Seemann ◽  
Marisa Luciana Schvabe de Morais ◽  
Ana Paula Dos Santos ◽  
Nathalie Fontana

Inseridos em um mercado globalizado e competitivo, caracterizado por mudanças frequentes, as organizações estão adotando uma postura flexível, inovadora e criativa, para assim alcançarem seus objetivos de crescimento e bom relacionamento com seus colaboradores no ambiente de trabalho. Neste sentido, a liderança, é considerada essencial para a motivação dos funcionários e consequentemente para o desempenho organizacional. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as associações entre o estilo de liderança dos professores e a avaliação institucional docente segundo a visão dos discentes de uma universidade comunitária do sul do Brasil. Em relação à metodologia, considera-se uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e do tipo levantamento. A amostra foi composta por 198 discentes. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi dividido em três blocos em que o primeiro se referiu aos dados sociodemográficos, o segundo sobre estilos de liderança e o último abordou sobre a avaliação institucional.  Os resultados evidenciaram que dos estilos de liderança dos professores, predominou o transformacional, seguido do transacional e por último o laissez-faire.  Por sua vez, as maiores notas no desempenho geral e de relações interpessoais dos docentes se associam com o estilo transformacional e as menores com laissez-faire.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ali Aldhaheri

Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the predominant leadership style of school leaders in Abu Dhabi. The leadership style deployed by a school leader affects the performance of the school and its pupils. Methods for identifying the leadership style of school leaders in the UAE have varied, and it is difficult to conclude what the predominant leadership style is. Some studies have sought only to identify a specific leadership style, whilst others have focussed on a particular school type. Changes and improvements cannot be made without an understanding of the baseline leadership style. Design/methodology/approach The 36-item multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ)5x questionnaire (Bass and Avolio, 2004) is used to quantitatively understand the full range of school leaders’ leadership styles, with 167 respondents from across both public and private schools. Findings School leaders predominantly exhibited transformational leadership, practising transactional leadership less frequently and rarely using laissez-faire leadership. This is a positive finding for schools in the UAE; transformational leadership has been shown to result in improved subordinate and organisational performance. Differences between school leaders in public and private schools were tested and are discussed. Dimension reduction techniques were used to assess the structure of the 36-item MLQ5x but did not provide results that met minimum requirements for acceptability. Possible reasons for this are discussed. Originality/value To the best of the author’s knowledge, this paper is the first to fully explore and baseline an understanding of the predominant leadership style amongst school leaders in the UAE, identifying the full range of leadership styles – transformation, transactional and laissez-faire – in both public and private schools.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-346
Tien Dat LE ◽  
Phong Tuan NHAM

Leadership and leadership styles are considered as decisive factors to the success and failure of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The objectives of the paper are to identify benefits and drawbacks of applying three major leadership styles, namely autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire styles of Vietnamese SMEs leaders, who are working in various business fields. The qualitative approach was used to explore the perceptions of 51 Vietnamese SME managers, and the N-vivo software was useful in data analysis. The theoretical contribution, therefore, can be seen by the in-depth investigating on the leadership styles from the multi-dimensional viewpoints of SMEs leaders in the culture context of one Asian emerging nation such as Vietnam. The paper is also expected to be useful for SME managers to better understanding leadership styles, in order to adjust and perfect their leadership behaviors for more effective managerial and organizational performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 351-388
Jon D. Wisman

In 1955, economist Simon Kuznets suggested that, while inequality increases during early economic development, in later stages it declines. However, this felicitous hypothesis has been contradicted by inequality’s explosion since the 1970s. This explosion was energized by President Ronald Reagan’s declaration in 1981 that “government is the problem.” Turning popular sentiment against government was an ideological coup, because only government policies can decrease inequality. Government was not reduced in size or in its intervention into the workings of the economy, but policies shifted radically in favor of the wealthy. Taxes were cut for the rich, the economy was significantly deregulated, and welfare measures were trimmed. This chapter unfolds the dynamics that enabled laissez-faire ideology to revive and become more entrenched than ever before. It clarifies how this ideology managed to survive the Great Recession following the financial crisis of 2008, during and after which inequality has continued to explode.

2021 ◽  
pp. 449-462
Jon D. Wisman

Because the struggle over inequality is the principal defining issue of history, it will also be the defining issue of humanity’s future. This concluding chapter briefly surveys reasons for pessimism and optimism concerning future inequality. On the side of pessimism, since the rise of the state 5,500 years ago, elites have almost always taken all of producers’ surpluses, leaving them with bare subsistence. Only partial delegitimation of elites’ ideology during the Great Depression led to 40 years of political measures reducing inequality. The resurgence of laissez-faire ideology and inequality over the past 45 years does not inspire optimism. Yet enormous progress has been made over the course of human history, and especially in the past several centuries. This has been especially impressive in the development of science and human critical faculties which privilege rule by reason. This book goes to press amidst growing awareness of inequality’s unfairness and negative consequences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Lázaro Castillo Hernández

Las tendencias de la nueva administración pública es propiciar un mejor servicio a la ciudadanía basado en resultados, para ello toma de gran relevancia el papel que juegan los líderes de las organizaciones en cuanto a sus capacidades y diferentes estilos de realizar su trabajo que motive a los seguidores al cumplimiento de sus compromisos y mejor desempeño para lograr los objetivos trazados. En este sentido, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los estilos de liderazgo y sus componentes en organizaciones públicas de Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. La investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque cuantitativo con diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Se aplicaron 106 cuestionarios a personal administrativo y de confianza del sector público. Utilizando la técnica de Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) se identificaron los componentes de los tres estilos de liderazgos transformacional (3), transaccional (2) y unidimensional para laissez faire. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen desde la academia a la generación de conocimiento y propuestas de mejora en el desempeño de los dirigentes de las organizaciones por el bien de la sociedad.

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